Featured by Frederick Floyd

Chapter 10 1962 years

Chapter 10 [-]
Following his visit to the United States, Fu Cong went to South America, Vienna and other places to hold concerts. The travel was exhausting, and the letters from his family dwindled. Fu Lei and his wife were very concerned.

Satoshi, dear boy:
I haven't written to you for almost a month.You believe less, and our faith also decreases unconsciously.You are so busy outside that you may not have time to read long letters; some things you have said to you will be forgotten after a while; besides, we know nothing about your situation, and there are many things that we can't talk about.

Received a call on the [-]th, presumably the two of you have not written for a long time, you can't help but feel guilty, and you are afraid that we are in a hurry?Anyway, a telegram made my mother smile, and said before eating: "Have fun..." I asked: "Why?" She said: "For the children."

Today, Sunday, I wanted to rest, but I wrote seven letters as soon as I picked up the pen, and this one is the eighth.Since I came back from Suzhou in early November, I have been working in one breath until now. After running a marathon, I put down my pen at 09:30 last night and felt very tired.It's ridiculous to think about it. At the beginning, I only worked for four hours, and when it was added to six hours, I was very happy to translate a thousand words. In recent weeks, I worked eight or nine hours a day. As a new ration, it seems to always compete with oneself in labor and grab the "red flag".Fortunately, my brain power still supports me, and my arthritis doesn't happen very often.It's just that there are tears and yawns every morning; probably because of overuse of eyesight.The health improvement in the past year (my mother's skin color has also improved) is all thanks to your food and medicine.In the past six months, Min's body has also become stronger.But the income from at least three or four concerts in [-] was reimbursed to us, right?
For the food package sent in mid-November in London, Harrods wrote the sender’s name for the first time, and it was written as Mrs. Fou Ts’ong, so the customs considered that we were not overseas Chinese, so we could not enjoy tax-free care, and the tax The total amount was more than [-] yuan (approximately [-] pounds!), and the United Front Work Department negotiated on its behalf. It took three weeks before they agreed to pay half of the tax, and declared that "this will not be an example."I have already sent a letter to the company, solemnly instructing the sender to only write your name in the future, otherwise we will not be able to afford ten pounds at a time.Because of the oil, sugar, flour, shredded tobacco, etc. sent from Hong Kong, we have always paid taxes according to the regulations.The one hundred yuan you send every two months is just enough to offset this tariff.

Is the income planned in advance for this trip in April?Whether you two listen or not, I have to remind you again and again.Since we live in the world of money, we must control money well so as not to be enslaved by money.

Of course, there is no such thing as the best of both worlds everywhere in the world. Everything is up to one’s own control. The purpose is nothing more than to suffer less material troubles and devote more time to learning and art.The ideal world is always an ideal; no matter where the world is, there are always more things that don't look good than things that look good.But please don't hinder your research, everything else can be ignored.Boredom is a waste of time, disturbing the mind, not worth it!I’m afraid you’ve thought a lot about these too, and you’ve been quite open-minded, right?

I still have to write a few words to Mira. If I only write your letter but not her letter, I feel uncomfortable, as if I am sorry for her and feel indifferent to her.Be careful!Get plenty of rest!How close to nature!

Dad, the afternoon of January [-], [-]
Dear children:
The letter from Fiji Island stated on the envelope that it was registered, but in fact it was not registered. It must have been delivered to the hotel, and they passed it carelessly.In the future, don't forget to entrust someone to deliver the letter to the post office, and you must ask for the receipt.You should remember that a long letter went missing in Poland in 26, and it left us in a state of unrest for weeks.From November to December, Min had no letters from home for [-] days. We sent two telegrams but never returned them. Immediately call back, we are so tired that we are in a hurry.

Reading the letter, I am very touched.Although the youthful ethnicity is full of vitality, the childish temperament and temper are innocent and cute if you don't get in touch with them.We Chinese always like to be quiet, calm, reserved, talk about taste [taste], and often do evil when we encounter silly [stupid] performance.Exuberant vitality can also be aggressive and embarrassing.Among our friends, there are such characters, and I often feel this way.Maybe my own dogmatic [dogmatic] smell, people have complained behind their backs and can't stand it.I often think, what is the stereotype of a nation with a complex origin like the Americans, and when does it become mature.Their ancestors 200 years ago were either religious refugees who were forced to exile in Europe (there are both old and new religions, depending on which country in Europe; most of them are Protestants-from England and France. Old religions come from the Netherlands and Northern Europe), or People who stumbled in their careers were either young gold diggers or real robbers and murderers.It is not surprising that the descendants of these people are particularly strong in resistance and struggle, but it is conceivable that they are lacking in the influence of traditional culture, or even unique.Just rush forward, don't care about success or failure, everything can be desperate, everything is in front of you, never consider whether it is worthwhile to take risks, no matter what the occasion is, it is not difficult to regard life as a feather: this kind of nation can start a business, can Innovation, but lack of foresight and wisdom, it is difficult to be conservative, and it is not easy to mature.Too much self-confidence can lead to arrogance, and taking things too lightly can lead to childish arrogance.No wonder capitalism develops so fast and becomes so deformed in their hands.I feel like their society is growing a cancer: a few cells expand without limit and swallow up thousands of other cells; and before the thousands of cells are completely swallowed up, they still think they are healthy Very, "freedom" and "democracy" are very good!

However, the development of society is too complicated after all, and there are too many changes, so it cannot be inferred based on any theory.For example, the question about American pianos, to us music lovers, can be said to symbolize the decline of music culture in the United States; but how can it be explained that some bands are of a higher standard than Western Europe?Managers and other unreasonable facts in the music industry, monopoly, suppression, stifling of individuality, etc. are heinous; but talented artists continue to emerge among young people: is it the struggle between the new and the backward? ?Or is the new force also at the end of its strength?Is American music creation advancing on a healthy road, or is it tending to be depressed and rotten in general?The people are kind and upright everywhere, and they can tell right from wrong, beautiful from ugly, and reactionary rule is full of monsters and monsters everywhere; but under the paralyzing propaganda of radio, TV, newspapers, etc., how long can most people keep their heads clear?I have never experienced extreme material civilization, but I started to care about this issue 30 years ago.European cultural circles have discussed this question several times since the First World War, but the real answer is only the history of the future.Is it true that a revolution cannot be made if one is not poor and not worthless, or is it that revolutions in a country with property will never be complete?Even if it is complete, how long will it take for the disease of poor and white to be cured?Sometimes I also imagined that I was on another planet, another animal higher than human beings, and looked at everything on this planet. At that time, I would not only laugh, but also feel at a loss. In such a mess, I don't even know whether to affirm the question of life or death.Of course, I’m just telling you that I have such fantasies from time to time. In fact, I’m limited by the physiology of a “human being”, so I won’t really reach that field, and it’s impossible to get rid of pain and troubles. Anesthetized myself.

