Routine Tsundere Bamboo Horse Raiders

Chapter 371 Instructor Instructor

Chapter 371 Instructor Instructor
"Just live together."

No matter what she said, anyway, the three of them had tacitly agreed that she was living with the male god, and then continued to interrogate and asked, "Does your parents agree?"

Lan Qiduo gave a "hmm" as a matter of course.

With the sound of "um", the three died.

Of course, he was killed by acid.


On the third day of school, military training began.

At six o'clock in the morning, just as the sky lightened slightly, there were many students in camouflage uniforms shuttling around the campus. At six fifty, everyone gathered at the concentration camp for military training.

The military training is carried out in different colleges, and each college is divided into several companies according to the class, and then the respective instructors will take them to the assigned venues.

Lan Qiduo was taller, standing behind the team and following the green crowd, only occasionally seeing the instructor who was leading them to the field, also wearing camouflage uniforms, but with a more serious and upright demeanor.

Xue Yu was about the same height as Lan Qiduo, only slightly taller than her, so standing beside her, the two whispered together:
"Do you think this instructor looks a little young?"

"...I didn't see his face."


Lan Qiduo's entire dormitory is full of beauty fans, so no accident, the two discussed the instructor's beauty in a low voice all the way, until the team that had been walking suddenly stopped.

"Are you tired from walking?" Suddenly a loud male voice came out from the team. Although it was a caring sentence, the tone was serious, which made people feel a little awe.

Lan Qiduo is studying design, there are relatively few boys in the academy, and the one who speaks so loudly at this time must be the instructor.

So Lan Qiduo and Xue Yu immediately fell silent.


Immediately afterwards, a crisp order came down with an undeniable momentum.

For a while, everyone didn't react, and they were a little confused. You look at me, and I look at you.

"Are you stupid? Let you sit down!" The instructor's voice was a little less serious than before, but there was still a kind of oppressive momentum:
"Five, four, three, two..."

When the instructor said the "five", some people who responded quickly realized what he meant, pulled up their trouser legs and hurriedly sat on the ground, and everyone had experienced military training in junior high school and high school, and the people around them also quickly After realizing it, everyone hurriedly followed and sat down on the ground.

As the instructor's "one" fell, everyone sat on the ground crookedly.

"You are like pigs, stupid!"

Before Lan Qiduo had time to raise her head, the instructor slammed down such a blunt remark, but there was no criticism in her tone, but a bit of a joke on the contrary.

When she really saw the instructor's appearance, Lan Qiduo was really surprised:
The instructor is actually very young!
His complexion is bronze, his facial features are well-defined, his deep eyes reveal a bit of determination, and his whole body has the unique sharp and courageous temperament of a soldier.

Although Lan Qiduo didn't know how to judge people's age, this instructor was obviously different from the 30+ veterans she met in middle school and high school. He seemed to be under 22 years old.

Perhaps because he noticed that everyone was looking at him curiously, the instructor let out a serious "cough cough", but in the end he seemed to be unable to hold back, and let out a chuckle.

 The instructor I wrote is the same as my freshman military training

  Really cute instructor

(End of this chapter)

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