Routine Tsundere Bamboo Horse Raiders

Chapter 411 Shocked, My Girlfriend Cheated on These 3 Reasons!

Chapter 411 Shocked, the girlfriend cheated because of these three reasons!

Ling Xiyu gave an "um" to show that she knew, and there was a sound of Lan Qiduo's thin footsteps walking outside the door.

When the sound became smaller and smaller, and was almost inaudible, Ling Xiyu stared at the phone screen for a while, then raised his hand, and just about to smash the phone aside, the door of the room was pushed open up.

Then Lan Qiduo's pretty little face appeared in front of him.

Ling Xiyu stopped suddenly, and froze when she was about to smash the phone on the bed, and then pretended to be active, stretched her legs, and then retracted the hand holding the phone.

"What's the matter?" Ling Xiyu sat back on the bed with a cold face, pretending to continue playing with the phone.

Lan Qiduo only thought that he was going to take a nap to rest, and didn't notice anything unusual.

Seeing that the box he put on the ground had been opened, and there were only some clothes left in it, it should be that all the things needed to be used had been packed out, so she couldn't help but whispered:
"Why are you so diligent, I have not cleaned up..."

The existence of this dog man is simply to set off her laziness.

Ling Xiyu flicked his fingertips on the screen of the phone and paused, subconsciously wanted to get up, and said to her "I'll help you clean up", but he reacted very quickly, when this thought just flashed through his mind, the next second It was rejected by him.

So he didn't speak, his face was still cold, and the calmness between his brows and eyes was unbelievable.

Lan Qiduo didn't sleep well last night, thinking in her mind that she would go back to her room and take a nap first, she yawned lazily, "Well... I'll take a nap after I clean up..."

"If you go out to play in the afternoon, remember to call me..."

After finishing speaking, Lan Qiduo stretched lazily again, seeing that Ling Xiyu hadn't made a sound, she turned around and left the door, and closed the door for him before leaving.

Ling Xiyu glanced coldly at the door that continued to be quiet, and the coldness before the storm was brewing in his eyes.

He didn't know what was going on in his mind. After staring at the door for a long time, he got up suddenly, walked to the door in two steps, and locked the door with a "click".

He just locked the door one second ago, and then unconsciously glanced at the door that was still as quiet as a wooden chicken the next second.

This guy Lan Qiduo would rather chat with Xiaobailian across the screen than say a few more words to him?

Didn't you see he was angry?Didn't you see that he locked the door and didn't want her to come in?

Shouldn't she be banging on the door desperately, asking him to open the door cursingly, and then asking him to help her pack her luggage?
Ling Xiyu's mood instantly seemed to have landed in an ice cellar. He tightened the corners of his lips, turned around and just returned to the bed when his phone suddenly vibrated with a "beep——".

Ling Xiyu pursed his lips, turned on the phone, and found that it was a web page push, and was thinking about whether to report these spam websites and spam messages, but a title suddenly caught his attention:
"Shocked, my girlfriend cheated because of these three reasons!"

Ling Xiyu glanced across the screen indifferently, and said coldly in his heart

With a sound, he didn't take it to heart with a mere boy.

Cheating?Is the little boy prettier than him or sleeps better than him?
Ling Xiyu, who was disdainful in his heart to care about a little boy, finally "accidentally" touched it with his fingertips, and then clicked on the webpage and read on.

It was a web page push article, Ling Xiyu's faint eyes fell on the beginning of the article, and her fingertips unconsciously swipe down.

"Has your girlfriend treated you coldly and lost enthusiasm recently?"

(End of this chapter)

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