green fairy tale book

Chapter 14 Narcissus Prince and Rose Princess

Chapter 14 Narcissus Prince and Rose Princess (1)
Once upon a time there was a king and queen.Although they have been dead for many years from now, when they were alive, their tastes and pursuits were similar to those of modern people.The king's name was Claviliv.He likes hunting the most, but he is not as keen on hunting when it comes to state affairs, and he doesn't even bother to glance at various state documents.The queen was a great beauty when she was young, but now she is old, but she still firmly believes that she is as beautiful as before.Of course, for a queen, maintaining beauty is not a difficult task.The queen's name is Ferivola, and her life is the pursuit of pleasure.She frequented the many ball games, masquerade parties, and picnics, never forsaking an opportunity for pleasure as long as time could accommodate it.As you can imagine, with such kings and queens, national affairs must have been forgotten by them.And it is true.

Whoever holds a town or a province in this country, as long as the king has his horse and hounds, and the queen has her musicians and actors, they have nothing to worry about the troubles of state.King Claviliv and Queen Ferivola had an only daughter named "Rose", and Princess Rose was very beautiful since she was a child.When the princess was only four years old, the queen began to be desperately jealous of her, fearing that when she grew up she would be more admired than herself.So she decided to hide her in a place where no one else could see her.For this reason, she ordered people to build a hut not far from the palace garden.The hut is located by the river and is surrounded by high walls. The beautiful Princess Rose is imprisoned inside, and only a dumb nurse takes care of her life.Some necessities of life can only be brought into the house through a small window in the wall.Outside the high wall, there are many armed guards patrolling day and night. They have all received orders from the queen. Once they find anyone trying to approach this room, they will cut off his head without hesitation.

After imprisoning the little princess, the queen pretended to be sad and told people that the princess was ugly and annoying, and she had no cuteness at all, so she had to be isolated.As the queen repeated the rumor over and over again, at last the whole kingdom believed her.This situation continued until the princess was 15 years old.That year, Prince Narcissus came to this country when he heard that Queen Ferivola always held various entertainments.Prince Narcissus is not much older than Princess Rose. He is majestic and has an extraordinary appearance. What is especially valuable is that he has a mature mind that is not commensurate with his age.

Prince Narcissus' parents were also a king and queen.About their stories, you may read later.They died one after another when Prince Narcissus was still young, leaving the kingdom to their eldest sons, while entrusting their youngest son, Prince Narcissus, to the care of the Fairy Melinity.This arrangement of theirs was very beneficial to Prince Narcissus.Fairy Melinity is very powerful, but she is also very kind.She worked tirelessly to teach Prince Narcissus all useful knowledge, and even passed on some fairy arts to him.After the Narcissus prince grew up, the fairy ordered him to travel and see the outside world.But when Prince Narcissus is away from home, the fairy always protects him secretly and is ready to help him when he needs it.Before leaving, the fairy gave him a ring that can make him invisible after wearing it-this kind of magic ring often appears in fairy tales, maybe you have never seen this kind of ring, but you must have heard of them .In the journey of Prince Narcissus, judging people and discussing things is a very important lesson.Soon after he arrived in the country of Queen Ferivola, where he was well received, and the queen was very excited about his arrival, and her ladies and friends also favored the prince.Of course, the king treated him well, although he didn't know why the prince was so popular in his country.

Prince Narcissus enjoyed being treated here, and he had a good time.Soon after, he also heard the story of Princess Rose.As the rumors have been embellished and repeated, the princess in people's mouth has become a complete ugly monster.The prince was very curious about the rumors about the princess, so he decided to use the magic of the invisibility ring to see for himself what the princess looked like.So he used the ring to make himself invisible, and easily passed through the guards' lines without causing them to notice.It took a lot of effort to climb over the high wall.After finally climbing over the high wall, as soon as his feet landed on the ground, he was immediately fascinated by the scenery in front of him, especially when he saw a slender and lovely girl walking among the flowers, he immediately understood: there is nothing here at all. The princess was as ugly as a monster, and the girl in front of her was the princess herself.Sometimes the princess sits by the small river, weaves a wreath of blue forget-me-nots to tie her flowing golden hair, and sometimes gently plays with the birds and small animals living in her small world.

