Chapter 397
After all, the future is long...

"Good night." Ling Xiyu handed the plush rabbit that she had been carrying all night into her hand, seeing the way she stared at the plush rabbit full of joy, a soft light appeared in her eyes unconsciously.

For the sake of the big cute rabbit, Lan Qiduo was about to say "good night" to Ling Xiyu mercifully, but just when she raised her head and opened her lips to speak, Ling Xiyu suddenly bowed down body, and a superficial smirk fell on her lips.

Lan Qiduo was stunned, but before he could react, the faint mint breath on his body dissipated, and his faintly smiling eyes met his eyes.

"You, you..." Lan Qiduo didn't expect that he was shameless, he really didn't pick the occasion!
Last time it was a university town with people coming and going, this time it was a dormitory with people coming and going.

Doesn't he know that it's indecent to do these things in public?
Lan Qiduo glared at him angrily, and wanted to scold him, but when she thought of the superficial touch just now, her little face turned red again, and her arrogance was instantly extinguished.

"Be obedient, go back to sleep." Ling Xiyu rubbed her hair, and the smile on her lips deepened.

Lan Qiduo ground her teeth, turned around and left in a second of anger.

What a sanctimonious dog man!


There is a seven-day holiday for the National Day. Under Ling Xiyu's sophisticated calculations, Lan Qiduo was coaxed by him into agreeing to travel together because she couldn't resist the temptation of all kinds of money and beauty.

When the roommates heard that they were going to soak in the hot springs in City A, they were almost overwhelmed with excitement.

"Xiaoduo, why don't you take such an ugly swimsuit?" Song Jiajia saw her stuffing a one-piece swimsuit into the suitcase, and secretly worried for her.

Wearing such a conservative swimsuit, where does her male god get any benefits?

Xue Yu didn't expect that she usually looks pretty good in her outfits, so how could she change into an aunt's style when she goes out with a male god?

Xue Yu simply snatched the swimsuit from Lan Qiduo's hand, and educated her bitterly, "Are you still a student of our Design Academy? Dress like a bumpkin!!"

Lan Qiduo who was inexplicably attacked personally: "..."

Where is the soil?

Although her swimsuit can't be said to be particularly good-looking, after all, it was bought temporarily, but it can't be called ugly, right?

Isn't a black one-piece swimsuit a normal style?

Seeing that there was still a little helplessness in her eyes, Xue Yu just wanted to tear up her hideously conservative swimsuit.

"You wait here for me!" After Xue Yu finished a sentence, she rummaged through her own closet to find something.

Huang Ziqi was in charge of helping Lan Qiduo to check things and see if there were any necessities that had been missed.

After checking it around, she felt quite satisfied, so Huang Ziqi fumbled happily from her schoolbag for a long time, and took out an exquisitely packaged gift box for Lan Qiduo.

"What is this?" Lan Qiduo was surprised when she saw that Huang Ziqi wanted to give her a gift for no reason, "It's not like I'm not coming back, are you so reluctant to part with me?"

Huang Ziqi gave her a blank look, "It's not that I miss you." It's because I'm afraid that you and my male god will die.

Of course, it was impossible for her to say the second half of the sentence to Lan Qiduo on the spot, otherwise she would inevitably be strangled to death by her.

Ever since their dormitory knew that Lan Qiduo had learned Sanda, while admiring her, she always maintained a heart of awe.

After all, violent women are not easy to mess with.

And they couldn't help but start to sympathize with the male god: If he offended Lan Qiduo someday, wouldn't he be beaten to death?
(End of this chapter)

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