Taikoo Evil Emperor

Chapter 311 8 Qi Orochi

Chapter 311
"It doesn't matter, let's get rid of this thing first." Ye Fan couldn't figure out why the power of the red-haired boy appeared in his body. Now he can only solve it quickly, and can't let more people know his existence.

Ye Fan flicked the blood wheel and put away the dark red Dao pattern on his body. Now the gray wheel sea in his body is full of blood red, boiling like a pool of blood in the blood world.

"Roar." And when Ye Fan felt the unprecedented powerful force, the three-headed golden snake that was knocked down by his own punch rushed out from the bottom of the sea again.

"Drink." Ye Fan felt his own power, but the current power is different from the previous one, and he couldn't accurately identify the state.

"Hey, hey." The three-headed golden snake roared, and nine huge water jets formed from the sea surface, crashing towards the red-eyed Ye Fan like a thunderous kill.

Ye Fan stood in the air without avoiding or dodging, and punched out, several roars resounding through the sky swept away, and directly split the nine giant pillars into raindrops.

"Drink." Ye Fan yelled angrily, leaped into the sky, and slashed his blood wheel at the three-headed golden snake.

"Boom." A hundred-foot-long divine rainbow cut across the surface of the sea, causing the sea to separate into two sides immediately.With a bang, the waves rushed to a height of hundreds of feet, and the three golden snakes howled miserably, and one of the three heads turned into mist under Ye Fan's blow just now.

"Ah." The three-headed golden snake was furious and spit at Ye Fan, and a solid ice tip turned into a small sword directly, slashing and killing Ye Fan.

Together with Ye Fan, thousands of lotus-shaped objects evolved in front of him, and flew straight up with a whizzing sound of bloody flowers, facing the thousands of small sharp swords.

A series of critical strikes, a gust of air blasted out, and the waves on the sea swelled furiously, and they moved into the distance. The cultivators on the shore all looked nervous and surprised. Using the strength of the Golden Snake, it was more like Ye Fan who had changed himself and was astonished.

Horror, in the minds of all the cultivators, they are only horrified by Ye Fan's power now. If he is allowed to grow up at this age, it will be fine. The great saints seem to be aware of this. ever-changing

"Roar." The three-headed golden snake roared to the sky, and the panic-stricken thing happened again. The head that was originally beheaded was reborn, and below, the old trick was repeated, and several water jets were sucked by it, constantly doubting the truth in the air. , and more and more heads formed on the forks of the body.

One head, two heads, three heads, four heads, the snake heads produced did not stop at all, and as the number of snake heads increased, the snake body, which was only a hundred feet long, also continued to increase, and finally the head stopped at eight. At this time, the snake's body is like a small mountain, with a length of three hundred feet, and the thick snake's body is like a towering divine tree in the sea of ​​life.

The eight heads screamed together, and a barbaric divine power rushed out instantly. The sea of ​​life seemed to be swept by a giant hand that covered the sky, and the sea water was pulled aside in an instant. , and some people were shaken by its sound for several miles before they staggered and stood firm.

"Yaqi no Orochi." The saint child-level figure was also really moved, looking at the monster in the sea in astonishment, unexpectedly even the eternal beast Yamata no Orochi appeared, although it didn't come in real body, but the momentum also overwhelmed them Cold sweat was pouring out, and after a while, they really realized that the red-haired boy was more powerful than them.

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Suddenly, countless voices pierced through the air, and behind them, dozens of figures flew towards them. The crowd was full of demonic aura, and everyone lived countless lives like a harvesting ground, with evil spirits all over their bodies Yang Yang, exuding bursts of evil breath.

"Monsters." The saint sons of the righteous way, who were standing scattered, also subconsciously came together at this time, confronting the young demon Tianjiao, but now both sides are in tacit understanding not to make a move, watching the blood wheel and Baqi in the field. Ye Fan, who faced the big snake, was thinking again and again.Some people smiled evilly, while others looked gloomy.

Ye Fan saw that the three-headed golden snake changed its appearance again, and it seemed that its strength had increased by several levels. He regretted that he only remembered to be handsome just now, and didn't solve it quickly.

"Damn it, it won't be because of him this time." Ye Fan was shocked, thinking that the change of the three giant snakes was all because of the red-haired boy borrowing strength from Ye Fan. Not myself, but the red-haired boy.

Ye Fan scolded the three-headed golden snake for being unkind, why did it have to chase after him and not let it go, wouldn't it be enough to be killed by him casually?

"Hey, hey." After the people from the Demon Race appeared, a bunch of tall figures also appeared on the other side. They were the other big group of Gochen Xing, the Beast God Clan.

The beast gods have the will of heaven and can practice fairy arts, but different from the human race, the beast races all exude a tyrannical aura, which is very similar to the aura exuded by the Yamata no Orochi.

"Why did God Yaqi appear here?" Among the orcs, a tall and beautiful girl frowned and asked.

According to the records, Yamata no Orochi is a legendary existence among the orcs, with unparalleled combat power. Since its birth, it has killed heroes from all walks of life and achieved a legend of an era. The position of the battle fairy.In the end, he broke through the void in the hook array, flew to the fairyland, and proved the way of longevity.

"No, it is said that when Baqi Dashen was young, he was just an ordinary snake clan. He only obtained magical skills by chance before he achieved his later achievements. It is said that every time he rises to a great secret realm, Baqi Dashen will shed his whole body and transform into an extra head." On the other side, a half-naked strong man spoke with a hoarse voice.

"That's right, is this Baqi also a body abandoned by God Baqi." On the other side, a woman with two horns on her head said in surprise.

"Even if it is, it's just one head. Didn't you see that the other seven heads are all from the virtual body?" said the beautiful woman who spoke first.

But when these words came out, everyone gasped. If what they said was true, how terrifying would be the eight-headed snake body abandoned by the Great God Yaqi.

The situation was turbulent, and no one knew what the origin of this giant snake was, but everyone knew that Baqi had no signs of life, but was just a walking dead.In the sea of ​​life, some people lamented deeply, if they were lucky enough to see these divine beasts, it would not be in vain.They also envy those who can witness the growth of a generation of war immortals, and have the opportunity to look up at the invincible heroic posture of war immortals when they were young.

Without speaking, everyone stared nervously at Ye Fan and Baqi in the field with sharp eyes, but Ye Fan seemed to ignore the gazes of these people at all, and with a wave of his hand, holding the blood wheel, he rushed to Baqi.

"Drink." Ye Fan was like a particle in front of Baqi, but as he drank, a giant bull shadow with a height of thirty feet jumped down from the air with fists together.

(End of this chapter)

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