Chapter 160

"This, this?" Huang Yongdong looked at Ye Fan's relaxed expression even worse. Since he was almost killed by Ye Fan last time, although he hated Ye Fan to the bone, he was still very afraid of Ye Fan in his heart. "Brother, why don't we go first?"

"What a fart, the spiritual power required to use the sacred weapon is huge, as long as I can block his blow, I will have a hundred ways to kill him afterwards." When he came to Zhao Sheng, he was also sweating profusely. He had always thought that Ye Fan was from the Linghe Realm, but now that he saw that Ye Fan could activate the holy artifact, he was not sure. He thought: "This kid must have hidden his cultivation. After all, those who come here to practice must have reached the Immortal Altar Realm, and it is impossible for the Southern Sect to arrange for a person from the Spirit River Realm to practice here."

"Then take care, under the holy artifact, don't blame me if you die." Ye Fan stepped back suddenly, holding up the blood wheel in his hand, and the blood wheel devoured the magic energy and became brighter and brighter.In the end, like a sun, it is very dazzling and piercing.

"No, back." Zhao Feiduan saw that his line of sight was obstructed, so he stepped back several tens of feet, still thinking in his heart, as long as he dodged the attack from the holy weapon, the kid in front of him would be killed no matter what he wanted. Can.

"Buzzing." Time passed slowly, but the "sun" still didn't come down, it just hung there with bursts of light overflowing.

"Senior brother, what's wrong with this kid?" Huang Yongdong also felt something strange, his body trembling.

"Damn it, I was slapped by that kid." Zhao Feiduan looked at the increasingly dim holy light in the sky, and shouted angrily: "Damn it, boom."

Zhao Feiduan punched out, directly sweeping down a large area of ​​the ancient forest, and suddenly felt cheated, the power just now was the power of a saint, that's right, but Ye Fan didn't use the power of a saint to attack, it was just used as a deterrent It's just the two of them, and the two of them have been fooled.Unexpectedly, he, who was a perfect cultivator in the immortal altar, was tricked by a person in the spirit river realm.

At this time, Ye Fan had escaped from the two of them for more than ten miles, and turned around with a wicked smile: "Let's remember this hatred first. Hehe."

Anger came, and Zhao Fei and Duan vented their hatred.

Ye Fan was not in the mood to care about them, so he rushed forward.

In the Wanmo Mountain, there are many caves, and there are training places left by ancestors everywhere, such as some stone caves and huts, which can be seen from time to time in the mountain.After walking for a long time, Ye Fan felt that Zhao Fei and Duan should be dumped before resting in a cave he found.

"Although I escaped from their hands this time, it is a big trouble. If they tell Wan Jianzong about my situation, Wan Jianzong will definitely send a saint to kill me." Ye Fan sat in the cave Before running the Immortal Scripture of Longevity to repair the injured body, he was not happy to escape from death. Thinking of the fact that the sage of Wanjianzong could lay down his body to attack and kill himself, he knew that if his identity was really discovered, then the previous Dao Yi would definitely will come.

"However, I'm thinking too much." Ye Fan shook his head and smiled wryly. Fuyang had already doubted himself before, and two more people from Bailimen were nothing.Now I can only hope that these two people from Bailimen will hide what happened today because they are greedy for the sacred artifacts in their hands or think that they have obtained the scriptures of the Demon Lord.

"It's really necessary to find the spiritual vein quickly." Ye Fan was anxious, and now he felt that the impact of the Linghe Fourth Heaven in his body could not be suppressed, but he couldn't break through. This feeling made Ye Fan very sad. uncomfortable.

Ye Fan rested in the cave for a day and a night, but felt that it was still not safe, so he turned to the deep mountain and walked more than ten miles.This time, Ye Fan was completely relieved. Although Ye Fan had raw fruit, he was used to wrapping his stomach with food, and he didn't touch oil and meat for many days, which made him intolerable.

In the mountains, Ye Fan was like this, practicing from time to time, wandering in the mountains and plains from time to time, trying to find a place that would allow him to break through to the fourth heaven of Linghe, but after searching for several days, the spiritual veins in the mountains were nowhere to be found. Looking for it, but encountered many evil spirits and monsters.

But on this day, Ye Fan called out the Yin soldiers, but he hesitated when feeding them blood essence: "Essence blood is the original power of immortal cultivators, I feed them day and night like this, I'm afraid it will damage my Dao foundation , I really have to find a way to change the way of feeding."

These days, Ye Fan has been feeding him blood because he hopes that the Yin soldiers will be stronger, but every time after feeding them blood, he feels his body is hollowed out and very weak.

"How about letting them eat the blood of monsters and monsters in the mountains?" Ye Fan thought after putting away a few Yin soldiers. There are not many ways for Yin soldiers to feed themselves, but thinking that these things are evil , then devouring monsters should be able to strengthen their strength.

Thinking of this, Ye Fan walked out of the cave instead, and strode towards the periphery of Wanmo Mountain. Wanshou City didn't want to go back. He always felt that there was a pit waiting for him to jump.However, although Ye Fan didn't want to go back to Wanshou City, he still had to inquire about the movement of Wanmo Mountain. After all, it was related to whether he could get some fairy fate from Wanmo Mountain.

Not long after Ye Fan walked forward, there was a small town twenty miles away from Wanshou City.In fact, what the restaurant owner said before is not wrong. The Wanshou City is the safest in the Wanmo Mountain. There are no big demons and monsters in the Wanshou City. This is also very understandable. The masters of the Holy Sect would come to the Ten Thousand Beasts City to inspect from time to time, how dare those big monsters stay near the Ten Thousand Beasts City.

The town Ye Fan came to is not large, only a small town with thousands of people, but such a small town can only be found in places close to Wanshou. Everyone knows that there are many immortals in Wanshou City. Many people are willing to take the risk and don't want to face those cultivators like worshiping gods every day. This kind of life without dignity and fear is no better than living outside the City of Beasts.

Ye Fan entered a restaurant, ordered a table of food and wine, and drank freely.And when Ye Fan was sitting in the restaurant, he could still see the divine rainbow across the sky from time to time. These immortal cultivators came and went, which made the town very safe.

Along the way, Ye Fan also knew that in fact, the branch halls of the major sects did not set up any safety zones at all. As long as they left the branch halls of the sects, they would be killed by monsters. As the woman said, the major branch halls will protect the range of dozens of miles.

But in the end, Ye Fan felt that he could not hear any valuable information in this small town, so he walked out instead, and when he walked into the woods, he thought; He is a good man, but he is a man of righteousness, the evil things in the mountains often harm the common people, and using their souls to strengthen the Yin soldiers in my hands can only be regarded as doing justice for the sky."

(End of this chapter)

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