The prince couldn't help falling in love with her deeply, because now Princess Rose is definitely the most beautiful girl in the world.The prince surrounded her in fascination, watching her every movement.He suddenly felt that he had become very humble in front of the beautiful Princess Rose.When night fell, the princess's mute nurse took the princess back to the hut, and the prince reluctantly went back to the palace of Ferivola, lest anyone should find out that he was not there and reveal his whereabouts.But he still forgot to hide his expression. He was in a trance, absent-minded, and indifferent to everything, which aroused everyone's suspicion.Someone asked him what's the matter, but he just blushed and vaguely perfunctory.The ladies felt that the prince had lost their souls, and tried to find out which lucky girl had captured the heart of Prince Narcissus.As for Prince Narcissus, his concern for Princess Rose is increasing day by day, and he wants to take care of her wholeheartedly.He often uses the magic power of the ring to come to the princess's captivity. No matter what the princess does, he will help secretly, and often bring treasures that can make the princess feel novel and happy.From then on, surprises often appeared in the princess's calm life.

The prince often put those treasures secretly on the way the princess must pass, so that whenever she finds these treasures of the prince, she will always be very happy.Later, the prince found his loyal friend Fairy Melinity and begged her to entrust her image to Princess Rose in her dreams, so that when he appeared in front of the princess in the future, the princess would recognize him as her friend.The prince's plan was so successful that the princess even became fascinated by these amusing dreams, in which Prince Narcissus was a delightful lover and companion.The prince then went a step further and began to have long conversations with the princess—all while he was invisible.At last the princess could bear it no longer, and sincerely begged the prince to appear before her.The prince could no longer refuse the request.The princess promised that no matter what the prince looked like, she would love him.The prince took off the invisibility ring.The princess was pleasantly surprised to find that a handsome young man appeared in front of her.They both couldn't be happier.They spent a whole day on the bank of the river where Princess Rose often lingered, and when the day passed, both of them felt that the time passed too quickly.After the prince left, the princess still stayed lonely in the captivity, leaving all the misfortunes and troubles behind her, thinking about her handsome prince wholeheartedly and dreaming.

At this time, suddenly the sky was dark, and the sand and stones flew away. It turned out that the magician Grumedan passed by here, and unfortunately he saw the beautiful figure of Princess Rose.The first time he saw the princess's bright eyes and white teeth, he immediately decided to press down on the cloud head and appear in front of her.Although he wasn't wearing his best cloak now, he couldn't care less about it.When he suddenly appeared in front of the princess, the princess was startled and screamed loudly—for the magician's countenance was really not very good.He was huge and awkward, with one eye, long tusks, and a terrible stutter.But for all that, the magician was a pretty good guy about himself, and took the princess's scream for a scream of surprise.So he deliberately paused for a while, in order to give the princess enough time to express his admiration for him.Then, the magician racked his brains to say sweet words to the princess, and praised her greatly.The magician's confession had no effect on the princess at all, but he himself was deeply intoxicated by it.The poor Princess Rose trembled with fright, and cried, "Oh! my Prince Narcissus, where are you?"

The magician smiled smugly: "Narcissus? Do you want narcissus? Well, they are not a rare thing. I will give you as much as you want!" Then, he waved his wand, and the princess immediately found that she had Surrounded by countless fragrant flowers, too numerous to count, they almost buried her.She almost blurted out, "This is not the Narcissus prince I want," but at this moment, the fairy Melinity, who had been watching the situation anxiously in the dark, felt that she could no longer stand idly by.So she pretended to be the voice of Prince Narcissus, and whispered in Princess Rose's ear:
"We are facing great danger now, but the only thing I can't let go of is you, my princess. There must be a way before the car reaches the mountain. Please hide your true feelings and be patient for a while."

The princess was startled by this sudden sound, and she was afraid that the magician would hear the words, but the magician only told her to admire the flowers, and laughed smugly at his masterpiece.

When the princess said coldly, "I don't like these flowers." The magician's self-esteem was hit hard, but he still wanted to kiss the princess' hand in return for what he had done.But the Fairy Melinity would never allow that to happen.So she appeared at once, shining with brilliance.she shouted:

"Stop, Grumedan! This princess is under my protection. If you touch her with a finger, I will imprison you for 1000 years. However, if you win the princess by human means like ordinary people I will not object to your heart. But I warn you, I will never tolerate your tricks."

