Routine Tsundere Bamboo Horse Raiders

Chapter 387 I'm having dinner with my wife, you're coming too?

Chapter 387 I'm having dinner with my wife, you're coming too?

What kind of clothes, such trendy things, have nothing to do with computer nerds like them who wear slippers, wear white vests, and never look slovenly?

"No, brother Yu should be preparing to improve his personal charm..." Yang Keqi helped his golden-rimmed glasses that looked very refined, carefully looked around the book Ling Xiyu carried back, and finally put it down Such a conclusion.

"That's not true, otherwise the young ladies and sisters of the school would be abducted by the boys from the School of Design and the School of Music!" Qiu Kai was quite dissatisfied when he said this, and couldn't help but continue to read:

"Tell me, don't the people in those two colleges know how to dress better? They dress like peacocks all day long, how can they not be as charming as our simple beauty..."

As soon as Qiu Kai finished complaining, the dormitory instantly became quiet, and the temperature around him also dropped.

Qiu Kai didn't know if he said something wrong, after he finished speaking, he realized that Liang Cong and Yang Keqi were winking at him.

Qiu Kai scratched his head. Is there any problem with what he said?

While he was wondering, Ling Xiyu gave him a cool look, "Do you need a blind date?"

Qiu Kai gave Ling Xiyu a strange look, "I'm still young, why do I want to go on a blind date?"

Facing his stupid roommate, Liang Cong simply hated iron and steel, and said through gritted teeth, "People are saying that you have no girlfriend!"

Yang Keqi was also very speechless about this, and caught him off guard: "I don't know how your IQ got you into the Department of Computer Science!"

Qiu Kai: "!!!"

With his IQ, why can't he come to the Department of Computer Science?
What kind of lousy roommates did he make?

Qiu Kai believed that a scholar can be killed but not humiliated, so he subconsciously retorted, "Could it be that Brother Yu has a partner?"

As soon as the words fell, Ling Xiyu seemed to have been poked by him at a certain pain point, and gave him a half-smile look:
"Some people don't have it for a while, and some people don't have it for a lifetime."

Qiu Kai listened to Ling Xiyu's cool tone, it was obviously the same as usual, he should have gotten used to it long ago.

But for some reason, at this moment, he seemed to hear another meaning from it: You are someone who has never had a partner for a lifetime!

Qiu Kai felt that his heart had been pierced by thousands of arrows.

It's too heartbreaking.

It seems that I have to eat more at noon to make up for my broken heart.

Just thinking about this, Qiu Kai saw that Ling Xiyu had put down his book and was about to go outside. He checked the time and found that it was already lunch time, so he hurriedly called out to him:
"Brother Yu, wait for me, I want to go to dinner with you too!"

Hearing the sound, Ling Xiyu paused, turned her head with rare patience, then looked directly into Qiu Kai's eyes, and the corners of her lips slowly raised a sinister arc:

"I'm having dinner with my wife, you're coming too?"

Old, old, wife?

With Ling Xiyu's words falling lightly, not only Qiu Kai, but also the other two people in the dormitory were shocked.

"Brother Yu, I'm very simple, don't trick me..." Qiu Kai gasped in shock:
"Wife you mentioned, is it male or female?"

It's fine if he doesn't ask the second half of the sentence.

After his question, the dormitory instantly became quiet again, this time it was so quiet that even a needle could be heard.

Liang Cong and Yang Keqi didn't expect to have such a stupid roommate.

They really felt that there was nothing left to watch, so they simply turned their backs and let him fend for himself.

Sure enough, people are trying to die, and the sky is watching.

(End of this chapter)

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