green fairy tale book

Chapter 12 Princess Rose

Chapter 12 Princess Rose
Fairies are known to live for hundreds of years, but they are not immortal.Especially since they have to spend one day every week in the form of animals, accidents are inevitable.Once upon a time, a queen of the fairy world died in this way.So the fairies held a general assembly and elected a new queen.

After a heated discussion, two fairies finally spoke the loudest. One of them was called Surcantina and the other was called Parideme.But they have about the same number of supporters, and people can't tell which one they like better.So the fairies unanimously agreed that whichever candidate could perform one of the greatest miracles to the world, she would be queen.But the miracle had to be extraordinary, not common magic like moving mountains to fill seas.So Sulcantina decides to raise a prince whom nothing will keep him faithful, while Parideme wants to show the world a princess who is so beautiful that everyone will fall in love at first sight.Everyone gave the two fairies plenty of time to finish the job.During the battle between the two fairies, the affairs of the fairy world are temporarily represented by the four oldest fairies.

Fairy Parrydmae and King Badenton are old friends.Badenton was a talented monarch, and his country was a model for all nations.His wife, Queen Baranis, was a beautiful and charming lady.They really are the most compatible and loving perfect couple in the world.This year they gave birth to a daughter carved in pink and jade. The little princess had a pink birthmark on her snow-white neck, shaped like a rose, so the king and his wife named her "Princess Rose".Princess Rose has been a icy and smart girl since she was very young.Ministers like to write down what she said, and then retell it to others on various occasions.One night late at night, Queen Baranis woke up from her sleep suddenly screaming, and the maids ran over to see what happened. It turned out that the queen had a nightmare.The queen said in shock: "I dreamed that my little daughter turned into a bouquet of roses. When I was holding it, suddenly a bird swooped down and snatched it from my hand." She ordered Said: "Hurry up and send someone to see if the little princess is okay."

The maids hurried to the princess' room and found that the cradle where the princess slept was empty. They were frightened out of their wits.Everyone turned the palace upside down, but they didn't even find half of the little princess's hair.

The queen was heartbroken, and of course the king was too.It's just that as a man, he can't express his emotions like a woman crying and nagging.After some days, he proposed to Baranis to live in a foreign palace for a period of time, and the queen accepted the suggestion, because the singing and dancing in the capital could only make her sad heart feel more melancholy.

On a pleasant summer evening they sat together in a shady star-shaped meadow, with a dozen pretty tree-lined paths stretching far in every direction.The queen looked around, and saw a beautiful peasant girl coming towards her on every path, and what was even more strange was that each of them was carrying a basket, and the things in the basket attracted the queen's attention.When they were near, they all put their baskets at Baranis's feet, bowed and said:
"Beautiful queen, I hope this gift can ease your worries!"

The queen opened the baskets hastily, and she found in each basket a beautiful little baby girl, about the same age as the missing little princess.When she first saw the little girls, the queen thought of her daughters again, and was heartbroken.But after a while, their cute appearance made her temporarily forget her sadness.She set about finding them nurses, cradle-men, and maids, and sent out everywhere for cradles, dolls, the best sweets, and other best things for babies.

What is even more surprising is that each baby girl has a pink birthmark on her neck, which makes it difficult for the queen to choose a suitable name for each baby girl. A special color was chosen as the code name.So when they are together, it looks like a bouquet of colorful flowers.Gradually, the baby girls grew up.Though they were all brilliant, and had exactly the same education, they were so different in character that at last the queen did not call them "pearl," or "primrose," or anything else, but this:
"Where is my sweetie?" or "My little Meimei?" "Where's my little Lele?"

Of course, each of these twelve beauties had a slew of suitors.Not only the lads in this country are fascinated by them, but also the princes of many distant kingdoms.But these lovely girls—that is, the queen's most senior maids, they are not only beautiful, but also very clean, and they don't like any of the suitors.

Now let's talk about Surcantina again.She had chosen a king's son, the son of King Badenton's cousin.She intends to raise the child to be capricious.As early as at the little prince's baptism ceremony, she gave him the handsome appearance and elegant temperament necessary for a prince.As the little prince grew up, the fairy redoubled her efforts to imbue him with every imaginable charm and alluring qualities.So no matter whether the prince has a surly temper or a pleasant face, gorgeous or simple clothes, serious or frivolous, he always exudes an unstoppable charm.What a handsome and charming boy!Especially the fairy gave him the best heart and the best mind in the world, so that he is almost perfect - except that he has no perseverance.It cannot be denied that the prince of Merifleur was a dandy, with temperaments as changeable as the wind.By the time of his birthday, he had conquered the hearts of all in his father's country.Girls all over the country are swooning over him, but he's sick of everyone here.At this moment, he was invited to visit the country of his cousin, King Badenton.