This harsh statement was not at all to the magician's taste, but there was nothing he could do about it.So he had to behave, to behave as gracefully as possible in front of the princess, which was not at all a magician's strong suit.Still, he decided to do his best, because winning such a beautiful princess would be worth any price.At this moment, the Fairy Melinity felt that she could leave the princess at ease, so she hurried away to tell the Prince Narcissus what had just happened.Referring to the magician Grummedan, the Fairy described him as a rather irascible opponent.If the fairy had not appeared in time to calm him down, there is no doubt that the magician would have done something stupid to the princess.Grumedan is very powerful, and once he is provoked, he is likely to brutally take revenge on Princess Rose.

And the Fairy said that Grumedan had always been the most brutal of all magicians.The queen of the fairy world punished him many times for his evil deeds.Once he was imprisoned in a tree, and he did not regain his freedom until the tree was blown down by a strong wind many years later; another time he was imprisoned under a big rock at the bottom of the river, and waited until many years later , due to the erosion of the river, the stone finally rolled to the side, and he escaped.But none of these experiences changed his violent temper.

In the end, the fairy asked Prince Narcissus to agree to date the princess only in a state of invisibility, because she felt that for everyone, doing so would only be beneficial and not harmful.So the competition between the magician and the Narcissus prince begins, but it is clear that the latter, that is, the Narcissus prince under the protection of the fairy, is more able to attract the heart of Princess Rozen and make her full of joy.All the birds in the little domain of Prince Narcissus and the Princess made friends, and the Prince taught them to sing the Princess' name and the words to praise her.All day long the birds sang of the Prince Narcissus' love for her with their sweetest voices and most melodious melodies.After hearing this, Grummond said disapprovingly: "What's so strange about this? Birds can sing when they are born. All the lovers in the world think that the songs of birds are for themselves. I want to write a song for the princess." An opera, an opera that absolutely no one has heard, that is new, that is worth listening to."

The magician's opera was finally staged, and the performance lasted for five hours. The whole opera was full of incomprehensible verses, sung by ten thousand frogs, singing dizzily:
Dear Princess Rose,

Show mercy!
You have the heart to suddenly,

Kill the poor wizard with your eyes?

If it weren't for the Narcissus prince whispering beside the princess all the time, distracting her attention, I don't know what the poor Princess Rose would have become.Although the princess felt amused by the outrageous lyrics at the beginning, she was bored to death before the performance was over.But fortunately, Grumedan did not notice the princess's reaction. At this time, he was directing his frog chorus with great enthusiasm.Many frogs fell down from exhaustion, for the magician never allowed them to rest for a while.

Then the prince came up with a clever plan to please the princess. He let the princess float down the small river where the princess was imprisoned. A miniature fleet was exactly the same as that of the famous Cleopatra in history. Cleopatra herself was leaning on the magnificent flagship, which docked near the Rose Princess, and Cleopatra stepped down majestically, presenting the princess with her famous Cleopatra pearl, said to her:
"You are much more beautiful than when I was the most beautiful, I hope my lessons can warn you. Make good use of your beauty!"

Then the little fleet sailed on until it gradually disappeared into the winding river in the distance.Grummedan also saw this scene, but he just said disdainfully:

"I really don't see what's interesting about these marionettes, and besides, what's the use of a pearl? But, girl, if you like pearls, I'll satisfy you right away."

As he spoke, he took out a whistle from his pocket, and as soon as he blew it, the princess saw in amazement that the water in the river had become cloudy, with bubbles bubbling, and thousands of giant crocodilians came out of the river. Mussels, they scrambled slowly towards the Princess Rosa, and poured out all the pearls that were in their shells before her.

"That's what pearls are called!" exclaimed Grumedan happily.

There are enough pearls to cover every road in the princess' prison, and there are even some left over!

The next day, Prince Narcissus prepared a beautiful pavilion for the princess. The top of the pavilion was shaded by lush trees, and there were moss sofas and grass floors in the pavilion. In addition, beautiful garlands were dotted around. Each garland has the princess's name spelled out with different colored flowers.Then he prepared an elaborate dinner, with unseen musicians playing softly, and silver fountains splashing in marble basins, and everything was terribly romantic.When the music ended, a nightingale broke the silence and sang sweetly.

"Ah!" exclaimed the princess joyfully, for she recognized the voice that so loved her.

"Dear Nightingale, who taught you that new song?"

Nightingale replied, "It is love, my princess."

The magician didn't like the show very much, he thought it was dull and boring.

"Don't you just love chirping birds and a dinner party with nothing to eat but a pile of plates!"

(End of this chapter)

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