Taikoo Evil Emperor

Chapter 161 The Magical Sword

Chapter 161 The Magical Sword
"Although it's not decent to feed Yin soldiers, I never feel that I am a good person, so what can I say? The evil things in the mountains often harm civilians. Using their souls to strengthen the Yin soldiers in my hands can only be regarded as Just doing justice for the heavens."

But all of these are Ye Fan's thoughts, and he doesn't know if it will be effective, but no matter whether this kind of feeding with the blood essence of fierce beasts works, he can think of another way to feed the Yin soldiers: "Just I can catch one and try it."

Ye Fan thought of this, the most indispensable thing in this Ten Thousand Demon Mountain is ferocious beasts and monsters. If beasts are not good enough, then find a demon cultivator to try. Although it sounds cruel, it is not my race. In this world of cultivating immortals, there are more or less enemies.

Looking around, Ye Fan rushed straight into the mountains. Now he wants to find a monster to prove whether what he thinks in his heart can be done.Ye Fan only wanted to meet a low-strength monster now, and he didn't want to go into the deep mountains to find those big monsters. After all, those big monsters are not easy to cause trouble, and he might become their food instead.

After running for several miles, things in the world are so weird. The more I want to meet those beasts, the more I can’t find them. It took a long time to find a suitable spirit beast to attack.

"Drink, drink." However, after Ye Fan had walked for some time, there was the sound of fighting in the mountains.Ye Fan stepped aside to take a closer look and found that several disciples of immortal cultivators were laughing mockingly around a young man.

"Boy, you have no destiny with Xianzong in this life, but I think the big sword on your back is not bad. If you don't mind, give it to us." In front of those cultivators, a young man knelt on the ground. Blood flowed.

"My fellow immortals, I know my aptitude is poor, but if I can enter the fairy gate, I will use a hundred times the efforts of others to practice spells." The boy kneeling on the ground ignored their sarcasm, and turned to them again after speaking. Several people kowtowed a few times.

"Haha, is there something wrong with this kid's head? I told you all about it. We just want to take a look at the sword on your back. Don't waste so many words. We won't give you a fairy fate." Seeing the young man kowtow to himself and the others, he burst out laughing.

"Gu Qingyang?" At this moment, Ye Fan only saw the back of the boy kneeling on the ground, but that figure was quite familiar, very similar to the Gu Qingyang he saw in Wanshou City before.

"This great sword is a family heirloom of my Gu family. My ancestors have ordered that nothing should be lost. I hope all the elders will forgive me. This sword cannot be given away." Gu Qingyang looked downcast, but he was not an idiot. There is absolutely no day for returning the long sword.

"Hehe, you have a stubborn personality, but we only asked you to save face, do you think you can still protect it?" One of them smiled evilly, with the Dao pattern in his hand, he directly grabbed Gu Qingyang .

"Push." ​​Gu Qingyang originally wanted to avoid it, but his body stood still. The person who stretched out his hand grabbed the big sword behind Gu Qingyang, and punched it directly at Gu Qingyang's chest. With one blow, Gu Qingyang fell to the side and vomited blood.

"Senior brother Liao Hao, the sword doesn't feel lazy." The man was excited after holding the big sword.But after a while, the big sword in the man's hand sank and fell directly to the ground.

"What are you doing?" Liao Hao asked standing aside.

"Senior brother, I can't lift this sword." The man's expression was also not good, just now he felt that the big sword weighed ten thousand catties, and he came out out of his hands.Hearing Liao Hao's words, he hurried to lift the big sword, but no matter how hard he tried, the big sword lay motionless on the ground.

"Hmm. Impossible." Liao Hao didn't believe in evil, and Gu Qingyang was just an ordinary cultivator who could carry this great sword on his back. How could they, as immortal cultivators, not be able to hold it, and walked over instead, just like the previous man He also held the hilt of the sword and lifted it upwards, but after several times, he still didn't lift the big sword.

And Ye Fan was also very curious standing on the side. The big sword looked palm-width and four feet long, so Gu Qingyang could handle it casually. It stands to reason that it shouldn't be heavy in front of immortal cultivators, but they I couldn't even mention one of them.

"Master Daoist, this belongs to my ancestors, you can't take it away." Gu Qingyang on the side stood up.

"Boy, you and I are destined. If I take your sword today, I will give you a Chiyuan fruit, which can increase your lifespan by ten years." Although Liao Hao couldn't hold the epee, he smiled evilly in his heart. The sword is so unusual, it is definitely not an ordinary thing.

"No, I don't want Yuanguo. This sword is the treasure of my Gu family and my life. You can't take it away." Gu Qingyang shouted angrily, and begged them humbly. Said that he still wanted to take his own treasure.

"Then according to what you said, if you want to take your sword, you have to take your life as well." After Liao Hao finished speaking, he ignored the sword and drew out the fairy sword instead, looking at Gu Qingyang with a cruel expression: "Several Three times, get out immediately, or I will send you to meet your ancestors."

"The sword is mine, why do you want me to go? You snatch people's treasures, is that what the Immortals should do?" Gu Qingyang wiped the blood from his mouth and stood up, facing the eyes of several people.

Ye Fan stood nearby, holding his breath and concentrating, Gu Qingyang's temperament really has nothing to say, it sounds good to say that he sticks to his beliefs, but it sounds bad to say that he is stubborn and stubborn.

"Hmph, the opportunity is given to you, if you don't fight for it yourself, then die." After Liao Hao finished speaking, the Dao pattern appeared on his body, and he directly stabbed Gu Qingyang with the fairy sword.

"It's another pile of rubbish." Ye Fan shook his head and smiled wryly. People in the world of cultivating immortals really have nothing to say. The so-called righteous people, some people do things that are more terrifying and hypocritical than demons and heretics.But Gu Qingyang's temper was quite to his liking, when he saw them attacking Gu Qingyang, he rushed out immediately, and rushed to kill the cultivator with the sword.

"Boom." With a sound, Ye Fan tried his best to keep his mental balance and stood between Gu Qingyang and the others.

"Fellow daoists, he is just a mere mortal, why bother to kill him?" Ye Fan didn't want to offend people, because there are too many people offended now, it would be best if he could persuade them to return the big sword to Gu Qingyang .

"Boy, are you that passer-by? Dare to stop me from Wensheng Pavilion." Liao Hao saw that there was an extra person suddenly, maybe because he felt that what he was doing was vulgar, so he gave Ye Fan a bad look.

"South Zongmen." Ye Fan straightened his body, and in order to convince them, he directly took out the Zongmen token that Kendama gave him when he entered the gate.

(End of this chapter)

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