Routine Tsundere Bamboo Horse Raiders

Chapter 393 Your Prodigal Is My Motivation To Make Money

Chapter 393 Your Prodigal Is My Motivation To Make Money
Lan Qiduo watched while walking along the road, and before she knew it, her pace slowed down.

"What do you like?" Ling Xiyu said coldly when she saw her stop in front of a jewelry store.

"It's nothing." Seeing that it was Ling Xiyu, Lan Qiduo looked away from the glass cabinet in the store, and was about to walk forward.

But Ling Xiyu quickly grabbed her, grabbed her wrist, and led her into the shop.

"Hello, welcome." As soon as they entered, a smiling clerk greeted them, "What do you need?"

"The rabbit on the top, I want to see it." Ling Xiyu pointed to the white plush rabbit on the top, and said lightly.

Lan Qiduo tugged at his hand, and said with embarrassment: "No, it looks quite expensive."

When she lived in Ling Xiyu's house when she was a child, Uncle Ling would give her a few plush dolls every time he came back from a business trip. Over time, she also had a certain understanding of these aspects.

That rabbit looks exquisite in workmanship, and it is an internationally renowned brand, so it doesn't look as cheap as ordinary dolls.

Her monthly pocket money is limited. After buying this rabbit, it is estimated that she will have to drink Northwest Wind in the next two months.

"This young lady has a good eye..." The clerk quickly stepped on a high stool and took down the white plush rabbit, "This is a new product in our store today, Jior's new rabbit product, It's just a bit expensive..."

The clerk smiled when he said this, "The boss also said that everyone is a student, that is, if you really like it, you don't have to buy it. You can take it down and show it to you..."

"It is true that many people came to ask about this rabbit today, but when everyone heard the price, they didn't buy it..."

"But our boss said, it's okay, next time you come, you can still take a look..."

"No need," Ling Xiyu said in a cold tone, "How much?"

"5999, you see, is it acceptable?" The clerk smiled and hugged the plush rabbit, then handed it to Lan Qiduo, and continued:
"Little girl, it doesn't matter if you don't buy it, you can feel it, the fur is very soft."

Lan Qiduo hugged the big rabbit a little flattered.

Its fur is really soft, much softer than the real rabbit she raised at home. The whole rabbit is fluffy, and there is a faint light red on the cheeks, which looks very cute .

But thinking of its price, Lan Qiduo's eyes dimmed, she curled her lips, and finally handed the rabbit back to the clerk, "It's too expensive, I'd better come again when I have money..."

Originally thought that after buying it, she would have to eat dirt for two months.

Unexpectedly, it was more expensive than she imagined. If she really bought it, she would have to eat dirt for at least several months.

"Are there any new ones?" Ling Xiyu also raised his hand to stroke the rabbit's fur, and asked suddenly.

"Yes, there are. Ours is just a sample, and it's just for display." The clerk asked with a smile while tidying up the skirt the rabbit was wearing:
"Are you going to buy one for your girlfriend?"

Ling Xiyu gave a faint "hmm", and then continued: "Please help me get a new one."

When Lan Qiduo heard that he wanted to buy it, she frowned, tugged at the corner of his clothes, and refused hesitantly: "It's better not to, it's quite expensive..."

"Stupid." Ling Xiyu raised her hand and tapped her forehead, "You don't need to pay for it."

"I can't spend your money all the time..." Lan Qiduo gritted her teeth, she didn't want to be able to marry her because she couldn't afford it.

(End of this chapter)

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