Chapter 104

Dimly smell the aroma of food.

Nian Tong tried to open his eyes, but felt a splitting headache.

She frowned and raised her hand to cover her temple and kneaded it, but there was a burst of wood pain in one wrist, and she grinned her teeth in pain.

Annoyed, he opened his eyes and stared at his sore wrist. Only when he touched the dazzling white circle did he remember what happened to his wrist last night.

It's just that the wrist is injured, how can the head hurt so badly?

Puzzled, she slowly sat up from the bed, rubbed her sore temple with one hand and looked around. She glanced at Gu Junyao who was walking towards her, and her tiny eyes immediately widened.

"Why, you fell asleep and fell asleep, you don't know me anymore?" Gu Junyao looked at Nian Tong, who had a funny expression, and teased her with a slightly hooked corner of his mouth.

Nian Tong stared at the gradually enlarged handsome face in front of him, so surprised that he forgot to have a headache.

what happened?

Before she went to bed last night, she still remembered that there was some unhappiness between the two of them, and he was obviously angry with her, and he didn't even want to pay her a glance.

But why did he not only take the initiative to talk to her when he woke up, but even smiled at her?
"Uncle Gu?" She called him, and went to hold his hand again, but Gu Junyao didn't dodge or refuse, but said, "I made breakfast, got up, brushed my teeth and washed my face."

"You still make me breakfast?" Nian Tong was shocked.

Gu Junyao snorted softly, "It's not that I haven't done it for you, are you so surprised?"

"But... aren't we in a cold war?" He didn't want to pay attention to her. This should be considered a cold war, right?

"Cold war?" Gu Junyao raised his eyebrows, then nodded, "I understand what you mean, I take back what I said just now, you don't have to get up when I said nothing, go on to sleep."

As soon as the words were over and he was about to leave, Nian Tong immediately got up from the bed and jumped on top of him.

Gu Junyao was defenseless, and was almost thrown down by her sudden jump.

"What are you doing? What if you hurt your hand again?" Gu Junyao supported her body and put her back on the bed, frowning lightly.

Nian Tong was taken aback, "Do you know that my hand is hurt?" She obviously wore long sleeves to cover it tightly.

"I'm not blind." Gu Junyao squinted at her, held up her injured hand and asked, "How did you hurt it?"

"Uh..." Do you want to tell the truth?
"Did it hit somewhere? Why were you so careless?"

"Ah, yes, I bumped into it accidentally." Nian Tong followed his words and replied, feeling relieved.

Hearing what she said, Gu Junyao twitched the corner of his mouth, and looked at her with a half-smile and remained silent.

Nian Tong felt guilty when he saw him, and quickly changed the subject, "I don't know what happened, my head hurts, and my throat feels uncomfortable."

"Did you get caught in the rain last night?"


Nian Tong came to a sudden realization - when he came out of Xiangxian Xiaozhu last night, his shirt was already half wet, and after so long of rain, it's not surprising that he would have a headache and a sore throat.

"If you don't know how to take care of yourself, why do you make me believe that you will change?" Gu Junyao lightly scratched her nose, put a thin blanket on her, and said, "Don't go to Lian Rong today, I I'll talk to him. You've had breakfast and rested at home."

"What about you? Or go to the company?"

Gu Junyao stared at her quietly, and asked after a while, "Do you want me to stay at home with you?"

If possible, Nian Tong would definitely nod her head a hundred times.

But how could she be so capricious.

"You should be busy with your work. I don't need to accompany me to rest and sleep at home."

"How many days off does your school have this time?" Gu Junyao asked suddenly.

"A total of five days including the weekend, what's the matter?"

"I can spend time with you on the last day of your vacation. What do you want to do?"

"Really? Can you stay with me all day? You can do whatever I want you to do?" Nian Tong exclaimed in surprise, a little unbelievable.

Gu Junyao nodded, looking at her beaming face, a charming smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

************************************split line************ ***************************
Gu Junyao left after eating breakfast with Nian Tong.

And for a long time after he left, Nian Tong was still immersed in unspeakable joy.

She didn't expect that things would turn into a bright future. Not only was Gu Junyao not angry with her anymore, but he was also willing to spend a day with her.

Since he said that he could accompany her all day and do whatever she wanted him to do, she must think about what she wanted him to do that day.

Lian Rong, who learned that Nian Tong was not feeling well in the rain and couldn't go there, called to ask her some details about the wedding, and accidentally chatted for more than three hours.

During the period, she didn't know if it was because of her mood change, but she didn't feel any discomfort in her throat at all.

——It would be perfect if you put some wedding photos of the bride and groom in your wedding room.

She thought of what Lian Rong said on the phone, and a thought flashed through her mind.

But before it could be implemented, the phone rang again.

It is a group of numbers that have not been stored in the phone book, but Nian Tong is no stranger to it.

She looked at the jumping screen with a chuckle and answered the phone.

"Brother Lu Heng." She called out as soon as the phone was connected.

A laugh came from the other end, "You answered the phone quickly this time." After a pause, he asked, "How does your hand feel?"

"One word—pain."

"It doesn't hurt to be hit by such a big vase."

"Did he ask how you hurt your hand?"

"I asked, but I only asked this morning."

"What do you say? Tell him the truth?"

"No, I said I accidentally bumped into it and hurt it." And he should have believed it.

"You mean he doesn't know the real reason for your hand injury?" Lu Heng's voice was a little confused.

"I probably don't know."

Lu Heng was silent for a while, and then said, "Do you know that something happened to your half-sister?"

Nian Tong was startled, "What happened?"

"She was robbed and beaten when she came home in the middle of the night last night, and one arm was shattered. Because she is the mayor's daughter, she made headlines. You can buy any newspaper or search online."


(End of this chapter)

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