Chapter 370

"Can't you think in the normal direction?"

Xue Yu suddenly felt that the feather duster in her hand had lost its meaning of existence, so she simply threw it away with a cold "huh".

Song Jiajia and Huang Ziqi heard her "heh", thinking that she must not lose her momentum, so they hurriedly put back their lemon-like expressions.

But Xue Yu couldn't bear it anymore, her fragile little heart was completely soured, and her cold face collapsed in an instant, and she wailed: "I want to be normal too, am I easy?"

"I didn't expect to see such a good-looking male god for the first time, and I lost at the starting line..."

Seeing Xue Yu's sobs, Huang Ziqi and Song Jiajia couldn't hold back anymore, they were almost so sad that they burst into tears.

"Xiaoduo, I'm so sour..."

"Xiaoduo, I'm so sour +1..."

Lan Qiduo looked at the two heartbroken people. If people from other dormitories came, she would think that she would hit three, and what would happen to them.

"Okay, okay, don't be sad..." Lan Qiduo went over and patted their shoulders one by one to show comfort.

After a while, these three people got away from the sad fact that the male god really had a master, and they still had masters since they were young, and their expressions regained their clarity.

"...That's right, that's great." Lan Qiduo let out a long breath when she saw that they had returned to normal.

She really can't afford to have a roommate with a snake spirit.

"Tell me, where are you now?" Song Jiajia, who has read a lot of novels, is the most gossip about this question.

"This..." Lan Qiduo's heart tightened suddenly, and colorful pictures flashed in her mind involuntarily.

But she still pretended to be calm and pulled out a smile, pretending not to understand: "What step?"

Xue Yu stared closely at Lan Qiduo with probing eyes, as if she could see through her heart, making Lan Qiduo feel more and more guilty.

Until Lan Qiduo couldn't stand it anymore, Xue Yu put on a posture of "a wise man doesn't talk dark words", "Look at this, holding hands is holding hands, and kissing must be indispensable. As for sleeping or not..."

"What are you thinking about!" Lan Qiduo didn't expect her to speak out so directly, her little face slowly turned a little blush, and she denied it without thinking:

"Absolutely nothing!"

Seeing Lan Qiduo's appearance that there is no silver 300 taels here, the remaining three people all gave her a "I believe you ghost" look.

"Actually, I'm not ashamed to admit it..." Song Jiajia's meaningful eyes wandered around Lan Qiduo: "After all, the moon is dark and the wind is high, and the fire is raging. Young people will always be out of control..."

"Ling Xiyu seldom comes to my room at night, and will knock on the door before coming in, okay?" Lan Qiduo flicked her hand helplessly, looked at Song Jiajia who was smiling maliciously, and said angrily:
"Who is as dirty as you every day!"

As soon as Lan Qiduo said this explanation, the three people who had already been heartbroken were completely shattered in an instant.

Huang Ziqi stretched out her finger in disbelief, and pointed in front of Lan Qiduo tremblingly, "You, are you still living together?"

The corners of Lan Qiduo's eyes twitched, what kind of words are they using?

Can this word be used here?
If you live together, you live together. Why do you want to say such ambiguous words about cohabitation?

Lan Qiduo patted Huang Ziqi's hand blocking her view away, and let out a "bah":
(End of this chapter)

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