Routine Tsundere Bamboo Horse Raiders

Chapter 412 Congratulations on being green! !

Chapter 412 Congratulations on being green! !
Ling Xiyu: "..."

He didn't know what he thought of, his face darkened, and his eyes continued to move down:
"Does your girlfriend chat with the opposite sex, but every time she hides that she is just a friend?"

When Ling Xiyu saw the word "chat with the opposite sex", her fingertips paused on that line, and when she saw the next words, she froze even more:

"Then, brother, congratulations on being green!"

Ling Xiyu: "..."

For some reason, a trace of irritability rose in his heart inexplicably, and he wanted to throw away the phone with fire in his eyes.

Green?Just because of that little boy?
When did Lan Qiduo's eyes almost turn into a little boy, and let him go?

Ling Xiyu was slandering in her heart that it was just a garbage web page and garbage article, but she was like a robot being manipulated, swipe down with her fingertips uncontrollably.

"Want to know why your girlfriend cheated? Seeing this, I can tell you, brother, you are lucky."

"Because I helped you sum up the reasons why the three girlfriends cheated. Ding Dong—the answer is below."

"One, the sex life is not harmonious. We all know that the relationship between the sexes..."

When Ling Xiyu saw this, her face darkened immediately, and her fingertips gripped the phone tightly, almost crushing the screen.

Discord?He wanted to be harmonious, so he often had to take cold showers, but what happened?

Ling Xiyu was originally unhappy, but now she was filled with anger. When she saw the report option on the webpage, she almost clicked on it.

However, Ling Xiyu, who always reads articles from beginning to end, restrained the idea of ​​reporting. After roughly skimming the detailed content, he saw the second biggest point:

"Second, the temptation of money. It is said that one of the charms of men lies in money..."

Seeing this article, Ling Xiyu felt extremely displeased, and finally eased up a little. Finally, she patiently read this article carefully, and silently agreed in her heart.

Well, fortunately, he gave her most of the money, so she shouldn't be short of money to spend, and bought her whatever she wanted.

Thinking about it this way, she wouldn't run away with the boy because of lack of money.

Ling Xiyu's mood remained strangely calm until he saw the third point, and his whole body froze suddenly as if he had been hit on the point:
"Three, your cold violence against your girlfriend. It is said that cold violence is the fatal factor that cools down the relationship..."

"Cold violence, as the name suggests, means that you become very indifferent to your girlfriend, ignore you, and don't take the initiative to help her..."

The more Ling Xiyu looked down, the more he looked as if his acupuncture point had been tapped, he remained motionless, only his heart sank violently, and his usually calm brows and eyes revealed a little nervousness.

"So, there are no women who change their minds for no reason. You have to ask yourself, is it because you used cold violence against her, is it you..."

In Ling Xiyu's mind, the scene of the two getting along just now appeared involuntarily:
——"Aren't you doing the dishes?"

——"Leave it alone."

He... just let her wash the dishes by herself?
When he said "let it go", he meant that he would wash it later. Would she think that he asked her to wash the dishes?
Thinking of what Lan Qiduo said to herself just now at the door, "I finished washing the dishes", Ling Xiyu felt inexplicably uneasy.

When he was at home before, even if the housekeeper and servants were not around, he would not be willing to let her do the dishes, so just now, did she feel...

Is my attitude too cold?
Annoyance flashed in Ling Xiyu's eyes, and then she thought about it, remembering that she had knocked on the door just now and came in.

(End of this chapter)

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