Critics in Cincinnati, New York, and San Francisco all saw some samples, none of them very brilliant (except for one), and some of them were quite "pediatric".As for the guy from the New York Times that Mira was talking about, it was ridiculous.And the "New York Times" and "Herald Tribune" are still the two largest daily newspapers in the United States!The question about critics and other questions in your letter remind me not only of the "Festival" in "Jean-Christophe" (Volume 130), but also of Balzac in "Disillusionment" In the second part, it describes the inside story of the literary world, newspaper circles and theaters in Paris [-] years ago.Balzac deserves to be a master of realism. His writing is full of flesh and blood, and every character is as vivid as the present. It is by no means like Romain Rolland, who only has ideology and is close to abstract caricature.Those who study art, regardless of painting, sculpture, or music, can change their careers if they fail to learn; painters can draw illustrations, advertisements, etc., and sculptors may wish to change to interior decoration or handicrafts.Pianists and violinists can take disciples.If those who specialize in criticism are imbecile, they have no other career to change, but can only be a bad critic for a lifetime, or they will be hired as cheerleaders or thugs.Not only that, cultural people and intellectuals from all walks of life, once they have no way out, when they have no achievements in their field and cannot gain a foothold, they can change their careers to become critics, so the critics can easily become a garbage dump.What do you think, I am afraid that there are far fewer clever, serious, conscientious, and insightful critics than real artists?

afternoon of January 21

Unexpectedly, performances in Australia are more popular than in America. No wonder you wrote a letter so early in Honolulu.Revisiting Bartok, I'm very happy to hear it, and I can't let it go if I have the opportunity to play modern things, even if it's hard work, it's worth it.It's also a breath of fresh air for your musical sensibilities.

Mira's letter was written very well this time, delicate and tactful, showing that she knows you very well and cares about your art to 120 points.From the beginning to the end, the emotion is rich, and the writing is also better than before.I have to give her a big compliment.This time, she was welcomed by overseas Chinese everywhere, and it also had a great educational effect on her, allowing her to see the spirit of our nation, and at the same time, cultivating her enthusiasm and heroism.I knew your complaints about married life were unfounded.First, I only need to look at myself and look back on my past to know that you are also picky when things happen, and you tend to exaggerate. , Most of them have to go through a long period of exploration before they can gradually become knowledgeable and get along well.I'm afraid this trip would have affected you a lot if she hadn't been by your side all the time.Trivial chores are the most disturbing, especially if you need to spend a lot of time on the piano, you can't stand sporadic interruptions.After more than a year of observation, we have found that Mira is indeed a kind-hearted and extremely intelligent person. As long as she is patient, after a few years, all small conflicts will be resolved unconsciously.All in all, we are not only gratified for your success this time, but also gratified for the harmony between the two of you all the way!
Dad on the night of January 21st
Dear Cong and Mira:
When I received your long letter, we were about to have lunch. The two of us were so happy that we read and ate at the same time.You told us a lot of new things, the joy in my heart, I don’t know how to express it, your letters are so touching, especially the scenes of those old friends, looking back on those years, can you not be sympathetic!I hope you will report the good news after your tour in Australia is over, and write down what you have seen and heard as carefully and richly as possible.
Every time Dad writes a letter, I have to copy it down for the record, and your letter should also be copied or typed, so that relatives and friends who care about you can read it.You see, I'm busier, but I don't complain because it's something I'm happy to do.

I think you must have met Uncle Liang and Aunt Lin Jin. I have already written to inform them that they live in Sydney.I really envy those friends, they can go to your concert and meet you backstage; but we are separated by oceans, someday we will meet again!
Amin arrived home on the 26th, and I had to go to the station to pick him up. He often asked "Brother, do they have a letter?" This time I can see your long letter, I don't know how excited I am!He is graduating this summer, and he will be assigned a job to return to his original school as a teaching assistant. Soon, he will be a teacher.It's a pity that he has a shallow foundation and lacks common knowledge in all aspects. When he is doing things, he feels poor, and he is not enough, and he has to continue to work hard.His aptitude is poor, because his father taught him, his ability to accept is limited, and he is not deep enough.In the past two months, he had turned over two short articles and sent them. His father carefully reviewed them for him, corrected mistakes, and explained them one by one. He had no time during the day and worked overtime at night.Dad said he must help as much as he could; fathering would do anything for his son.You are well aware of Dad's strength, and I am often moved to tears.Dad often said: "Amin, I have taught too little, and I feel guilty. Now I have to catch up. Unfortunately, the time we meet is short, and there is no way to help." As long as he works hard, I believe he will not let us down.When I go home this time, I will feed him like a "crammed duck".

After you return to London, we have a batch of photos for you. You must be happy. See if your parents are still cute when they are old?Tell Mira that I like her from the bottom of my heart. Although I can't write English, I can read English, so I won't be separated from her!Just paint a few words in a hurry and forget it, I wish you happiness!

