Chapter 345
And behind him, strands of precious light intertwined in the void, and a huge Buddha statue suddenly appeared with a masculine aura.

As soon as the giant Buddha came out, a giant hand slapped down, and directly slapped the ancient corpse below to death: "My Buddha is merciful, I have grudges in the past life, and I have passed away in the past life, and I will be reborn in bliss."

The low voice of the Buddha came out from the mouth of the giant Buddha, and the monk sitting cross-legged on the chest of the giant Buddha was ethereal and peaceful, with a majestic and upright aura wafting out.In an instant, everyone's fearful hearts calmed down.Those who were afraid and didn't display their normal combat power also settled down at this time.Under the vibration of the Buddha's voice, looking at those ancient corpses again, his eyes changed, and the strength in his hands increased.

"It's just a dead thing, what's the use of staying in the world?" Someone shouted angrily in the middle of the battle in the depths of the ancient city.This shocking shout made all the cultivators look shocked.

Daoguang repeated, the cultivator who was slowed down, although he could not break through the remnant formation of the battle immortals, he was not as scared as he was at the beginning.The group of ancient corpses, which were originally at the limit of their numbers, showed signs of being suppressed at this time.

Ye Fan marched towards the depths of the ancient city from the other side. He had already reached this point, and he couldn't get out if he stayed where he was. Why not look for any openings in the city to open the defense array.

In the sky, there were bombing sounds from time to time. Someone made a deadly move and chose to explode at the moment of the end of their life. This desperate blow was more powerful than any blow they had before they were alive.

Ye Fan once witnessed the self-destruct of the two patriarchs of Qinglongmen.It is so powerful that even people in the first secret realm can only avoid it.

Bombing and killing with all their strength, although the ancient corpses have combat power, their attacks are simple. You only need to watch them a few times to see through their tactics.

At the end of the crowd, the emotions were even higher, and they vented all the frustration they had received at the beginning. For a while, those ancient corpses couldn't stop the crowd from attacking and killing them.

The ancient corpse died, but the evil spirit in the ruins became heavier and heavier, permeating the sky, making the place even darker and gloomy, with blood flowing, coupled with the corpses that were bitten to death, this ruins is as terrifying as a hell on earth .

"Ah, you?" When Ye Fan walked to an alley, a tragic cry came not far away, the scream was painful and unbelievable.

"Hmm." Ye Fan walked quickly, because he felt a familiar breath.

Ye Fan ran along the blood-stained street, and after bypassing several ancient houses, he saw that the screams just now came from a stone house several feet high. The stone house was much taller than the others, as if the nobles lived there of.

Although the scream disappeared, there was another tingling sound that sounded from it.


The sound was like the sound of those ancient corpses gnawing on the cultivators. Ye Fan didn't know who the dead were, but the aura from the stone house was very familiar. Standing in front of the stone house, he murmured: "The grandson of the tiger."

This aura was exactly the disappearing grandson of the tiger, and when he wanted to go and have a look, Shen Meng with a face as cold as ice also came to the house, followed by Li Changxi.

Although both of them escaped among the corpses, their faces are pale now.

"Inside?" Li Changxi came to Ye Fan and said, this ancient house is creepy. If the grandson of the tiger was killed, the aura should have disappeared, but after so long, the grandson of the tiger's spirit has disappeared. Interest is still very strong.

The three of them didn't dare to go forward to check the situation inside the house.

"Go in and have a look." Ye Fan held the blood wheel horizontally in his hand, Hu Sun gave him a good feeling, it is impossible to turn a blind eye to this matter now.

Li Changxi and Shen Meng had the courage to follow after Ye Fan entered the stone house. From the moment he stepped in the door, Ye Fan saw blood all over the ground, as if someone was dragged into the house after being killed.Seeing this situation, Ye Fan frowned, but walked in firmly.

"Hehehe." The sound of gnawing bones became clearer and clearer. After Ye Fan saw the situation in the house, even though his heart was as hard as iron, he was shocked.

Because Hu Sunyuan's eyes were staring, like a beast, biting the flesh and blood of that dead cultivator.

"Husun, you?" Li Changxi shouted in shock. The person who was biting the dead body was the Husun ​​who disappeared after entering the city. Open mouth.

"Roar." Hu Sun didn't seem to want to see a few people, so he roared angrily.Then he stood up and looked at Ye Fan and the others with evil smiles.

The blood wheel in Ye Fan's hand was tightly clenched, and now in Hu Sun's eyes, there was no animalism, only a fierce look, as if he was looking at himself and the others as food: "Be careful, see what kind of evil is caught in it!" gone?"

Ye Fan called the two of them to be on guard. In the ancient stone house, a strong evil spirit floated out of Husun's body.

Just as Ye Fan was speaking, Husun ​​made a move, his fist turned into a claw, and he turned into a black gold attack.The aura on his body is even more terrifying than that of the beast body before.

"Ding." With a sound, Ye Fan was forced to transform into a fairy instantly.


The stone house didn't fall down, but Ye Fan accidentally blasted Bi Husun ​​out of the stone house. Li Changxi and Shen Meng didn't stay, but also ran out of the house.

The grandson of the tiger walked out of the house slowly, exuding bursts of black air, and transformed into tiger claws.The sound of the grinding of fangs was shocking.

"Huh." Hu Sun didn't say anything, and rushed over as soon as he stepped out the door.

"Drink." The three of them moved together. Husun's current strength was so fierce that it made people speechless, and the surging spiritual power was not at all like the initial stage of Shenzang.The stone street was in turmoil, and the four people turned into four bright lights and stalked and killed in the air.

Husun's speed is very fast, if it wasn't for several people cooperating with each other to intercept, they would have been attacked and killed by him one by one.To Ye Fan's surprise, there was an inexplicable black energy wrapped around his left hand. This black energy was so terrifying that it could survive the horizontal cut of Ye Fan's blood wheel.

"Ding." Ye Fan's eyes widened, and the blood wheel trembled in his hand.

When Husun ​​blasted the blood wheel, he cracked his mouth and laughed five times, a cloud of dead air rushed out instantly, trying to envelop Ye Fan in it, Ye Fan couldn't react for a while, his mind was shocked, he had to watch it attack.

"Wan Shui Dun." Pushing Shen Meng's hands on one side, Dao Wen evolved several water snakes and bombarded the dead air, only heard the sound of sizzling, and those water snakes were vaporized by them when they crashed down. There are mist in the sky.

Although the water snake couldn't break the dead breath, it bought Ye Fan half a moment of time.

As soon as the blood wheel touched the stone street, it took a few steps back, and fell to the ground in a dead breath, melting a dead object on the ground into mud with a bang.

Ye Fan felt a chill in his heart, fortunately Shen Meng helped him just now, otherwise he would have become like that.

"Shenzang high-level?" Shen Meng yelled, feeling Husun's interests.Hu Sun cracked his mouth and laughed as if playing.Seeing that Shen Meng saved Ye Fan, he turned to look at her fiercely.

(End of this chapter)

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