Routine Tsundere Bamboo Horse Raiders

Chapter 392 Looks like a Gentleman

Chapter 392 Looks like a Gentleman

It would be better to let her die.

Finally, when everyone was about to finish eating, Lan Qiduo greeted the girls around her, and got up to leave.

I don't know if the dog man next to her did it on purpose, but when she bent over to pick up the bag next to her, his hand touched hers at some point, and his fingertips stroked gently in her palm Once, like a feather scratching, with a slight itching.

Lan Qiduo squeezed the strap of the small satchel tightly, glared at him, and then he withdrew his hand as if nothing had happened.

The whole process remained expressionless, as if nothing had happened.

Lan Qiduo gritted her teeth in anger, she never thought that this guy was such a pious villain, a wolf in sheep's clothing!

But thinking of the crowds here, she didn't want others to see what relationship she had with the dog man, so she gritted her teeth and gave him an extremely "gentle" but polite smile:
"Could I trouble you to lend me a moment?"

Ling Xiyu gave a faint "um", then turned her body slightly obediently, Lan Qiduo said "thank you" very politely, just as she opened her legs and wanted to walk over, but she didn't know what hooked her. As if to stop, he was tripped lightly.

Lan Qiduo is wearing flat sandals today, but because of the straps, it is easy to fall when the force is unbalanced.

She swayed slightly, and just when she was about to stand still, Ling Xiyu suddenly reached out to support her, and reminded her lightly:
"Be careful."

He only supported her slender waist, and immediately withdrew his hand after she stood still. The whole process looked very gentlemanly.

Lan Qiduo nodded slightly, and smiled at him, "Thank you so much..."

Afraid he wouldn't be able to hear it, she specially bit down the word "thank you" gently.

But my heart has already started MMP.

Oh shit!

This dog man did it on purpose.

In public, how dare she pretend to be a good person and take advantage of her?

Was it when she didn't see his protruding feet on purpose?
Are your legs amazing?Are long legs just for hooking up in public?

She also underestimated Ling Xiyu's cheekiness. After she said "thank you", Ling Xiyu replied flatly: "Be careful next time."

That tone, that caring words, no matter how you sound like a good person.

Lan Qiduo let out a cold "hehe" in her heart, and then left without looking back.

As soon as Lan Qiduo walked away, Ling Xiyu followed, but because he said before that he had a girlfriend, everyone didn't think there was anything wrong with them leaving one after the other.

When Lan Qiduo came out of the corner of the barbecue shop, she looked at the reflection on the glass through the glass door on the side, and also noticed that he was following her.

His legs were very long, even if she deliberately quickened her pace because she wanted to keep a distance from him, he could still walk behind her leisurely, maintaining a similar distance from the beginning.

Lan Qiduo gritted her teeth, thinking to herself, this dog man is really haunted.

Didn't you see that this fairy really doesn't want to see you?
If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have let him know which club I went to!
The university town is usually very lively, but on this kind of Friday night, many students are out and wandering around, which makes it even more lively.

Every store has enthusiastic clerks at the door to attract customers, as well as college students who push me and I push you to go shopping. The brightly lit street is very lively.

(End of this chapter)

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