Mom January 22, [-]

Satoshi, dear boy:
Every time I read a letter, I always feel unspeakable excitement, excitement, joy, emotion, and melancholy!Recently, I read the two letters reporting the performances in the United States and Australia. I went around in circles inside and outside the house.How terrible is the cruel and hideous trick of cannibalism!You worked hard for four or five months and ended up empty-handed, and our hearts ache when we think about it.Of course you don't seek profit as your goal, and your parents never want you to make a fortune-and they have always despised this idea; but why should those middlemen occupy the labor income of artists!Seeing children being exploited to such an extent, just like when you were raped and bullied when you were a child, makes us feel pain and pity for you, and we are angry and annoyed at those vampires, and hate it so much!I believe that sooner or later you will be able to break free from the clutches of the devil and stop being fish.Balzac said it well: If society cannot trample you to death, it will kneel in front of you.In the Western world, this kind of ugly drama has to go on without an earth-shaking revolution.Of course, the four-month touring performance has benefited you a lot in terms of art, and you have a new understanding of many works, and you have taken a step further.It can be seen that only art and learning have never failed people: how much labor, hard work, loyalty and enthusiasm are spent, so much harvest and progress can be obtained.It is a pleasure to write this and think of your self-criticism about the new Mozart record.A person will never be satisfied with his achievements until he is stagnant.Change is progress—of course, there are also good ones that deteriorate and become bad ones—the vision changes every day, and only then can we glimpse the new world of culture and art and be able to continuously create.Mom watched that passage and sighed: "Cong is really like you, always dissatisfied with yourself, always criticizing yourself!"

Most of the comments in the United States are mediocre and shallow, and the praise is also superficial.After all, there are still music scholars in the UK who also write newspaper reviews, such as the London Times ["The Times"] and Manchester's "Guide". The New York Times is even more ridiculous.Glad to see that your Chinese is not regressed, except for a few words (we say "heartache like numb", not "heartache like numb". To describe the latter, you can only say "heartache like cut" or "heart like knife cut ". You can't say that you are humble and humble, and you can't say "shabby". Maybe it's your typo).Reading your letter, I can vividly see your voice and smile; the frankness, sincerity, simplicity, enthusiasm, and distinction between what you like and hate expressed in your tone of discussion are exactly the same as what you showed on the piano.Child, you said that our letter is like a mirror to you; in fact, your letter is also a mirror to us. In some places, you and I are too similar, and some words seem to be said by myself.I usually look forward to your letter not only because "smell smells like smoke", but also because there are too few people around to talk about life and art.But we forgive you, you are so busy, how can you bear to ask you to write more?This time I feel surprised to write this letter. I thought that once you returned to England, you would not write any more because of so many performances.But in the past few years, the greatest comfort and happiness for the two of us is indeed to receive letters regularly.I also have to tell you that your medium-sized handwriting (as written on the jacket of this review) is very beautiful; my pen writing has been getting ugly lately.It's rare for you to write Chinese characters, it's really hard for you!

March 25
I wrote it on the 25th above, and I didn’t write it for a week, which is unprecedented for me.Recently, I have been physically exhausted. Apart from working every day, I have no energy to do other things. Even walking a short distance is very tiring.Eyes often watery, ophthalmologist examination, that is not a problem with the eyes itself, but general fatigue.After resting for half a month in early March, it did not improve.Since [-], the diet has been greatly improved, and the lack of energy now is probably due to aging; or the lack of nutrition in [-] and [-] cannot be made up for.All in all, fatigue is real, and the cause is unclear.

The letter said that the Chinese have a better future than the Japanese in making Western music, because they can't make it despite their hard work.It is not easy to dissolve solids, and it is rare to obtain the method through hard work.In terms of the overall national character, there is indeed this difference between the Japanese and Chinese races.But the people we can transform are also rare, because the reason is that we have too little contact with the outside world and too little absorption.Poor nutrition in recent years has also affected mental activity.I deeply feel that I am much stupider than before.In the translation work, I also suffer from too little translation, not enough translation, and poor translation.The requirements of artistic creation and re-creation are similar in nature no matter which one.Music is probably more difficult because of its abstraction.What I understand can't be expressed, or it can't be just right, and it can't fully match my ideal state, no more, no less.The neural connection of the heart, brain, and hands may be more subtle in music performance than in other arts, and it is not easy to master to the degree of automatic [freedom].Ordinary young people seldom think independently about any subject. Not only do they lack self-confidence, but even if they are given a direction, they will not explore it by themselves.There are many reasons, and they cannot be blamed.There are probably some flaws in the educational methods of more than ten years.Young people don't understand by analogy, and it is difficult to achieve success in any subject of study.The unity of thought has the benefits of unity, but in the end, the thoughts will only turn in one direction, they will only walk in a straight line, and the eyes will only see one path, and they will also fall into monotony, poverty, and stagnation.Drilling in one direction is not a bad thing, but it's a pity that it didn't go deep.

At the beginning of the month, I read "Fen Mo Chun Qiu", which was dictated by Gai Jiaotian and written by others. It is the best book on art since liberation.Life-education-ethics-art, there is no more perfect combination.There are examples from beginning to end, it is by no means a dry theory.Regarding learning, he put forward that "slow is fast", which means that if the foundation is not laid well, everything is built on the sand, and you will never be able to climb it.I think this point is particularly worthy of our deep thinking.If you rush at the beginning and only hope for quick success, not only will there be no results in the end, but it will also create a bad atmosphere of unreliability.If the Germans hadn't worked hard throughout the first half of the nineteenth century and worked hard in every aspect of knowledge, how could they have been able to shine in science, textual research, and literature from the end of the nineteenth century to today?Gai Jiaotian has a deeper understanding of art.He said that learning opera must go through a lot of "silence".Learning to sing, read, and act does not count; you have to sit down and call yourself "out of your body", that is, go out by yourself, do and sing a play silently; How to change it, and then stand up and do it again, sing it again, and read it again.At that time, you will definitely find that the things that were well-adjusted in your mind just now have disappeared, and your actions are completely different from what you thought.Then you have to practice again, work harder, "silently" and do it again.After doing this repeatedly, one play can be regarded as truly learned and firmly grasped.You see, how thorough this passage is, and how well it implements self-criticism!The self-criticism of veteran artists is never on the lips, but is constantly practiced in business.Secondly, after repeated "silent" practice, the work must penetrate deeply into our hearts and completely integrate with our thoughts and feelings.In addition, Gai Jiaotian showed his own experience and talked a lot about an artist's morality, integrity, and conduct, which must be consistent with art.I think this book is worth writing a long book review: not only the young, middle-aged, and old people who study art, no matter which one they study, should be listed as must-read, even all leading cadres in literature and art from top to bottom should also read it. Read it carefully several times; it is also beneficial for those who do education work to read it.I will send this book to you soon, you must like it, and you must be infinitely excited to read it.

