Chapter 108

When Gu Junyao rushed to the hospital, Lu Heng happened to be sending Xiao Xu back to the set after finishing his drip.

The eyes of the two collided in the air, Lu Heng slightly nodded at Gu Junyao, and left with Xiao Xu.

Nian Tong looked at the man who was walking slowly, wearing black trousers and a white shirt, with his coat in his arms, his elegant and elegant posture was breathtaking.

Gu Junyao stood still in front of her, looking at her quietly, her black eyes were as bright as stars.

"Why don't you call me when you come to the hospital?"

"I didn't intend to come, but brother Lu Heng persuaded me to come. And you are so busy with work, I don't want to delay your work." She didn't want him to think that she was still a little girl who needed someone to take care of everything. big kids.

Gu Junyao sat down beside her, and threw the coat in his hand on the bench beside him. He didn't care if the coat fell on the ground, and grabbed Nian Tong's injured hand to check.

"The clothes fell off." Nian Tong bent over to pick them up, but Gu Junyao stopped her, "It's dirty anyway, I'll pick it up later."

"Isn't this the one you wore to go out in the morning? Why is it dirty?"

"I was hit by a woman holding a child in the elevator just now, and the lollipop that the child just pulled out of his mouth fell on my coat, and it was full of saliva." Gu Junyao said with disgust on his face.

The image of Gu Junyao froze at that time appeared in Nian Tong's mind, and he couldn't help biting his lips and secretly laughing.

Gu Junyao squinted at her smiling face, and covered her forehead with a wide palm, "Do you feel better now?"

Nian Tong nodded, snuggled into his arms, closed her eyes and breathed in the familiar and pleasant breath, her body and mind settled down.

"After you finish the drip and feel okay, let's have dinner together in the evening. Some friends will introduce you." A pleasant voice fell from the top of your head.

Before Nian Tong opened his eyes, he suddenly remembered the scene of Gu Junyao and a strange woman hugging each other intimately at the entrance of Jinsha Hotel, his body in his arms froze, and that sad emotion came to his heart again.

On the contrary, when he saw her being hugged by Lu Heng, he immediately called to question her aggressively, but he didn't mention anything about the woman's intimacy.

At that time, when he called her, he was in front of the strange woman, but the other party didn't stop him, and let him come to the hospital to accompany her. I don't know what method he used to coax her to let him go, but now He spoke softly and drizzled in front of her, acting as if nothing had happened, as if he was able to cope with the crowd of women like a fish in water.

"What's wrong?" Seeing that she didn't respond, but frowned with an aggrieved expression, Gu Yun raised her eyebrows in doubt.

Nian Tong really wanted to ask who that strange woman was with him, what was his relationship with him, and whether she was more important to him than her... But all the suspicions got stuck in his throat, and he couldn't utter a single word. .

I used to watch TV dramas occasionally, and I hated the heroines who knocked over the jealousy at every turn and made troubles with the male lead. Now that I am in a different place, I realized that it was not because they deliberately wanted to knock down the jealousy, but because of a love that is swayed by considerations of gains and losses. Let them be themselves.

It's just that despite this, she still hopes that she can be more generous-maybe things are not what she thinks, maybe it's a misunderstanding.

She comforted herself like this.

"Tongtong?" Gu Junyao called her again, sighing in his heart, why is this girl always distracted.

"Oh, I... I'm fine, I'm just annoyed when I suddenly think about Mu Yu." She changed the topic.


"You don't know either? She was robbed in the middle of the night last night, and one arm was shattered."

"It's not that you and her have always been at odds. Why are you upset when something happens to her? Besides, she doesn't come home until midnight, so it's not surprising that she will be robbed." Gu Junyao stroked her hair, her tone was soft, but there was a gleam in her eyes. chill.

"I hate her, but I don't want something like this to happen to her. It's not a good thing for Mayor Mu when things are exposed."

"Evil people have their own evil. It will happen to her sooner or later."

"You're so cold-blooded." Nian Tong poked his lean chest and hummed, looked up at him slightly and said, "Would you say it was my retribution when something like this happened to me someday?"

"You have received your retribution."

Nian Tong was stunned, "What do you mean?"

Gu Junyao fixed her eyes on her, "Your retribution is that you met me."

"...I don't understand what you mean." Meeting him was the happiest thing in her life, how could it be described as retribution?
Gu Junyao looked away lightly, wrapped her arms around her slender body and said, "You will understand in the future. It will take more than half an hour to finish the fight. I will hold you and sleep for a while so that you can recover your strength." Be quick."

Although Nian Tong really wanted to continue asking, after hearing what he said, he had no choice but to let go of this idea, adjusted to a comfortable position, nestled in his arms and closed his eyes to sleep.

*************************************split line*********** *******************************
Niantong came to Chaoge for the second time.

Perhaps it was because he knew that Chaoge was Gu Junyao's territory, so he didn't feel the disgust from the last time he came here, but he suddenly felt a sense of intimacy with this place.

"They're all my childhood friends, they're about the same age, and they speak more casually, don't mind."

Gu Junyao suddenly said to her.

Nian Tong nodded, but she thought in her heart that men like Gu Junyao also have so-called childhood.She thought that apart from Lian Nianye and the three of them, Boss Gu was a lone ranger.

Gu Junyao took her into a box, and the first group of people in the room looked at them one after another. Nian Tong glanced over, all of them were unfamiliar faces.

"I said why I haven't seen the master of Gu for so long. It turned out that I went to pick up my sister-in-law. It's a good day today, double happiness." Qiao Yueqing played with a beautiful bone china cup in his hand, with a heroic and rough appearance The face reminded Nian Tong of Xuan Bin after growing a beard.

However, what did he mean by Double Happiness?
(End of this chapter)

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