Taikoo Evil Emperor

Chapter 321 White Shadow

Chapter 321 White Shadow
But what she said is not wrong, her appearance is really conspicuous, and she might be in trouble again and again when she leaves this god's domain, so she really wants to cover herself up.

I have a broken stone in my body to block other people's exploration, but I haven't learned the Taoism of changing faces, so I have to wear a mask to cover it.

"Hey, you're shameless, it's ugly to wear this thing." Seeing Ye Fan make a mask out of ancient wood, Chuning laughed loudly: "I'm talking about you, can you think of some smarter ways to do this?" Makes me look like a retard, haha?"

Ye Fan said dumbly, it was like a blow to the head for her to say that, but she still needs to cover up, anyway, she just laughs when she likes a joke, and it's not because of her face.

Chu Ning saw Ye Fan sitting on the ground indifferently, fiddling with the wooden mask.

Although Ye Fan's hand skills are not very good, but with a scrape of spiritual energy, the surface of the mask is as smooth as a mirror, with dark green wood grains, which looks weird and frightening.

When Chu Ning arrived at the end, when Ye Fan smiled with a mask covering two-thirds of his face, his small mouth opened wide. That scary appearance made Chuning shudder, but he also felt incomparably Heroic.

"It's pretty good, make one for me too." After seeing the end, Chuning thought of her own situation, and wanted it too.Ye Fan had no choice but to get rid of her entanglement, and finally made one for her that only covered half of his eyes.

"Haha, if it's not the two of you, let's call it the treasure hunting duo, more matching." Ye Fanquan pretended to be farting at her words, and continued to heal after finishing.

But Chuning seemed to have played it up. When he walked in the ruins, he laughed loudly at the night sky, wearing a strange mask, looking at people in this night with fear.

Another half month passed, and Ye Fan had recovered from his injuries.He also turned back from the ancient forest and returned to the front of the stone palace.

The dull sound in the stone hall would resound every once in a while.And every vibration is like an iron hammer hitting a person's heart and spleen, which is frightening.

Ye Fan and the two of them sat quietly in the forest with the opening of the stone palace. The aura of the ancient temple was getting stronger and stronger. It must not be long before it would be opened. The dead energy before did not scare everyone away. More people came.The closer you get to the ancient temple, the original ancient trees in the forest gradually become rarer. Because the ancient temple was dug out by splitting the mountain, there are more and more broken boulders on the ground.

In the ancient temple, the dense aura is becoming more and more dense at this time, like glue, with a Bohemian vitality in it, even stronger than the aura in the spirit stone.This makes people more convinced that there are unworldly treasures inside.


There was another dull sound, Ye Fan and the two climbed up to the sky and looked forward.The stone pillars in front of the ancient temple seemed to be guarding the stone hall, and they produced waves of waves to block the power of the crowd, but due to the baptism of the years, it has almost collapsed now.

And the most astonishing thing is that the endless mountain range will fall off a layer of rocks with every vibration in the stone hall.At the end, an endless stretch of magnificent ancient buildings lay quietly among the mountains.Some people wanted to enter from the other side, but the huge stone pillars surrounding the ancient buildings shook and directly sent those practitioners who entered from the back mountain flying hundreds of feet away.Fell in the mountains without knowing life or death.

"Don't go in other places, this dragon guarding formation can only be broken by destroying the dragon's head." The person of the divine fortune teller hurriedly cursed when he saw that everyone was desperately trying to enter from other places.The surroundings of this stone palace are surrounded by an inexplicable fluctuation, which makes people feel very weird.

The old monsters shot again and again, and everything in front of him shocked Ye Fan. As the stone pillars in front of the stone hall collapsed, the stone pillars standing around them were also slowly glowing.

"Boom." The aura full of spleen is flowing, and the glow is erupting one after another.

But at this moment, on a huge mountain about ten miles away from the Stone Palace, a volcano erupted suddenly, and the red slurry that rushed out rolled down and flew out, scattering and falling in the air.

And in the center of the crater, a hundred-foot-long firebird shone fiery red all over, and mysterious Dao patterns lingered around his body.

"That's the phoenix bird." All the cultivators were shocked when they saw its fiery red figure. This phoenix bird is a descendant of the Phoenix family. A ferocious beast with incomparably powerful strength. In the same realm, it has the title of invincible posture.People who don't have a monstrous nature have to take a detour when they see it, avoiding its peak.

On the other side, the mountains and forests trembled, giant black shadows appeared, and the fierce beasts that lived here also came. Nine giant monsters came slowly, all of which were ancient fierce beasts recorded in history books. The Hook Array Stars were all extinct, and all the monsters appeared, all of them supremely powerful.

Among them was a half-orc with wings on his back. With his wings spread out, his body was a hundred feet wide and a hundred feet high, and his whole body was shining with silver light. At this time, he dominated one side and came slowly.

"Roar." On the other side, a dragon head, an ox body, and a dragon mang covered in eerie scales moved towards it like a hill.

For the rest, there was also a tacit understanding, each branch stood on one side, and the cultivators gathered around the stone palace.The sudden appearance of dozens of such terrifying monsters shocked all the cultivators.What kind of things exist in this different world, this is too scary.

While all the cultivators were in a daze, in the sky, the fire phoenix flapped its wings and flew into the sky, circling continuously above the heads of all the cultivators.The big monsters seem to be surrounding them at this moment, constantly squeezing the space of the cultivators.

There was a phoenix bird in the sky, and there were nine monsters around. Everyone was so frightened that their faces turned pale.Ye Fan and Chuning obediently stood in a place with few people. There is a big battle here, and now they are calculating whether they should find a chance to sneak away.

"These are all ancient villains."

"If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have come."

"Didn't you say that this is an ancient forgotten battlefield, and it is normal for these ancient monsters to exist."

Some people are retreating, some are laughing, and all kinds of plots are constantly being made.

But at this time, Ye Fan discovered an abnormality. On the distant crater, I don't know if it was his own illusion. When the fire phoenix bird left, a figure stood quietly in the air.

"Young man, look, that person?" Ye Fan said to Chu Ning beside him. The person gave him a strange feeling. The more he wanted to see his appearance, the more blurred he became, but he still felt in his heart. There was another eerie feeling that the man was looking at him.

"Where is it?" Chu Ning didn't care why Ye Fan called her, she got used to it all the way.

"It's on the crater." Ye Fan was surprised, how could she not find it strange that such an abrupt person stood on the crater.

"You're crazy, there are people there." Chu Ning's eyes widened, but his expression became more and more unkind, as if he felt that Ye Fan was teasing her.

(End of this chapter)

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