Haven't seen a picture of you in over a year and would love to have some!Write again next time, take care of everything!
Dad April [-], [-]

Dear children:
Yesterday I received the text message you sent from Turin (Torino) on the 27th of last month, and I was very moved.Art needs to be contemplative and contemplative most; modern life makes art so commercialized. On the one hand, managers are as a means of making money, and artists are regarded as cash-cow machines. The simple curiosity of a juggler or a circus troupe.Rolling in this turbid torrent, of course, includes all the elders and juniors, famous and unknown performers and singers.It is true that a newcomer like you still has troubles, but even seniors who have made up their minds for a long time will inevitably drift with the tide, which is even more lamentable.Perhaps they have lost confidence and enthusiasm for art, and it is only used as a tool to maintain their fame and fortune.The only way for young people to protect the purity and freshness of art is to reduce performances; this requires three prerequisites: ([-]) The managers are not so exploitative (this depends on the accumulation of years of performers, gradually strive for ), ([-]) personal living expenses are arranged very well, which depends on financial management skills and highly rational control, ([-]) reducing the number of introductions will not cool down and make the masses forget you.I know this is extremely difficult to do, and I can't rush it for a while.But for the dignity of art, for the future of your art, that is, for your long-term interests and lifelong ideals, you must take the above three conditions as the goal of your efforts.Artists of any discipline will inevitably have several artistic crises in their life. We should make mental preparations and practical arrangements early.The more you can maintain your physical and mental balance (then you must not be too busy), the easier it is to overcome artistic difficulties.I hope you will take a long-term view from this aspect, and don’t be dazed by the vortex of busyness all year round. That is to say, you should look at your art career from a high place and far away; even if there are many practical difficulties, your plan cannot be realized for a while. , but often after thinking maturely in my mind, I can firmly grasp the opportunity when I encounter it.I am afraid that after I am gone, there will be no second person to tell you about this kind of thing; because I am confident that not many people in China have the love and dedication to art.

Why is it that only one place in Italy always invites you?Didn't you go there last year?Rome, Milan, Florence, etc. have not had contact?When it comes to Lausanne and Geneva, the images of Lake Geneva and the White Peak are still present.In [-], I lived in the other end of Lake Leman, the small village "Saint-Jean Golf" at the junction of France and Switzerland for more than three months; I visited the lake twice.Once, I went with Uncle Liu Kang and Uncle Liu Haisu.

I've heard Barcarolle ["Barcarolle"] played by Liebati, it's wonderful; it tastes a bit like Prelude Op.45 ["Prelude" Op.40 No. [-]], I think you must be able to do it.

Recently, I am going through a great difficulty in art. My eyesight is much higher than before (translations before [-] are no longer eye-catching), but my brain is much dumber, my eyesight and physical strength are not good, and I have slept for nearly ten years. The weather is bad again.Probably the effect of mental distress.What can I do about my naturally anxious personality?

May and June performances will be announced soon.Without a schedule at hand, it can feel like losing touch with your life.Hope to hear from you soon! Much love!

Dad May [-]th
Is Mrs. Capos still going to ask for advice?Which one of Mr. Lin's paintings did she choose?It is better to listen to her opinion when you are free.Please let me know if Ender lives in the same place!
Shanghai has been rainy and cold in spring this year: more than half of the good spring has collapsed.It has been sunny for the last three days.

Dear Satoshi and Mira:
I was very happy when I received Mira's letter on the [-]th, we blamed her for not having a letter!For the daily cooking, Mira took great pains.She wanted me to teach her how to cook. It was too difficult. It is useless to just talk about it on paper. Cooking Chinese food must be learned.Now the method suggested by Dad is more practical.But I still want to talk about a few dishes, which are relatively easy. You can tell her about them, so you might as well try them.

([-]) Dried walnut chicken (there are other condiments when frying diced chicken: such as pepper, bamboo shoots, etc.)

Ingredients: 1. One cup of chicken breast meat 2. Half a cup of walnut meat 3. One egg white 4. One tablespoon of water chestnut powder 5. Half teaspoon of salt 6. Two tablespoons of soup or water 7. Half a catty of oil

Method: Cut the chicken breast into strands (that is, bean pieces), mix it with water chestnut powder and egg white, add a little salt, fry it in a large amount of oil, and then pick it up; peel the walnut meat on one side (soak it in boiling water) , the skin is easy to remove), and deep-fried in the oil, and the walnuts are fried until they are crispy.Be careful not to overdo it, otherwise it will be too painful to eat.Pour off the remaining oil in the pot after frying, pour the diced chicken and walnuts into the pot at the same time, add water (or soup) and salt, stir fry and serve.

([-]) Royal concubine chicken
Ingredients: 1. Two pairs of chicken wings; 2. One winter bamboo shoot; 3. Half a tablespoon of sugar
Method: Cut each chicken wing into three pieces and chicken legs into three or four pieces, fry them in oil, then put them into the pot, add bamboo shoots, mushrooms, ham and seasoning (ie soy sauce, sugar, hot sauce, onion) , add water to cover the chicken noodles, and simmer for several hours (about two to three hours, depending on the tenderness of the chicken) (this dish is very convenient, you can try it).

Others such as fried shredded pork, fried pork slices, fried minced meat, as long as there are condiments such as: small peas, bamboo shoots, shredded bamboo shoots, shiitake mushrooms, shredded peppers, tomatoes, and shredded cabbage.The cooking method is the same as that of fried chicken, but you can put some soy sauce on the fried meat.When cooking, the fire should be strong, and it will be ready once, otherwise the meat will not taste good if it is old.I hope you will explain it to Mira in detail, don’t be afraid, eating is also a joy (cut the shredded or sliced ​​or minced meat, add soy sauce, a little salt, water chestnut powder, stir fry in oil Serve it up, add seasonings, stir-fry another time, add the fried meat and serve together).

mother sixteen

Mira is really good at talking, and she put it as no inspiration if she didn’t write a letter for a long time, explaining that if she writes out of a sense of responsibility, she will write dull [boring]. Don’t you think she is eloquent?But if I don't write for three months in a row, won't you also feel anxious?

