Taikoo Evil Emperor

Chapter 320 Escape

Chapter 320 Escape
"I won't have this day to become a monster like you." When Ye Fan said this, he was actually guarding himself, telling himself not to be like Xie Long in the future, making people and ghosts invisible. Ghost.

Although Xie Long's animal nature is now dominating his consciousness, he still roared hoarsely when he heard Ye Fan's scolding voice, his eyes gleamed with silver light, and the sharp claws that grabbed Ye Fan's face became stronger and faster again.

"Touch." Ye Fan didn't fall back, and punched Xie Long. Ye Fan was proud of his physical strength, but now seeing Xie Long's physical strength, he also had the idea of ​​fighting him.

But a splash of blood splashed, and Xie Long grabbed Ye Fan's fist and smashed it to pieces.Ye Fan endured the pain and hurriedly backed away, his spiritual power constantly repairing the broken bones.

"Sure enough." Although Ye Fan scolded others for being inhuman and beastly, he was still amazed by Xie Long's current physical strength. He believed that even if he was a person of Shenzang Dzogchen, he would not dare to beat him to the peak.

Ye Fan retreated, and the God of War Jue evolved, and thousands of sharp swords appeared behind him, with a little bit of cold light, rushing to kill Xie Long.The sword fell from the body of the dragon, shaking the surrounding fields, and the sky and the earth trembled for a while.

Xie Long cried out in pain, although those sharp swords could not break through his dragon body, the impact force still existed.

"Roar." Xie Long was furious, and scraped down the sword tomb in the sky with one hand. In the sky, a giant claw covering one side appeared, and it flew down together with Ye Fan in the sky.

"Drink." Ye Fan was attacked by the silver claws. He drank in the mountains, and as soon as he used the Dragon Fighting Technique, he went straight to meet the kill.

The earth was stained with blood, Ye Fan had scruples in his heart, and he didn't dare to borrow too much power from the red-haired boy, fearing that he would lose his heart like Xie Long.

The stars turned and the moon slowly dimmed.All of a sudden, there was a gust of wind blowing from this side of the world, and there were bursts of humming sounds as the wind passed by.

Ye Fan frowned suddenly during the battle, because just behind, the figure of the Erdao old man came against the wind, and the Dao pattern on his body felt as oppressive as Qinshan approaching the top from a distance.

"Stop." Among them was an old man, dressed in white, with two eyebrows hanging down his face.

But the two in the fierce battle could hear it, even if Ye Fan heard it, but now that Xie Long has lost his humanity, how could he pay attention to that person's stop.


Seeing that Ye Fan and the two of them didn't stop, the two old men rushed up against the sky, one suppressing the other.The power on the old man was extremely powerful, and suddenly, the golden light shone in the night sky, as if there were two more war gods.

Ye Fan looked at the old man with long eyebrows coldly, and his heart beat repeatedly. This old man was definitely in the realm of Shenzang Dzogchen.There is a warning sign in the heart, when the blood wheel hangs above the head and guards the body.

"Boy, you really are my Zong nemesis, you really made us angry." The long-browed old man looked at Xie Long on the ground and said angrily.

Ye Fan frowned. These two are old monsters of Wan Jianzong. Although they are not saints, their strength is also extremely terrifying.

"Old man, back then you were the first to offend me, and the second was to kill your family. You are at a loss for this reason." Ye Fan sneered.

"Asshole." The old man with long eyebrows shouted after hearing Ye Fan's words.

Ye Fan's strength surged, although his face was calm, but his heart was also bitter.

But the two old men are here, and it is impossible for him to kill Xie Long again. With his current body, he can only borrow the power of the red-haired boy from the fourth heaven of Shenzang, and if he borrows more, he may lose his strength. The pulse is broken.

"Elder, we can't let him go, he stole our medicinal herbs." At this time, a man who saw an old man came said.

"Oh oh oh, hey, who said that someone robbed you, tell me the evidence." And in the void, a girl came out and asked the Wan Jianzong member with a smile.

"How did you get here?" Ye Fan asked, this woman was exactly Chu Ning who fled to the other side with him.

"I came here early in the morning, and I'm still watching your battle." Chu Ning said with a smile: "What's even more surprising to me is that you are the red blood that has been so popular these days. Sure enough, my initial feeling was not wrong , what are you hiding on your body?"

At the end, Chuning smiled softly.

As for the disciples of Wan Jianzong, they were at a loss for words for a while, and they didn't know what to say. The things here are things that have no owner. If there is an owner, it is also the monster that originally lived here.

"Whether you take our things or not, you will die." The long-browed old man waved his hand, did not say any kind words, and the aura on his body was shocked.

Ye Fan looked at Xie Long, and now Xie Long was pinned down in the air by another old man, who was helping him suppress the snake spirit in his body.

Xie Long kept stabbing at the side, but the silver scales on his body became less and less under the palms of the old man.Human nature is also slowly recovering.

"Let's go." But when Ye Fan was about to fight the old man, a yellow light suddenly appeared in front of him, and then there was wind under his feet, and he flew away from the old man in an instant.

"Asshole." The long-browed old man cursed, but in the blink of an eye, Chuning and the two had disappeared into the sky.

"Huntian Ling?" The old man with long eyebrows looked shocked as he watched it disappear into the sky.

"Elder, we can't let them escape." The people of Wan Jianzong couldn't help screaming when they saw the two disappear in the same place in a flash.

"I can't chase them, unless the ancestor of the sect invites them, I can't catch those two at all." The old man with long eyebrows was angry: "However, as long as the saint comes, he is still in this god's domain, and he has nowhere to escape. .”

When everyone heard what he said, they all nodded their heads. Wan Yanran's strength is even more terrifying than the Supreme Elder. If she makes a move, I don't believe he can't defeat that kid.

. . . . . . . .

In the middle of the night, Ye Fan and Chu didn't know how many miles they had walked. Although they threw away the Wan Jianzong people, they still felt unsafe and walked tens of thousands of miles all the way.

Ye Fan forcibly suppressed the power of the red-haired boy in his body. When it returned to normal, Ye Fan was a little startled thinking about it. Ye Fan had really seen the power of the red-haired boy. If he really wanted to kill himself, he wouldn't be able to Can't resist.

Chuning stood aside, watching Ye Fan keep turning, pointing at his chin with one hand as if studying something.

"Have you seen enough?" Ye Fan looked sideways, there is no end to this stuff, and he looked at it as if he was a monster all the way.

"No, I really didn't expect it, you are so strong." Although Chu Ning knew that Ye Fan's combat power was comparable to that of a holy son, she was not panicked, and she was not afraid that Ye Fan would retaliate against her.This is also true, as long as she has that sleepy silk, even if the saint comes, she will be able to catch her.

"But I'm here to hunt for treasure. It's too conspicuous to be with you." Chuning smiled evilly.

"No, please go slowly." Hearing what she said, Ye Fan immediately made a petition.

"Oh hello, how can I say that I have lived with you and saved your life just now, why did you leave me so cruelly?" Chu Ning wanted to cry, but Ye Fan shrugged when he saw her appearance Come on, life and death, damn it, you'll run first whenever something happens.

(End of this chapter)

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