Taikoo Evil Emperor

Chapter 310 If the Buddha abandons me, I will become a demon

Chapter 310 If the Buddha abandons me, I will become a demon
"What's the matter? Let me out, or you'll just wait here to die." At this time, everything in front of Ye Fan changed, the blood world reappeared, and Ye Fan's consciousness was pulled into the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood. In the blood world.

It's just that when Ye Fan came in this time, he didn't stand in the blood pool, but lay down and floated in the air, unable to stand up even if he wanted to.

"Let you go out?" Ye Fan looked blankly at the red-haired boy and shouted.

"Hee hee, I can help you." The red-haired boy said with a wicked smile, his face became the same as Ye Fan's.

These words are very tempting, but Ye Fan can't figure it out, this red-haired boy doesn't look like an ordinary person, so powerful, why does he need his own consent to go out?

"Why do you want me to let you out? Who are you?" Ye Fan asked.

When the red-haired boy heard Ye Fan's question, his expression became blank, and he smiled smirk as if he had lost his memory.

"Who am I, I forget, but I can see you, so I am you." The red-haired boy's unintelligible words made Ye Fan feel inexplicable.

"Are you kidding me?" Ye Fan scolded feebly, his consciousness was in a daze, and he didn't play around with him at all.

"Hee hee?" The red-haired boy smiled miserably, and looked sideways at Ye Fan in the pool of blood. Suddenly, the atmosphere around him was very oppressive, which made people feel very uncomfortable.

"You want to go out and dream." For some reason, when Ye Fan saw his smile, his heart trembled, and he was actually afraid of him.

"Ding." During the conversation between the two, suddenly, a five-color light rushed towards the sky, breaking through the blood realm continuously in the sky.

"Why do you want to do this?" The red-haired boy looked at the blood-colored sky broken by the five-color light, and just looked at the sky quietly. Two lines of tears fell on his blood-stained face: "Why did you betray me?"

When Ye Fan heard his words, his heart was shocked. For some reason, scenes of bloody battlefields flashed in his mind. My mind hurts endlessly.

"Samsara in front of the stone of the third generation, one thought of kindness and evil will break through the ages."

The sound of Dao buzzed out, and the sound wave swept the earth, and the strong wind blew, messing up the red boy's hair.And the colorful lights in the sky gathered together and turned into a stone, suspended in the air.It was like a sound wave that spanned the ages, and it still didn't stop.

"If the Buddha abandons me, I will become a demon and save all living beings as a Shura."

The sound wave was like someone was in pain, and it was also like someone was singing praises. The sound waves mixed with various emotions poured into Ye Fan's heart.

"Yeah." Ye Fan's spiritual consciousness was in pain. This time, his spiritual consciousness did not return to the outside world, but stayed in the blood world, and the five-color stone on his head stopped expanding to break Xuecang, but quietly floating.

"Let me out." Ye Fan shouted loudly.

"I believe that one day, what you do will be all wrong." The magic pupil boy didn't resist.After finishing speaking, the pool of blood boiled and flooded Ye Fan: "And you also want to recognize my existence."

And on the sea of ​​life, the faces of all the cultivators were very panicked, because the three-headed golden snake hadn't disappeared yet, half of its body was still submerged in the sea, with its head bowed to the bottom of the sea.

"Why is it like this? Why hasn't it disappeared?" Someone asked in amazement. According to the previous situation, if the person crossing the sea died, the monster he fought with should also disappear.Why are the three-headed golden snakes still standing firmly on the sea?

"Isn't that kid dead?" Everyone guessed and was shocked, after all, none of the cultivators who fell into the sea before, whether they were alive or dead, had ever come out.

The major saint sons didn't take action to eliminate the three golden snakes, but also wanted to see what happened.

"Om." Just when everyone was separated, a vortex appeared not far from the three-headed golden snake, and the water became stronger as it reached the end, and the surrounding sea was pulled by it and rushed in.

And in the vortex, a dark red spirit suddenly rushed up and hit the sky directly. At this time, it seemed that another ancient giant beast was about to appear in the sea of ​​life.

"Boom." While all the cultivators were staring at the huge vortex, a dragon-shaped zhenqi with a dark red aura rushed out of the sea in an instant, and directly hit the three-headed golden snake.

"Roar." The three-headed golden snake was hit by him, turned over directly, and fell into the sea with a howl.

"Woo hoot." In the vortex, a voice sounded like a ghost from hell, which made one's head numb. Everything in the white sea of ​​life was as quiet as death. After the sad cry appeared, all the cultivators He looked at the things in the huge vortex with horror on his face, wanting to see clearly what was about to appear there.

The giant dragon flying across the sky, after knocking down the three-headed golden snake, dissipated into the air with a bang.But at this time, the dark red aura that hit the sky dispersed, and boundless red air surged from the bottom of the sea in an instant, the howling wind blew, and the vast ocean instantly seemed to be stained with blood, and it was bright red.

"What is this?" All the cultivators were shocked. No one knew the reason for this sudden change, let alone what kind of divine beast was prepared to emerge from the bottom of the sea. They were all watching nervously.

All the saint child-level men and horses also stood far away, looking intently at the sea of ​​life that suddenly turned blood red below.

"Om." With a sound, the blood red in the ocean quickly rushed back into the huge vortex under everyone's sight.But in a few moments, the blood-red sea disappeared instantly, the sea of ​​blood disappeared, and the sea of ​​life returned to its original state. If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, you would never believe that such a thing happened to the sea of ​​life just now.

"Boom." In the vortex, suddenly, a figure holding a blood wheel rushed out of the sea, and his hair seemed to be stained with blood, reflecting people's hearts and minds.

"It's him, why does his breath seem to be a different person." Some people sensed Ye Fan's change and said hurriedly.

"His cultivation has changed?"

"Why is this?" Ye Fan stood in the sky and let out a long sigh. Under the reflection of the sharp blade of the blood wheel, he was shocked to see his own appearance. Except for the eyes, the current self and the red-haired boy The appearance is generally the same.

"Is this his power?" Ye Fan felt a constant force surging in his body, and he didn't know how strong it was. He always felt that even if a saint came, he would have the confidence to fight.

When Ye Fan opened his pupils, the farthest point could be clearly seen, and he could vaguely see the piece of land at the end of the sea. It was a vast land with countless giant beasts and ancient trees standing in forests.

Gusts of sea breeze blew, and the white breath of life spread in the sea surface, continuously spreading into this piece of heaven and earth.When the major saint sons and horses saw Ye Fan returning to the sea, their expressions were different.Especially Li Huafeng looked at Ye Fan with a wicked smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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