You haven't talked about music for a long time, could you send me a long letter before going to South America?How many countries did you go to in South America?What's the schedule?How was the recording?
Dad on the evening of June [-]
Satoshi, dear boy:
It's rare that I don't write to you for so long.Since the beginning of July, you have been in Vienna and South America. Your whereabouts are erratic, and you are afraid that your letter will fail.Mira also said that the postal services in South America are very unreliable, so although I have been given many correspondence offices, I don't want to send them there.The letter written on July 29 in seven landscapes was received on August [-].The city streets in Venezuela, the mountains and rivers in Chile, I saw color photos in foreign magazines the year before last, and I can imagine what I wrote in the letter.The development of modern countries is too deformed, especially those backward countries in South America.On the one hand, the people live in poverty, and on the other hand, they enjoy everything that one expects to find in material equipment.According to our ideal, of course we must first eliminate inequality, and then gradually increase it.Reluctantly, modern historical facts tell us that revolution is easier than construction, and it is not too difficult to eliminate the enjoyment monopolized by the few, but it is not easy to improve the lives of the majority.In particular, spiritual civilization is always easy to popularize but difficult to improve; and in the stage of popularization, the original level is often lowered, and it is difficult to maintain the previous peak.In addition, the three generations of the elderly, middle-aged, and young people are out of touch, there is a lack of successors, and communication at home and abroad has almost ceased. I am afraid that the next generation will not even know what the standard is, what peaks the predecessors have reached, and what peaks others have reached before them. I can know; it is impossible to talk about catching up.This is a worry for the future.The deviations and side effects caused in the past eleven or twelve years are trying to be reversed in the last year; however, the fruits of ten years of planting have accumulated and are hard to return; and the depression of middle-aged and elderly intellectuals shows no sign of change— —Of course not from their words, but from their actual actions.After all, people are materialistic, and there are no objective conditions. It is unrealistic to expect the intellectuals to work hard with enthusiasm and achieve results.The reason why I can stick to my position and cultivate my own small garden is also because of my special and superior conditions, and I cannot blame everyone.What's more, as far as I am concerned, the decline in physical strength has already given me a lot of restrictions, and I always feel that I have more energy than energy!

In the previous letter, you mentioned the problem of record recording, and thought it was too mechanical.That's because you are used to art (music) with great fluidity, and also because your temperament is particularly easy to change and your mood is easy to fluctuate.Once a literary and artistic work is completed, it is always a fixed thing: a painting, a poem, a novel, how can it give people different feelings every time like a musical performance?Viewers may have different impressions of paintings and readers' works each time, but it is because the hints and implicitness of the works cannot be experienced at one time, and it is also because of the changes and fluctuations of the emotions of the audience and readers.Even if the record is played ten or twenty times, the listener will not feel the same, unless the performance is too poor and dull; because the music is so fluid, the listener will not easily feel that it will become mechanical after listening too much.What's more, records not only have the effect of popularization, but also are of great help to the performers' own learning and improvement.I think it's mostly about getting over your nervousness in front of the microphone so that you don't feel much different in the studio than you do on stage.After a few more internships, I believe you can do it.As for the conflict between perfection and vividness, sometimes it is almost inevitable; I remember some critics said that perfection [perfect] often sacrifices part of life [vivid].But this disadvantage may also lie in the fact that the performer belongs to the cold [calm] type.Enthusiastic playing is often difficult to be perfect [perfect], in case of perfect, it is incomparable [unrivaled]!
Yin Chengzong held a concert in Shanghai, and his behavior on the stage was very nervous, and his body swayed violently.So I remembered that you also made the same mistake.Of course, the performer is for people to listen to, not to be seen; but too much swinging can easily distract the audience; and art is a whole, and the posture of the player must also be particular about it, so as to give people a harmonious impression.Foreign critics have repeatedly mentioned your sway, I hope you can restrain yourself more.If you don't pay attention, you will only shake harder and harder, and there is no need to waste energy.It is better to confine your impression on stage to an activity of thought and emotion than to rely on the flesh to aid your music.The dance of the hands and the dance of the feet are only applicable to popular music.Classical music relies entirely on the expression of the inner soul, and trying to avoid excessive external movements should belong to the scope of artistic cultivation, and it should be considered carefully.

Min is going home for vacation, and the work assignment will be decided by the Chinese side in September.He just wants to go back to his original school (China Foreign Affairs University) as a teaching assistant, one is to have the opportunity of further study, and the other is to have a vacation.He also has a girlfriend, a sophomore in the School of Foreign Languages, who often comes to my house to play, everyone calls her Xiao Rong.She is a little taller than her mother by an inch. She is 21 years old. She is very innocent and simple. She is also smart in reading and willing to work hard. Her family likes her.

This letter is going to be sent to Switzerland, it will be kept by Mira, and it will be handed over to you in London.Write again in a few days.

dad august [-]

Don't you feel overworked by performing everywhere in such hot weather?You have no holidays at all this year, and we are always worried that you will not get enough rest!People are not made of iron, and the energy of young and middle-aged people is also limited. There must be work and rest in everything; only when the body and mind are truly relaxed can your art be relaxed.What is the climate like in South America?We often ask each other: Where is he now?
Satoshi, dear boy:
There has been no news since I received a letter from Columbia in the first ten days of last month. Needless to say, you have been performing everywhere, and there is no need to say anything; even after Mira came here for a short briefing on the eve of leaving Britain, there has been no word so far.The world is far apart, and the daughter-in-law is in a different place. I am so overwhelmed with emotion.Is the climate in South America extremely hot?The schedule is tight, everything in the local area is not on track, and I don’t know if I will be overworked on the way?I waited at home and thought about it all day long. When I was thinking hard, I took out the record and listened to it repeatedly to comfort myself.The last time I received a Beethoven sonata, the forte chord [forte chord] at the end of the first movement was completely interrupted, and there was a chord [chord] in two beats at the end, which was cut off. Puzzled, the letter never mentioned it, and the newspaper reviews did not point it out.I have written to the company to inquire, but they have not replied.The Mozart Concerto album was dispatched to the company twice on July 110th and August 109th, but there was still no news, and the two letters were sent to the export manager and the art manager, but there was no reply. Very strange! The last movement of Op.35 [Work No. [-]] has two arioso dolente [sorrowful arias] with different expressions, and there are ten chords [chords] from the lightest to the loudest. I have never had this impression before. It can be proved that interpretation [deduction] has a great relationship with the original work. The many variations of Op.[-] [Work No. [-]], in the past, I didn't realize that there were so many changes in appearance.One review said: “At first hearing there seemed light-weight interpretations.” [“At first hearing there seemed light-weight interpretations.”] What does light-weight refer to?What's your opinion on Schnabel's Beethoven now? What do you think of Kempff's recent Beethoven sonatas?I really want to know, look forward to the letter!There is a book review on page [-] of the magazine "Music and Musicians" in July, introducing Eva & Paul Badura-Skoda [Eva and Paul Badura-Skoda] co-authored Interpreting Mozart on the Keyboard ["Piano Interpretation of Mozart"], you know the book?Seems worth a read, especially since you're particularly concerned about Mozart.

