Chapter 107

Under the clear blue sky, a woman came out of the Sands Hotel holding Gu Junyao's arm. The two of them had smiles on their eyebrows and talked in a low voice. They were very intimate and looked like a couple in love.

Nian Tong stared at the scene in front of her in a daze, and suddenly remembered that she and Gu Junyao had never appeared in front of others in such an intimate manner.

He said he didn't love her, and he didn't love other women, so what now?

What happened to the woman in front of him who smiled sweetly at him but he responded with extreme tenderness?

"Miss, looking for your money."

The driver's voice rang in his ears.

She took it numbly, got out of the car, and watched Gu Junyao and the strange woman talking and laughing towards his car with a pale face, feeling as if her heart was blocked.

It turned out that his tenderness did not belong to her alone, and he did not only smile at her alone.

"Xiaoye, why are you standing in the sun in a daze?"

Lu Heng came out of the hotel, followed by Xiao Xu who was wearing a wide-brimmed hat.

"It's nothing, I'm waiting for you." Nian Tong replied calmly, retracting his eyes and taking a deep breath, not wanting Lu Heng to notice his abnormality.

"My car is parked over there, let's go." He pointed in the direction of Gu Junyao and the strange woman.

Nian Tong was startled, and stopped in the steps she had just taken - Gu Junyao's car hadn't left yet, if they passed by now, they would definitely meet each other.

Regardless of the relationship between that woman and Gu Junyao, she didn't want to meet in this situation. One was afraid of embarrassing herself, and the other was afraid of what Lu Heng would do to Gu Junyao.

"Why didn't you leave?" Lu Heng looked over in surprise, seeing her pale face frowning, her hands tightly clutching the broken bag, she couldn't help frowning.

"What's wrong with you, Xiaoye?" He went to hold her hand, and found her palm was wet and cold.

Nian Tong shook his head and nodded again, "I suddenly felt very dizzy and didn't want to move."

"You are so sick and you say you are fine and refuse to go to the hospital. You are so afraid of going to the hospital to see what you will do after you go to work." Lu Heng reprimanded lightly, his eyes filled with distress and helplessness.

"I hug you."

With a decisive tone, without waiting for Nian Tong to resist, Lu Heng has already hugged her.

"Brother Lu Heng, let me down, I can walk by myself, I'm not as fragile as you think." Nian Tong was embarrassed, struggling and afraid of falling, grabbed Lu Heng's casual T-shirt with both hands.

"What's awkward? Even if he sees it, it's just a brother hugging a sister, and it's not like he hasn't hugged her before."

Nian Tong was speechless, and lowered his face to one side. Seeing that Gu Junyao's car had already left the venue, he was relieved and at the same time felt sad.

"Why, did you see an acquaintance?" The woman in the co-driver asked curiously when she saw the man beside her looking out the window, her black eyes flickered, and her face sank slightly.

Gu Junyao looked back and shook his head, "No."

The woman raised her eyebrows, followed his gaze just now, and saw a handsome man holding a girl who couldn't see clearly, walking towards the open-air parking lot that the two had just left.

"I saw that man on TV, he seems to be a producer." The woman looked away.

There was no response.

She smiled slyly, "If a public figure hugs a girl so blatantly, he is not afraid of being secretly filmed and reported randomly by those omnipotent reporters. It should be someone he likes very much that would do that?"

Gu Junyao still didn't respond, but took out his mobile phone from the inner pocket of his suit jacket.

Lu Heng changed his car today, the extended Hummer is very eye-catching.

Just as she opened the co-driver's door and put Nian Tong in, the cell phone in her bag rang.

Nian Tong took out her mobile phone, her dull eyes swept across the screen, she immediately stared round, and looked around nervously.

"What are you looking around for? Why don't you answer the phone? Who is calling?" Lu Heng sat in the driver's seat and asked upon seeing this.

Nian Tong didn't call him back immediately, but said it was Gu Junyao after a while, and then answered the phone.

"Why did you answer the phone?" The deep voice was mixed with a trace of displeasure.

Nian Tong held the phone tightly, looked out the window and said, "I just heard it."

"Where are you?"

"I..." This question made Niantong feel flustered.

She didn't know why he called suddenly and asked her again.

Did he just see her?
Hesitating in my heart, Gu Junyao's voice sounded in my ear again, "It's not convenient to talk? Forget it, I just saw a figure that looks a bit like you, so I called to ask."

Nian Tong's heart skipped a beat - he really saw her.

But obviously he was behind her back and went in and out of the hotel intimately with other women, talking and laughing, why was he the one who called and questioned in an aggressive tone?

"You didn't say anything? Then I hung up the phone."

"Wait!" Nian Tong called out anxiously.


Nian Tong closed her eyes, feeling wronged in her heart - this man is really hateful, every time he insists on forcing her to bow her head first.

Obviously he was the one who did the wrong thing.

"I'm with brother Lu Heng. The assistant who was injured has to go to the hospital for a change of medicine, so he took me with him."

There was a pause, and after a while, a soft sigh was heard.

"Does your head still hurt?" Different from the slightly displeased tone before, this time it was low-alcohol and gentle.

Nian Tong felt bitter for a while, and really wanted to say that it's none of your business to die in pain, you can continue to talk and laugh with that woman to be ambiguous, but in the end she answered unsatisfactorily, and couldn't wait to hope He could leave that woman to be with her.

"You go to the hospital first, I will go to find you later."

Although I hoped that he would come to accompany her just now, I was still a little surprised to hear Nian Tong with my own ears.

I couldn't believe it until I hung up the phone.

"Why do I feel that your condition became more serious after answering his call? Even your eyes are red. If you let him see you like this, he might think I'm bullying you." Lu Heng's flat voice sounded.

Nian Tong nodded in embarrassment, bit her lips and remained silent.

Lu Heng still wanted to say something, her phoenix eyes glanced at Xiao Xu in the back seat of the car, she sighed and didn't speak again.

(End of this chapter)

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