Routine Tsundere Bamboo Horse Raiders

Chapter 395 Is He Like A Kid Who Spends His Wife's Money For Meals?

Chapter 395 Is He Like A Kid Who Spends His Wife's Money For Meals?
Ling Xiyu is usually eye-catching when walking on the road, and now he is holding a big rabbit in his hand, which makes the passers-by can't help but stay on him and look at him twice.

Ling Xiyu didn't seem to find anything wrong, she always looked calm and composed, and Lan Qiduo couldn't help but "puchi" a low laugh.

Seeing that the girl next to her was smiling, Ling Xiyu turned her head slightly to look over, with a little puzzlement in her faint eyes, as if she didn't understand what she was laughing at.

Lan Qiduo glanced at the cute big rabbit in his hand, and finally couldn't help but rolled her eyes, "Ling Xiyu, you are too cute!"

Seeing that she had been staring at the rabbit in his hand, Ling Xiyu didn't understand what she meant, but seeing her smiling face, the corners of his lips raised slightly unconsciously...

Maybe Lan Qiduo was in a good mood tonight, Ling Xiyu sent her directly to the dormitory access control this time, and she didn't say anything against it.

If it was before, he would have to be ordered by her to stop in front of the flower bed, which made him feel aggrieved every time, as if the two of them were having an affair.

"You can go..." Lan Qiduo reached out to hug the rabbit, but when she just touched the rabbit, Ling Xiyu grabbed her little hand, narrowing her phoenix eyes, "Nothing else gone?"

"Oh..." Lan Qiduo looked at the plush rabbit in front of her, and suddenly realized, "Thank you for buying the rabbit!"

Ling Xiyu snorted coldly, who asked her to thank her for this?
Lan Qiduo saw that his face was about to change to a gloomy direction with lightning speed, and didn't understand why he was unhappy after hearing her say thank you.

Could it be... the dog man really wants her to agree with her body for a rabbit?
She is a beautiful, kind and wise little fairy, is it only worth 5999?

After the dog man bought this rabbit, he was so poor that there were only a few steel coins left, and he was too embarrassed to ask her to borrow some money for food, so he reminded her tactfully?

As a result, she was too stupid just now, she didn't even guessed by his obvious hint, so he just became angry from embarrassment?

Although he is usually a dog, she really can't let him starve to death because of the fact that he bought her something without saying a word today.

Lan Qiduo rolled her eyes, and asked tentatively, "I have an extra 2000 yuan here, do you use it?"

Ling Xiyu glanced at her with a half-smile, and squeezed the rabbit's fingertips tightly.

"Two thousand should be enough..." Lan Qiduo murmured in a low voice. She has been in school for a month, and she found that the main reason is that she spent a lot of money on food. Two thousand is really more than enough.

But thinking of Ling Xiyu's picky personality, she might buy the best of everything, Lan Qiduo gritted her teeth, and stretched out an extra finger with some heartache:
"Three thousand, no more! You'd better save some money..."

"I gave you three thousand, I have to eat in the cafeteria this month, and I can't even afford daily necessities..."

Lan Qiduo was about to cry, why did she have to raise Ling Xiyu, a prodigal man this month?

Doesn't he know that many children in the world can't even afford to eat?
How can he be so extravagant?

Ling Xiyu was originally in a good mood, but after hearing her nonsense, she gradually became gloomy.

He looks like the kind of boy who spends his wife's money on food?
This guy, every day, can't think of something good?
Ling Xiyu took two steps forward, pinched her chin with two fingers, and stared straight into her eyes:

(End of this chapter)

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