Taikoo Evil Emperor

Chapter 346 Blood Wheel Snatched

Chapter 346 Blood Wheel Snatched

"Drink." Ye Fan didn't keep it any longer, and was instantly demonized. Husun's current power cannot be defined by normal levels. He always feels that his realm is the same as the power he borrowed from the red-haired boy.

Seeing Husun ​​staring at Shen Meng, Ye Fan didn't even think about it, and immediately raised his blood wheel and rushed up, Shen Meng had to hide in the third heaven, even if he turned into a beast, he couldn't stop Husun's blow.

The blood wheel had a great aura, the dazzling light came out, and he slashed at the tiger grandson from the air. Now I can't help but care about the tiger grandson's life. If I don't hit the tiger grandson, I can't move. I think I will confess it's here.

Seeing Ye Fan swooping in, Hu Sun raised his lifeless palm and struck upwards.There was a great darkness, and the palm slapped by Husun ​​gradually became bigger and bigger, with a whistling sound brought by the strong wind, and suddenly hit the blood wheel that Ye Fanli had slashed.

"Yeah." Ye Fan snorted in pain, fine blood spattered between his silver teeth, and the hands holding the blood wheel were even more open.He was directly shot by Husun ​​and flew several feet away, hitting the stone house.

"Ye Fan." Li Changxi was horrified, he didn't expect Ye Fan to fight against Hu Sun and it would end badly.

The grandson of the tiger slapped Ye Fan away, jumped into the air without stopping, and with a flick of his hand, two black rainbows rushed towards him.

"The sword destroys all directions." Li Changxi didn't waste any time, and just waved the spirit sword at Hu Sun in the air, but the sword light was near him, Hu Sun didn't even look at it, and directly smashed the sword light with his fist.

Ye Fan fell into the stone house, and with a wave of blood, he chopped the boulder on his body into powder, blood flowed profusely on his face, he wiped it on the corner of his mouth, and sneered: "Damn, what the hell did you hit, kid? It's so beneficial."

Ye Fan smiled wryly. Before, he could win against Husun ​​every minute, but now he was beaten so hard that he couldn't fight back.

"Dragon Fighting Technique." Ye Fan didn't know what evil was in the tiger's grandson, but it was obvious that he was not manipulating his physical body now.The big fist swung fiercely, and several giant dragons rushed out with roars, heading straight for Husun.

"Bang. Bang bang" several times, Husun ​​in the air directly smashed several giant dragons into spirit fragments, and the spirit mang hit the air, floating down the sky with black light.

"Zhizhi." Husun ​​smiled in the air, with those two canine teeth sticking to the corners of his mouth, looking very ferocious.

"Who are you?" Ye Fan asked, standing up and wiping the blood off his face.

Husun's power is definitely not his own, because the dao pattern that Husun ​​is waving now is very evil, which makes people feel very disgusted.

Shen Meng and Li Changxi also fell on Ye Fan's side, staring nervously at the mutated Husun. The strange power of Husun ​​made them terrified, and they didn't dare to fight him close.

Husun ​​laughed in the air for a while, and with a strong wave, a jet of black spiritual light fell like a crescent moon, as fast as a frightened bird.

The three of Ye Fan hurriedly retreated, and were blown out of the deep pit by his black light, and the aftermath shocked the three of them so much that they vomited their hearts out.

Ye Fan stood up and shouted loudly: "You two go first?"

After finishing speaking, he held the blood wheel and went straight to Husun.But Shen Meng and Li Changxi are obviously not people who are greedy for life and afraid of death. Ye Fan only survived with the help of two people by his side.

"Demonization." Ye Fan yelled loudly, and his eyes immediately turned black, as if a ghost from hell had been born, and his whole body was filled with demonic energy.

The grandson of the tiger smiled, as if he was very interested in the demonized Ye Fan. With a lift of the tiger's claws, he bullied himself, trying to suppress Ye Fan with his body.

"Ding, ding, ding." Ye Fan and Ye Fan fought each other in the air with the sound of collision like looking for iron.

Seeing Husun ​​resisting the blood wheel with his physical strength, Ye Fan was shocked, and looking at Husun ​​who was fighting and smiling evilly, it was obvious that this guy hadn't exerted his full strength yet.

"Drink." Ye Fan was also angry, and his body was about to burst from the repeated impacts. He hurriedly swung the blood wheel in a half circle, and slashed at Husun.

"Ding." But what Ye Fan didn't expect was that the grandson of the tiger turned his fist into a claw, raised his hand to claw at the blood wheel, and directly grabbed the blood wheel blade.

"Zhizhi." There was no scar in Husun's hand, and the blood wheel was tightly clasped like an iron clip.Ye Fan tried his best and couldn't pull it back.

"Fork." Ye Fan raised his strength, but the blood wheel did not move.

"Squeak." Husun ​​looked at Ye Fan's flushed face, smiled fiercely, and shook the blood wheel vigorously, directly throwing Ye Fan from a high altitude to the ground.

"Boom." Ye Fan couldn't stop the falling trend.

"Fish watermark."

But when Ye Fan was about to hit him, Shen Meng's voice appeared in his ears, and then a water wave appeared on the ground, like a soft bed, supporting Ye Fan who fell.

"Why is this?" Seeing Husun ​​holding the blood wheel, Ye Fan was startled, spit out a mouthful of blood, and lost contact with the blood wheel, as if his consciousness that fell on the blood wheel had been wiped out by it.

Shen Meng's face didn't change color, she looked up at Hu Sun who had already held the blood wheel in his hand in the air.

"Saint realm?" Ye Fan's heart is not good, the spirit of the blood wheel is damaged, but there is also a saint realm, and it can't match Husun's power at this time.

Husun ​​was playing in the air, and under the influence of his power, the supernatural power emitted by the blood wheel made everyone feel uncomfortable. Now its power is many times stronger than its previous self.

Husun ​​held the blood wheel and flicked it lightly in the air.

"Boom." A huge blood light rushed out, directly cutting a big hole ten feet deep in the stone street.

"He took your sacred artifact?" Li Changxi was shocked. You must know that this street is guarded by another ancient formation. The previous cultivators fought with the corpses without smashing it, but now they are easily cut out by Hu Sun. There is a huge pit.

"I don't know." Ye Fan didn't know how to answer. It was true that the blood wheel belonged to him, but he hadn't completely contracted it. Whoever got it got it.

"Huh." Husun ​​threw up the big blood wheel again, and a deep hole appeared again. The overflowing blood awned, causing Li Changxi, who was relatively weak in strength, to be severely injured, and several sternums were broken.

And Shen Meng was not feeling well, her face was extremely pale.Ye Fan was so angry that his teeth were itching. Hu Sun was now trying the blood wheel like a treasure. Although the blood wheel was not his own, he had used his feelings for being with him for so long.How can I not be angry when I am being teased by it like this.

In my heart, I wanted to give this guy a good meal, but because I didn't have enough strength, this wish seemed hard to come true.

"Zhizhi." Husun's combat power was strong, and he pulled the blood wheel and directly attacked Ye Fan, the bitter master.

"Your sister is so wicked." Ye Fan cursed, this guy actually used his own weapon to kill himself, even more immoral than himself, a person who specializes in stealing Taoist weapons.

Although Ye Fan was cursing, he didn't dare to take the blood wheel. In the hands of the grandson of Hu, the blood wheel at least has the power of the holy realm.

"Boom." Ye Fan was blown out, and fell ten feet away again. The other two could not help Ye Fan now, and Hu Sun waved out from time to time, causing them serious injuries.

(End of this chapter)

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