Chapter 106

Worried that talking for too long would affect Mu Yu'an's work, Nian Tong planned to leave after learning about Mu Yu's situation.

Mu Yu'an kept sending her to the door of the unit, and finally couldn't help but ask, "Little sister, will you...really not go back to that house again?"

Nian Tong nodded after a while, but the intertwined hands were held by Mu Yu'an: "Stop saying such angry words. No matter how much you don't want to see Xiao Yu and my mother, elder brother and father are very Hope you can go back often.”

"Brother, what I said was not angry." Nian Tong smiled bitterly, "You also know how bad my relationship with Aunt Hua's mother and daughter is. I know that both you and Dad love me, but it is for this reason that I don't want to let You are in a difficult situation, you don’t want that family to be clouded all day long because of me. Only when I leave, will that family be peaceful. "

"You are not allowed to say that!" Mu Yu'an's tone was serious, and a trace of pain flashed in his eyes.

"Xiaoyu should learn to be good after receiving a lesson this time, and won't argue with you again. You promise big brother that you will go back and have a look when everyone calms down after a while. Don't make dad sad, huh?"

Nian Tong smiled, "Let's talk about it later."

She knew that no matter what she said, Mu Yu'an would persuade her to go back. Although it was impossible for her to go back to that house according to the current situation, it was not easy to refuse forcefully.

"You, don't try to use this trick to perfuse elder brother. After a while, I will personally escort you back." Mu Yu'an pretended to be fierce, but his eyes were extremely gentle.

"Then I'm leaving, we have time to have dinner together some other day." Nian Tong stopped a taxi and said.

"I'm waiting for you at any time, just in case you don't have time." Mu Yu'an smiled, implying something.

Nian Tong understood the meaning of his words, her face was a little hot.

"He's...very busy recently, and he doesn't spend much time with me."

"You just know he's busy, that's why you pester him whenever he's free, so where do you find the time to spend with me?"

Nian Tong was speechless by what he said.

"Okay, let's get in the car. Take good care of yourself, you don't have to worry about Xiaoyu, it will get better soon." Mu Yuan opened the back seat door for her.

Nian Tong nodded and bent over to sit in, looking through the rearview mirror at Mu Yun'an's figure who had never left, feeling inexplicably sad.

Maybe she was really too defensive about this half-brother.

He has pampered and loved her sincerely all these years, and she shouldn't subconsciously reject him just because he is Wen Meihua's son.

Maybe later.

In the future, she will treat him better, and let him feel that she is also very grateful for his kindness to her and likes him as a big brother.

When the taxi stopped at the red light, Niantong played with her mobile phone with downcast eyes, and the singing from the CD flowed in her ears.Although I didn't bother to memorize the lyrics, there was still a stubborn sentence that got into my ears-you like it better than I like it, your dissatisfaction fulfills my happiness.

She froze, then smiled.

——Your liking is not as good as mine, your dissatisfaction fulfills my happiness.

Isn't that how she and Gu Junyao are?

Without his permission, she insisted on loving her, no matter whether he liked her or not, she only insisted on one belief—to work hard with him to make him fall in love with her, so she decisively forced him to marry her.

Her methods of coercion were disgraceful, but so what.

There is no free lunch in the world, happiness always depends on one's own hard work to feel happy.

Taking a ten thousand step back, even if she and Gu Junyao still can't get together in the end, then she has at least fought hard for her relationship.Even if it hurts my heart at that time, at least I won't feel regretful.

It's just that it's good to think about this kind of assumption, she doesn't want her and Gu Junyao's ending to be like this.

——If it wasn’t for loving you, how could I still be sleepy late at night, every thought is about you, I miss you, miss you, miss you so much...

The sudden ringtone of her mobile phone interrupted her thoughts.

Come back to your senses and answer the phone.

"Brother Lu Heng, are you free today?" She joked to Lu Heng on the other end of the phone, but found that her voice was slightly hoarse.

Lu Heng obviously heard it, "Why is your voice hoarse?"

Nian Tong touched the still painful temple, smiled, "It's nothing, I felt a little uncomfortable after being drenched in the rain last night."

"Uncomfortable and still running around?" The tone of soft reprimand was very gentle.

Nian Tong was surprised, "How do you know I'm outside?"

The other end paused, and then said, "I saw you."

Nian Tong widened his eyes and looked around at the traffic passing by, and was about to ask him how he saw it, but he laughed, "I'm lying to you, I heard the voice from your side doesn't sound like you're in the room. "

Nian Tong rolled his eyes.

"Did he accompany you to the hospital for an IV?"

"There's no need for drips. I'm taking medicine. And he's busy too. I don't want him to disturb his work because he's with me."

"Just being so considerate to him? You didn't even care about your own hands in order not to disturb his work?"

"No, it's nothing serious. There's no need to fight. He told me to rest at home. I was the one who ran out." Nian Tong subconsciously defended Gu Junyao.

"No, the doctor said last night that at least three consecutive days of anti-inflammatory drips are needed. Where are you? I'll pick you up."

"You pick me up? Isn't your crew busy?"

"The production crew is busy, but it doesn't mean I'm busy too. I still have time to accompany you on IV drips. Besides, Xiao Xu has to go to the hospital."

Nian Tong had no choice but to nod.

"I'm in the car now, where are you, I'll go to your side."

After Lu Heng gave an address, Nian Tong hung up the phone and told the driver.

The taxi stopped at the entrance of the famous Jinsha Hotel in City A. Nian Tong took out a hundred-yuan bill from his wallet and handed it to the driver.

When the driver was looking for change, she looked out the window to search for Lu Heng's figure, but the two figures intruding in her vision instantly froze her vision.

(End of this chapter)

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