Taikoo Evil Emperor

Chapter 344 Dead City

Chapter 344 Dead City
This sudden change made everyone feel uneasy.

"Forget it, he should go to find Xianbao." Li Jingxi smiled at the side at this moment.

Everyone doesn't know the reason why the grandson of the tiger disappeared, and now they can only think so.The few people didn't have much time to pay attention to Husun's affairs. They were afraid that others would find the Sky-Mending Stone first, so they hurriedly abandoned their distracting thoughts and kept running between the stone houses.

Ye Fan stayed where he was, looking at the crazy people in front of him. For some reason, the uneasiness in his heart became stronger and stronger, as if something big was about to happen.

"Uh." When Ye Fan saw a corpse being ruthlessly kicked aside by the cultivator, he looked into those staring eyes, and immediately mistakenly thought that the corpse was still alive.

Seeing this, there was a cool breeze behind Ye Fan, and he smiled brightly: "It's so blissful. Brother."

When the five-color stone in Ye Fan's body vibrated, Ye Fan felt the big things here, and believed that there must be something here.

Thinking wildly, he walked straight forward. The more he walked towards the city, the more he could feel a sense of murderousness, and it was very uncomfortable to press on people's hearts.

"What a weird place." Luo Jun slowed down his pace, and at this moment he clearly felt that this place was unusual.

"You feel it too." Ye Fan glanced at him and asked.

"Actually, it's not just me, I believe they are the same." Luo Jun smiled and said, walking all the way down, as if he came to play, just look here and there.

"Brother Luo, I wonder if you have heard any records about this ancient city in Zongmen?" Ye Fan knew that he was a disciple of Lianyun Pavilion. Talked to the elders.

"I've never heard of it, but I really didn't expect that there is such a place on this land. If it is true that this is our origin, as the Divine Suanmen said, it will definitely lead to a big sect dispute." Come here to establish a sect and establish a sect, and divide it with the top ten holy clans." Luo Jun continued to walk forward as he spoke, and Ye Fan also knew some things that he didn't know.

It turns out that everything here was calculated by the ancestors of the Shensuanmen. Since the change occurred at the junction of the Chu and Xia countries, the Shensuanmen have been deducing where this is. It can be concluded that there is not only the treasure of longevity, but also the birthplace of the human race.

The two walked on the street like this, with corpses all over the ground. When the two arrived, they stood still in the air and walked forward. However, as time went by, Ye Fan felt more and more uneasy, because of the gloomy atmosphere in the ancient city. The breath is getting stronger and stronger, and the evil spirit seems to come from Jiuyou, making the body cold.

"Is something going to happen?" Ye Fan turned around and asked, the feeling was very strong, as if it would pull Ye Fan into the abyss.

Luo Jun didn't speak, but nodded.

"Boom." At this time, under the ancient ruins, there was a deep sound, which shook the ground and the waste, and the hearts of all the cultivators felt as if they had been hit by a giant hammer, and they were very uncomfortable.

With the appearance of Chen Xiang, something even more terrifying happened. Those ancient corpses lying in the ancient city were shaking continuously, as if they were about to get up.

"Yeah." A shrill scream came from a distance, making one's face turn pale. The corpses in the ancient city staggered and struggled to stand up from the ground. With a little red light.The ancient corpses were not like ordinary corpses, they were very fast, and several people died tragically in their hands in an instant.

In the ancient ruined city, the ground was trembling, and countless dead bodies stood up. Some cultivators felt fear and retreated to the ancient city, but those dead bodies did not intend to let anyone go, and ran out after them.

At this time, outside the ancient city, many old monsters have already arrived, and they are trying to open the protective formation.

"This is the Battle Immortal Remnant Formation." An old monster teamed up several times, but they couldn't break through the city defense formation. They looked stunned, but everyone gasped when they heard that this was the Battle Immortal Remnant Formation. This is not human power. Breaking through, unless you invite the immortal artifact from the Great Sacred Sect, it will be difficult to move at all, but if you use the immortal artifact to break the formation head-on, the ancient city will also be turned into fly ash under the immortal power, and the people inside will also be afraid. It's real death.

There were repeated screams in the ancient city, but the people outside the ancient city couldn't see it. It was difficult for the spiritual consciousness to search for it to be cut off by the remnant array of battle immortals.

"It seems that we can only ask the great sages to take action." At this time, all the people thought about these existences. Although these people are not as powerful as Banxian, at least they have some hope.

In the ruins, everyone is engaged in a great battle. There are tens of thousands of corpses in the city, but there are only a few thousand cultivators who came in. Each of them is fighting against dozens of ancient corpses. The situation of the cultivators is very bad. Optimistic, perilous.

Among these legions of dead corpses, there are quite a few ancient corpses whose combat power is comparable to that of the Divine Hidden Realm, and some of them have the strength to send chills down the spine.

Seeing this situation, everyone felt even worse, and some people had already fled.It doesn't matter what the fairy treasure is, but there is a big formation blocking the exit, and they can escape there again, so they are forced to fight those ancient corpses.

The blood wheel in Ye Fan's hand swayed again and again, and the ancient corpses gathered around him were swept away by him, but they could still stand up without destroying the ancient corpses into fly ash.

Ye Fan cursed in his heart. This feeling is no doubt the same as the mummy manipulated by death energy in the ancient temple. The whole body has a sinister aura without any soul fluctuations. It is like a combat weapon under command, only the consciousness of killing.

Endless fear weighed on the hearts of all the cultivators, and no one knew how to escape.

"Yeah, don't, don't."

"Don't kill me, don't..."

"Open it, open it."

Some people began to lose control of their emotions. Some cultivators who had never experienced a life-and-death battle and grew up in a greenhouse were crying at this moment.

The ancient corpses had no combat power, once the impact came down, the cultivators suffered countless casualties, and some of them were even bitten to death by those ancient corpses.The howls of despair and panic were heard endlessly, and everyone was fearful, trying to use the simplest and most energy-saving power to kill the ancient corpse.

At this moment, for them, it was like the end of the world!
The eyes of the ancient corpse were gloomy, and there was no magic weapon of the immortal way. It only used the simplest and most brutal attacking technique, using sharp claws and fangs to dig out the heart.

Luo Jun and the others gathered together to help each other in the group of ancient corpses.Everyone practiced Taoism again and again, and directly blasted the ancient corpse that wanted to charge into trash.

And in the sky above the ancient ruins, a monk with a majestic treasure appearance and a transcendent and refined body exuding precious light was clasping his hands together and muttering in his mouth.

And behind him, strands of precious light intertwined in the void, and a huge Buddha statue suddenly appeared with a masculine aura.

(End of this chapter)

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