After listening to your records, I feel that Beethoven is an endless book. The depth and breadth of his soul really represent the characteristics of the Germanic nation in terms of intelligence, emotion, and feeling, and it also shows the tenacity of personality and will. Indescribable meditation, fantasies about heaven and earth, pursuit of life, I don't know how many profound mysteries there are.Beethoven is really more than just a musician. No wonder Romain Rolland regards Goethe and Beethoven as the two modern peaks not only of the Germanic nation but of all mankind.

The vast majority of Chinese ancient painting forgers, sometimes even the old connoisseurs are not easy to distinguish, you might as well go to the British Museum, look at Chinese works, especially those from the Ming Dynasty, and compare them with the Tang Yin you got.The Tang Liuru album you bought in South America may be questionable about its authenticity. It is either paper or silk, ink and color, please let me know one by one. It is best to take photos (appropriately enlarged) and send them.In the future, if you come across works by such famous masters, you must be most careful, especially if the price is too high. I would rather take "Leng Mingtou" because Leng Mingtou is worthless and there are few fakers, but such works are extremely rare, and recently I saw Huang Binhong's paintings are also fake.

In a blink of an eye, it was almost Mid-Autumn Festival, and I was breathing through the scorching heat, and I had to worry about the unbearable cold winter. Last winter, because the stove was out of gas, and the room was filthy, the fire only lasted for more than [-] days, and even the weather of more than [-] degrees Fahrenheit was difficult. After the fight is over, holding a hot water bottle in your hand, hugging Mrs. Tang in your feet, and working as usual, life is aging in the cold and summer!I spent a summer sweating and doing daily classes, barely able to support my spirit, but I couldn't turn my head, and I was dissatisfied with the translation everywhere, and I was very depressed.

Two nights ago, I listened to Liszt's "Second Piano Concerto" (played by a Hungarian pianist), the first piece of "Dante Sonata" and "Italian Tour", and b min played by Annie Fischer .Sonata ["Sonata in b minor"] are not interested.I just feel that I am showing off novelty, but have no real feelings; it is superficial, without depth, and without logic. I wonder if it is my prejudice?However, this type of style may be just right for young modern Chinese pianists, and the music we compose has more or less the taste of artificially patchwork.As far as composers are concerned, Liszt is far behind Schumann and Brahms, what do you think?

A letter was sent to Switzerland on the [-]th of last month, and it was handed in when Mira returned to London. Did you receive it?In that letter, I talked about my views on records, mainly because music is a fluid art, or because personal temperament is changeable, and the importance of records should not be ignored.Nervousness in front of a microphone is not difficult to overcome.When recording a concerto, the conductor must first carefully consider and negotiate with the record company early.For the sake of art, to be responsible to the masses, and for the benefit of the record company, soloists should have special opinions and the right to insist on the bands and conductors they cooperate with. I hope they will not be too "talkative" in such places in the future!
Thinking of how busy you two are, I can't bear to ask for more writing, but apart from performing outside, you should think about it in reverse: Suppose we also live in London, don't we have to go to your house for dinner every two weeks, and you have to spend Would you like to chat with us for an hour or two?Now that we are thousands of miles apart, spending two hours a month to write a more detailed letter, shouldn't it save you a lot of time compared to being in the same place?If you would think this often, you would give us more news.

After long-term travel and performances, be sure to take a good rest. Only work without rest is not an art of life, and it is not good for your own art!

Dad September [-], [-]

Dear children:
Your jokes made us laugh, but you were really embarrassed at the time.The character of South Americans is really incredible. It is a miracle that such a free and undisciplined state of anarchy can still establish a country and the society will not be in chaos.After experiencing these strange things, no matter where you encounter any absurd things in the future, you will not be surprised, and you will not be surprised.It can also be seen that it will take hundreds or even thousands of years for human beings to develop reasonably and everything in society to be on track.

Also, in such a beautiful natural environment, the people are so innocent and lovely, but they cannot adapt to life in the 300th century.Are these people unfit for modern life, or is modern life unsuitable for them?In other words: Should people live their lives according to their own circumstances, or should they live their lives in a suitable way and adapt to objective reality?One thing is certain: people have lived in the world for thousands of years, but they still cannot design a society according to their own nature.The great unity of the world always seems to be a beautiful fantasy: since people on the five continents cannot move forward at the same pace and at the same speed in terms of spiritual life and material life, the conflict between the advanced and the backward will never be avoided.Just imagine if the Greeks [-] years ago were born today, wouldn’t they be in such a mess? How could they create a city and civilization like Athens?Conversely, assuming that today’s Brazilians and other South American peoples were born around the Renaissance, at least they were born in isolation and were not invaded by the modern industrial revolution. One knows that they will not create a national identity similar to theirs. An innocent and lovely, culture attuned to their graceful nature?

