Chapter 386 No Next Time

He was too close, and the faint peppermint breath on his body always seemed to hit her, unconsciously staining her little face with a suspicious crimson.

"There will be no next time..." Ling Xiyu pinched her chin with two fingers, glanced at her coolly, and said this suddenly.

Next time, what next time?
Is it about the phone call, or that one?

Under Lan Qiduo's confused eyes, Ling Xiyu didn't pay attention to her, but grabbed her wrist with a big hand, continued to sullenly, and led her into the next classroom.

There is about 1 minute left before class, and most of the seats in the classroom are full of people, maybe because the class is about to start, or maybe because Ling Xiyu's appearance is too outstanding, many people stopped their busy work He looked over at the two of them.

Compared with Ling Xiyu's calm and breezy appearance, Lan Qiduo looked much more embarrassed.

She shook her little hand, trying to break free from Ling Xiyu's restraint, but she didn't want the other party to grasp her hand even tighter after realizing her intention.

Lan Qiduo didn't dare to struggle at all now, because she moved too much just now, causing more people to look at them.

She said... she is not a dog man.

She... still wants to look good.

Lan Qiduo was dragged by him unwillingly, and she didn't know how many times she rolled her eyes.

But all this fell into the eyes of others, and the two walked towards the back of the classroom hand in hand, so everyone looked at them with ambiguous eyes.

Lan Qiduo didn't know where he was going, until he stopped in the middle of the classroom, helped her put down the bag in the seat on the side, and asked blankly:

"Sit here?"

Although he was asking her, there was an undeniable affirmation in his tone.

Lan Qiduo ground her teeth.

This dog man has made up his own mind, yet he still asks her what to do?
Lan Qiduo snatched her bag speechlessly, and moved it to the side, but Ling Xiyu stretched out her hand and pulled her back, and pressed her on the seat: "This place is very good."

There are no eyesores around.

Lan Qiduo patted his hand away and glared at him, "Is it me or you?"

"I don't want you to think, I want me to think!"

"I don't think it's good here!"

"Be obedient." Ling Xiyu raised her hand and pinched her face, "Wait here for me after class."

Lan Qiduo snorted coldly, "Aren't you coming to class together?" She thought that wherever she went, this dog man would haunt her.

"I still have class." Ling Xiyu heard that she didn't reject her, and her displeasure eased a lot. She rubbed her hair, and walked out of the classroom with long legs just as the bell rang.

However, Ling Xiyu's so-called "has a class", in the end it was just a trip to the library, and he went to the book section of the School of Design. He didn't know what he was looking for. Borrowed a bunch of books to go back.

So when he returned to the dormitory, there were only 10 minutes left before the last get out of class in the morning.

When he just opened the door and entered, the three people in the dormitory were playing games, and they were fighting fiercely with the person opposite, but they were caught off guard and just hung up.

Liang Cong was the first to recover from the tragic game, and then discovered that Ling Xiyu was holding a lot of books in his hands, and immediately seemed to have discovered some new continent:

"Brother Yu, are you going to change your major? Bring back so many books on clothing application?"

As for the otaku of their computer department, it is more suitable to read programming books, or game guides.

(End of this chapter)

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