Routine Tsundere Bamboo Horse Raiders

Chapter 396 You Are an Adult

Chapter 396 You Are an Adult
"Keep your little money for yourself."

Lan Qiduo curled her lips, sure enough she was right, Ling Xiyu is a prodigal man, and he thought she was short of money.

I don't know which rich woman can afford him in the future.

Of course, it's also fortunate that Ling Xiyu doesn't know what's going on in her heart, otherwise she might want to strangle her to death.

Seeing that she didn't have any sign of recalling, Ling Xiyu narrowed her phoenix eyes dangerously, "I'm not familiar with me, huh?"

"Huh?" Lan Qiduo was still discussing the money issue with him, but they didn't understand why their topic jumped to familiarity: "What and what?"

Ling Xiyu snorted coldly. She didn't expect this guy to have such a bad memory. He forgot what he said just tonight, "Dinner, that sentence."

Lan Qiduo still wanted to ask him something, but Ling Xiyu reminded her coldly: "I know him, but I'm not very familiar with it."

After he said this, Lan Qiduo remembered it, and it seemed that there was such a thing.

At that time, she just saw that there were a lot of girls in the box, so she couldn't tell them directly, "I know him very well, so well that I have eaten with him, slept with him, and went home together", right?
Then she can't be killed by the envious eyes of the girls?
Seeing Ling Xiyu's face darkened and darkened by her upright and unrepentant appearance, her handsome face moved closer to hers, and her tone was so cold that it seemed to be squeezed out from between her teeth:

"What is familiarity, huh?"

The icy aura around Ling Xiyu oppressed her, and his phoenix eyes were staring straight at her, making her sense of existence much weaker in an instant.

Lan Qiduo swallowed her saliva with difficulty, trying to discuss with him: "You, can't you speak well if you have something to say?"

Why do you want to look like you want to eat people?

Ling Xiyu squeezed her chin tightly, forcing her to look directly at him as well, with a threatening tone: "Lan Qiduo, you are an adult."

Lan Qiduo just wanted to refute him, so what?
But before her words came out, she suddenly remembered that not long after the college entrance examination, her father called her and Ling Xiyu to him, persuaded them earnestly, and made Ling Xiyu swear that she would not be able to do so before the age of 18. touch her.

At that time, she was still thinking, what is this?She and Ling Xiyu are still dating!

What is untouchable, can you do anything when you are an adult?
Does her father need to be so trendy and keep up with the trend of young people in this respect?

Thinking of this, Lan Qiduo instantly understood Ling Xiyu's meaning, her delicate face turned crimson, "Ling Xiyu, you are shameless!"

"If you want face, just be obedient, huh?" Ling Xiyu stared at her rosy lips, her eyes darkened.

In the end, he sighed silently in his heart.

They have just reached adulthood, and they are still several years away from receiving their certificates.

But he felt that waiting for her seemed as long as a century.

But having waited, he didn't mind waiting a few more centuries.

The premise is that she doesn't come to provoke him.

"Well, I'm sleepy..." Lan Qiduo stretched lazily, pretending to be tired and sleepy, "I really want to sleep..."

Ling Xiyu knows that it's getting late now, this guy is usually very stinky, and he has to take a beauty sleep on time every day, if he doesn't let her go back, maybe when she develops dark circles tomorrow, she will criticize again He paused.

After thinking about it, Ling Xiyu didn't want to continue to embarrass her.

(End of this chapter)

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