Balzac said: "The current government's shortcoming is that it requires people to adapt to society too much, rather than society adapting to people."
The previous letter has suggested to you to find a period of rest, whether it is necessary in terms of physical and mental health or art.You have the same shortcomings as me: you can stretch but not relax, and you can work but not relax.But your artistic life is not as idle as mine. You travel all over the world for a whole month and a year. On the one hand, you consume a lot of energy and energy, and on the other hand, you need to calm down to digest and absorb what you see and hear—both of which are related to your art. closely related.What's more, your conditions are better than mine. Although there are many concerts, there are gaps that can be used; staying in any country for three or five days is of great benefit.I heard that your father-in-law and mother-in-law are planning to go to the Bavarian Alps to recuperate at the end of the year and the beginning of the year, and you can still practice piano.I can't think of anything better for you: it's time to recharge your batteries before going to North America.Go and live in the mountains for two or three weeks, once the dust is washed off, even ordinary people will benefit.Diana's letters often express her concern for you, and it seems that it is also out of genuine affection.Don't let down the kindness of your parents-in-law who want to ask you to go to the mountains together.Don't worry too much, make up your mind as soon as possible, let us be happy together with Mira.Really, I feel very clearly: no matter what you say, Mira is always very concerned about your health and art.And I don't know how many times I have mentioned it to you for the sake of rest. If I said it verbally, my tongue and lips would have burnt.You should know that my father not only loves children, but also loves art; loving you means loving art, and loving art means loving you!You must not learn from me, you and I are of different ages, and at your age, I am not like you who stay at home now.Even today, as long as the material conditions are possible, every spring and autumn is good, I still like to wander around the mountains and waters!
In a few days, I plan to send you "History of Chinese Literature Development", "Selected Poems of Song Dynasty" and "Shishuoxinyu".The first one is the old work of my friend Liu Dajie, which has been revised several times.The first volume will be issued first, and the subsequent ones will be sent as sequels.This book has a general description of ancient texts and classics, and it can also make up for your lack of common knowledge.Especially about the oracle bones of the Yin Dynasty, the nature of "Book of Books" and "Book of Changes" and so on. The preface of "Selected Poems of the Song Dynasty" is well written, and the author Hu Yunyi is also an old gentleman.It is generally similar to my views, especially for the views of Su and Xin. I have always opposed traditional views.However, the argument does have two different angles, one is literary and the other is musical, both of which have their own opinions.To this day, the techniques of libretto and singing in the Song and Yuan Dynasties have not been tested, and it becomes pointless to comment on the lyrics of that day from the perspective of music.

On the other hand, people who compose lyrics for songs in modern times are far from music, and they don’t know how to pay attention to Yin and Yang. No one noticed.Originally, people who write prose don't know how to pay attention to syllables and rhythms; and those who write lyrics are even more unfamiliar with writing skills.The aria [Aria] of Chinese translations of Western operas broadcast on the radio is often impossible to listen to.

"Shishuoxinyu" has been wanting to send you a copy for a long time, but because I couldn't find a good version, I wanted to get a smaller and lighter one, which is easy to carry when going out.Today I asked a friend for a copy that is commercially printed and bound on Chinese paper thread. I will send it after my mother changes the cover and reorders the volume.I often think that this book is comparable to the Greek "Dialogues". No wonder the Japanese have always used it as a secret book in the pillow and a book that is often read at the bedside.I used a small part of the Chinese language you read when you were young.

It's too long for me to write.If you go to Northern Europe, you can send some landscape photos at any time, which is the best.

Everything is precious!
Dad September 23, [-]

Dear children:
The day after the [-]th letter was sent, I received a letter from Sweden. I was happy and excited after reading it. I wanted to reply immediately, but due to the inconvenience of daily work, I postponed writing until today.This time you answered many questions, especially Schumann's expression cleared our doubts.I didn't listen to your performance with my own ears, and even if I did, I wouldn't be able to distinguish right from wrong. I can only get a glimpse of it from the comments; I don't know whether the comments are correct or not. method to get truthful reporting.It can be seen that I don't take the comment too seriously, but I can't think about it.Now listen to your own analysis, of course everything is clear.Tell us more about this kind of issues in the future, so that we can often learn about your art.

The article is a matter of ages, and the gains and losses are known at an inch, which art is not like this!How many people are there in the world who really understand right from wrong, beauty and ugliness?You are very persistent in the objective truth of art, you can calmly check your own achievements, and you have a strong critical spirit. I have already assured you that you will not go astray; but knowing these principles alone cannot understand your expression of individual works. Inquire more about the situation in this aspect: on the one hand, they are concerned about you, and on the other hand, they are also concerned about the entire art of music, eager to know the trends and trends outside.

You often dream of coming back, and your mother and I often have this dream.In addition to the kinship, the inextricable relationship with the native land, which is purely human instinct, there is another thing that is unique to true intellectuals, that is, the love for the motherland's culture.It is not only customs, literature and art that make us inseparable from the motherland, but also the views and reactions to big and small things, which always make people in a foreign land feel lonely.Hope to see you with us sooner or later!

I dare say I understand all the complex contradictions in your mood, but I can't help you solve them for a while.Contradictions between principles and specifics, between ideals and reality, between living environment and artistic future, between the fundamental temperament of Easterners and Westerners, and many, many contradictions in our own hearts... How to unify them?What's more, when old contradictions are resolved, new contradictions arise, and the cycle is endless, and a short life is spent in this process!Fortunately, you and I both have work sustenance. Numerous small conflicts at work often temporarily cover up the big conflicts in life, so that we still have a chance to breathe.

As for being "serious" respected or ridiculed, it's actually not as simple as you make it out to be.Everything depends on the accumulation of qualifications and work achievements.Even in what you would consider to be a more reasonable society, there are seldom instances where seriousness is taken seriously; and conversely, where justice and truth prevail in smoky places.You should remember what Chairman Mao said between 130 and [-] that if party members want to uphold the truth, they must be prepared to endure torture, etc. It can be seen how thoroughly and deeply he saw things.Think back to "Biography of Celebrities" and "John Christophe" written by Romain Rolland. On the one hand, the persistence of truth depends on the objective environment, and on the other hand, it depends on the subjective fighting spirit.When the objective environment is better, the price paid by the individual for the struggle is relatively small, and it is not that there is no need to pay the price at all.As far as I am concerned, fortunately, the spirit of the May [-]th Movement has not died out in the young and middle-aged age, and another more progressive force is rising, and the literature, art and publishing circles before liberation have not been corrupted by capitalism. to the point of being incurable.Conversely, [-] years ago, the French literary circles, newspapers, and publishing circles were already corrupted beyond our expectations; but French academics have not yet completely died, and there are still some serious scholars studying it: doesn’t this prove that Under the harsh situation, can a person with bones, courage, and perseverance still survive?
How about replaying Brahms' Piano Concerto No. [-] in Sweden?
The domestic crop is better this year than last year, and the grain has improved slightly (but the schools in the north still have less fine grain), and the supply of non-staple food such as fish, meat and vegetables is more than before.