Imagine how he felt when he arrived at King Badenton's palace and was introduced to the twelve most beautiful girls in the world!These twelve girls fell in love with him, and he liked each of them equally.This was embarrassing for him, because he would feel unhappy if any of the twelve girls were not around.When he looks at "Meimei", can he not talk softly with "Tiantian" or laugh out loud with "Lele"?When he is depressed, if he can chat with "Quiet" on the shady lawn, hold the hand of "Aiai", let other girls linger around, and feel this intoxicating tranquility together, what else is there? What could be happier than this?For the first time in his life, Prince Merifle fell in love, but the object of his deep love was not one person, but his love was equally divided among twelve people.Even Fairy Surcantina felt that this was probably the pinnacle of playfulness.But Fairy Paridme said not a word.

Prince Morifleur's father wrote many letters calling the prince back home, and again and again proposed to arrange blind dates for him.But the prince ignored it.Apparently nothing in the world could take him away from these twelve bewitching beauties.

One day the Queen gave a great garden party, and as soon as the guests arrived, Prince Merifle, as usual, focused his attention on his twelve beauties.At this time, people suddenly heard the buzzing of bees.The twelve rose maidens were afraid of the bee sting, and all screamed and fled the crowd.What happened next made everyone who saw it feel terrified: the bees chasing the twelve girls suddenly became extremely huge, each of them grabbed a girl, and then spread their wings and flew to the sky, disappearing in the blink of an eye. in sight.

This bizarre disaster made the whole royal family panic.Prince Merifle was devastated and broke down completely.He fell into the most depressing mood, and if nothing cheered him up, he would soon die.On hearing the news, the fairy Surcantina immediately came to visit her to see what she could do for her precious prince.She also brought many portraits of beauties to amuse the prince, but the prince refused in disgust.Everyone could see that the prince was dying of severe lovesickness, but the fairy Surcantina could not do anything about it.

One day, as the prince was wandering about in deep thought, he heard a sudden cry.If he didn't bother to look up at that time, he must have been as shocked as everyone else present - there were six lovely girls with beautiful wings in the air, pulling a crystal carriage with rose-colored ribbons Slowly falling from the sky, the carriage reflected dazzling light in the sun.In addition, there are six equally beautiful girls flying slowly around the carriage. Together, they hold a long rose wreath, which is like a canopy, completely covering the carriage.Sitting in the carriage was Fairy Parideme, and sitting next to the fairy was a princess so beautiful that everyone was fascinated.After the carriage landed, they walked slowly to the queen's quarters.People huddled together to watch the wonderful scene of the fairy descending to earth. Those who came late could not get in front of the crowd and could only stand behind the crowd and worry.People were amazed by the beauty of this strange princess, and exclaimed, "It's really like a delicate rose!"

"My lord queen," said Fairy Paredemae, "let me return to you your daughter, the Princess Rose, whom I stole from her cradle."

The queen was so sad and happy that it took her a while to recover.She said to the Fairy, "But where are my twelve lovely girls? Have they left me forever? Will I never see them again?"

"Soon you won't miss them any more," Paridmay said, her tone clearly saying, "Don't ask me any more questions."Then the fairy got on the carriage again, and the carriage flew into the air, and soon disappeared from everyone's sight.

The news of Princess Rose's return soon reached her cousin, Prince Merifle.Although the prince was not in the mood to meet guests, he had to go again in order to show respect for his cousin.He spent the first 5 minutes with energy, and then he immediately discovered that the princess had gathered all the charm and characteristics of the twelve rose maidens. He fell in love with the princess unconsciously. Obviously, it is more exciting to show love to only one person at a time. He is at ease.So he couldn't help asking Princess Rose to marry him.No sooner had the proposal been uttered than the Fairy Parideme appeared before them, smiling triumphantly, in a carriage that only the Queen of the Fairy World could ride--the fairies declared her victory as soon as they heard of her victory. She becomes the new queen of the fairy kingdom.Paridemé recounts everything in detail: how she stole Princess Rose from her infancy, divided her character into twelve parts, each of which would fascinate Prince Merifleur, and when they were reunited When they become one, Princess Rose will completely cure Prince Merifle's flower heart disease.

The complete Princess Rose was so charming that even the fairy Surcantina, who lost the bet, gave her a wedding present, which was placed at the entrance of the banquet hall, where every guest could see it .Thereafter Prince Merifle remained faithful for the rest of his life—and who would be disloyal?
As for the Princess Rose, she loved the Prince as much as the twelve Rose Maidens put together.From then on, they ruled their country peacefully and lived happily ever after.

(End of this chapter)

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