Chapter 105

"Get out! Get out of here, all of you!" A hysterical sharp female voice came from the advanced ward.

"My dear girl, don't get excited, you just had the operation, you will drag the wound like this—"

"I told you all to get out! I hate to see you, you all get out!"

"Xiao Yu—"

"Have you had enough trouble?"

The majestic baritone sounded from outside the door, and the noisy room was immediately dead silent.

Mu Qifeng pushed open the door of the ward and walked in, his eyes swept straight to the bed, his curly chestnut hair spread out like a lunatic's daughter, with distressed and distressed eyes.

"If you don't want that arm of yours, go ahead and do it, even if it's disabled, lest you cause trouble everywhere and do things that will embarrass me!"

"Qi Feng, if Xiaoyu is like this, you can stop saying a few words." Wen Meihua glared at her husband dissatisfied, and pulled a tissue to wipe away the tears of her tearful daughter.

"It's all her own fault!" Mu Qifeng couldn't hide his anger in his tone, "How many times have I warned her, restrain your temper! Don't hurt others! But you just don't listen, and you, a mother, don't help to persuade her Instead, she indulged her, are you satisfied that she has been punished now?"

"I... Xiao Yu was robbed and injured last night. How could this be retribution? No one could have predicted that this kind of thing would happen. It's not that Xiao Yu had a grudge with someone and was retaliated by the other party."

Mu Qifeng sneered, "It's not surprising that this kind of thing happens when a girl comes home from playing crazy all day long. Besides, how do you know that she didn't get revenge because she had a grudge with someone?"

"Then hurry up and ask someone to investigate. I want to see who has eaten the bear's heart and dared to attack the mayor's daughter so ruthlessly!"

"Investigate? How to investigate? I did this to me not long after I took office as the mayor, and she lost all face! Now who doesn't know that I, Mu Qifeng, have a worthless daughter?" Mu Qifeng became more and more angry as he spoke. , glared sharply at Mu Yu, whose face turned blue and white, "From now on, you stay at home well, don't even leave the gate, or get out of the country and never come back!"

"Dad, I really wonder if I'm your daughter? Why did I get hurt like this and you didn't even say a word of concern, but scolded me as soon as I walked in?" Mu Yu looked at his father in disbelief, and then Sneered, "If your little daughter was beaten like this, you would probably cry from distress, right? Sure enough, in your mind, the daughter born to that shameless woman is much more important than me—"

"Shut up!" Mu Qifeng yelled at her, with veins bursting on his forehead, "Mu Yu, you still don't know how to repent, and you don't know the slightest bit of fear after being hurt like this. I really don't know what's going on in your mind! You Tongtong was injured yesterday and was beaten into a broken arm in the middle of the night, this is retribution!"

"Tongtong Tongtong, Qi Feng, I really don't understand why they are all your biological daughters, but you only have that girl in your eyes?" Wen Meihua was jealous and hated, "I don't care about the mistakes you made when you were young. , and generously took Tongtong home, why don't you treat our daughter well for the sake of what I have done for you?"

"Meihua, ask yourself, have you treated Tongtong kindly in these years?" Mu Qifeng's tone eased, but his face was full of sadness, "I owe her, I'm afraid I can't make up for it if I give her everything. And if you Be nice to her, if Xiao Yu didn't hurt her hand yesterday, why would she be lying in the hospital today."

Wen Meihua was stunned, her face full of confusion.

"What do you mean? How do you say that Xiaoyu's injury is related to that girl?"

"Dad, do you know something?" Mu Yu also stared at his father wonderingly, and suddenly thought of something, "It's not because I hurt her yesterday, so she has a grudge and asked someone to beat me up like this, right?"

Hearing what her daughter said, Wen Meihua also yelled, "Qi Feng, is that what Xiaoyu said? Is it really that girl who hurt Xiaoyu?"

"Can you shut up!" Mu Qifeng couldn't bear it any longer. He closed his eyes and opened his eyes to look at Mu Yu, "This has already happened. What you should consider now is to restrain your temper and learn to be a good person. Tong Tong thought so Simple, how can I think of harming you. Don't think about dealing with her in the future, treat her better, and naturally such things will not happen again. "

After saying that, he turned and walked out of the ward.

Mu Yu stared blankly at his injured arm, lost in thought.

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"Secretary Mu, someone is looking for you."

Mu Yu'an came out of the office, and was startled when he saw the person coming.

"Little sister?"

Nian Tong smiled slightly, and handed over a box of pastries in his hand, "This is the first time I come to see you at your work place, so I won't disturb your work, will I?"

"No, go to my office."

Mu Yu'an took her hand.

"What do you want to drink?" Mu Yunan asked as soon as he entered the office.

Concerned about the injury on his wrist, Nian Tong said, "Just boil water."

Mu Yu'an poured two cups of boiling water, put them on the tea table in front of the sofa chair, and sat down opposite Nian Tong.

"Have you checked your hand in the hospital? Is there anything wrong?"

"Nothing serious, just a slight bone fracture."

Mu Yu'an stared at her for a while, then sighed suddenly.

"I kept calling you last night and you didn't answer. I thought you were blaming me."

"Blame you?" Nian Tong wondered, "What do you blame?"

"If I hadn't called you home for dinner, your hand wouldn't have hurt. If I had known, I wouldn't have made that call."

"Brother, it's not your fault."

Mu Yu'an smiled bitterly, "Why did you come to see me today?"

"I... I heard that something happened to her last night. I wanted to go to the hospital, but she probably didn't want to see me, so I came to you to find out the news. "

Mu Yu'an nodded, and suddenly asked, "Little sister, did Gu Junyao ask how your hand was injured?"

"Why does everyone ask me that?" Nian Tong laughed, "I asked, I said I accidentally bumped into it and hurt it, what's wrong?"

Mu Yuan stared at her and hesitated to speak, but finally shook his head, "It's nothing. Xiaoyu's hand has already undergone surgery, although it is a comminuted fracture, but it can still recover through rehabilitation in the future, don't worry."

(End of this chapter)

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