It is best to go to Bavaria in winter, and to be in that environment is good for body and mind, if not for complete rest.

Not much to write.Everything is precious!
Dad October [-], [-]
Satoshi, dear boy:
I haven't written to you for more than a month.I sent you a package of books on the [-]th of last month, did you receive it? "History of Chinese Literature" will be sent together with the second volume after the second volume is published.Mom has finished reading the first volume and is looking at the second volume.

Recently, my health has not been very good, and my headache often recurs.Originally, I thought I didn't have enough time, but now I have time but no energy.At the beginning of this month, I worked night shifts for a few days, my eyes were blurry, and even the big letters on the cover of the magazine were wobbly and floating, so I had to rest for four days, which was really not worth the candle.In the evening, shed tears and yawned constantly, and had to take a nap for more than half an hour.I'm not very old, I'm so old, I have a lot of things to do, so many books to read, I can't do what I want, and I'm anxious to think about it.

Minshang is waiting for assignment in Beijing, and it is no longer possible to return to his alma mater as a teaching assistant, which means that there is no opportunity to learn from experts while working.Probably a middle school teacher in Beijing, the unit has not yet been determined.His mood fluctuates, and his girlfriend is in extremely bad health, adding another burden.Of course we wrote letters of consolation.Young people who have just left school and have not been tempered cannot withstand setbacks.The ideological training of the past, without being cultivated by real life, is still empty.The family environment since he was a child made him pay attention to right and wrong, and he was serious everywhere, but it hurt him.At this age, I still don't understand the distance between reality and ideal. Even if I realize it rationally, I still can't accept it willingly.We had to wait for social education to gradually temper him.

The domestic production situation has greatly improved, the supply has increased, fruits are available, and fish is easy to buy. Although the price is expensive, it is much better than nothing.

Will Mira's health be affected after surgery?She is thin, please be more considerate.It's best to remind yourself often: It's not easy being your wife—does she still drive the car for you?Or do you no longer have a car at all?
Teacher Jie can't stop writing for a long time, he is already in his seventies, and his days are numbered, so disciples should give him more comfort and warmth.

There are many extra things to do today, so I won't write much.Even on Sundays, I am too busy to rest, so I can’t help complaining; when I am really free, I feel bored and uncomfortable, people are so contradictory.Take care of everything!
Dad November 25th

Earlier this month, Mira mentioned in her letter that idealists will not be happy, that artists see things very differently from ordinary people, etc., which shows that she has a deeper understanding of life.we are very happy.It can be seen that after two years of marriage, she has improved a lot. People always don't mature until after marriage.

Dear children:
It has been half a month since I received the letter written in Germany and sent in Paris. I don’t know if you have gone to Bavaria for vacation, and I don’t know the address there, so I started writing it until today.

Your food package will have to pay taxes after it arrives in mid-December, and your name and address are all written on it, but the customs has another reason.The United Front Work Department has taken great care of me, but the customs have different opinions, and the methods are often changed, and there are no clear rules to follow, which is very embarrassing.In the future, only a small amount of things will be exempted from tax, and if there are too many things, you will have to pay as you like, and all medicines will have to be taxed.And the name of the sender must not be left out, otherwise no matter how small the amount of food is, it will not be exempt from paying customs duties.

You originally said you wanted to give Min a typewriter. He really needed it after he taught. However, as far as the new machine is imported, as far as I know from all parties, the customs estimate the value at least 60.00 yuan and as much as 180 yuan. Based on the tax rate of 240%, you have to pay Around 70 to 25 yuan is too much money.It's better to send money from you. We buy 25% to [-]% new ones in Shanghai, and about [-] yuan is enough.We've saved you a ton of tax while you're only spending £[-] or so.If you are handy, you can remit [-] pounds as soon as you see the letter.If it is inconvenient, we will wait until you come back in April.

The letter mentioned music criticism, and I was very moved after reading it.One can only ask for a clear conscience.The overall situation of the world and cultural trends are not good.Seeing pictures of so-called abstract paintings and sculptures is simply terrifying.I think this kind of "artists" can be roughly divided into two types. One is a very small number of pathological people who really think that they are creating a new art that reflects the times, thinking that abstraction is also reality; Completely use a small number of rotten bourgeoisie as fashionable snobbish [snobbish eyes], sell savage heads, deceive people, and use it as a business plan.All in all, it is a disease that is declining more and more in the twentieth century.On the other hand, the ignorant critics have also lost their conscience, and they are willing to be pursers of the bourgeoisie, which is really shameless.

I can't say that my health is bad recently, but my energy is not good.In addition to the daily class (seven or eight hours), if I want to read at night, my eyesight will be poor, tears will flow down, and sometimes I will have an inexplicable headache for several hours.There are a lot of things I want to see, but I can't cope with them.There are also a lot of miscellaneous things, such as translating manuscripts by myself, and the publishing house sends them to proofread, and the proofreading is done more than once; letters from various parties are paid, and friends come to chat with each other, all of which are time-consuming and laborious.Of the three Balzac translations since [-], one ("The Woman Stirring Water") has been published recently; "Philosophy of Art" will be published in mid-February.

The "Disillusionment" at hand - the second part of the trilogy has been translated, with a total of 34 words, and it took a full year and a half to prepare.The last part is 14 words and can be completed by the end of April or May.In addition to revisions and transcriptions, it is expected that all manuscripts will be delivered in autumn.

In addition to the schedule that Mira told before, will there be any new concerts in the tour to the United States?

Take it for now, take care of everything!
Dad December [-], [-]
(End of this chapter)

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