Chapter 109

Gu Junyao turned around and led Nian Tong in, and introduced them one by one.

Nian Tong looked at Leng Xiyun, the legendary boss of Sbrb. If Qiao Yueqing is Hyun Bin after growing a beard, then Leng Xiyun is Jang Dong Gun who shaved his beard. One is rough and handsome, and the other is heroic. Each has its own taste.

The other one named Qi Xin is slightly inferior to the other two in terms of appearance. His facial features are too tough, but his lips are as thin as paper, especially his eyes are cold when he smiles.

But the strange thing is that this man makes her feel that the more she looks at it, the more she can't move her eyes. It's not that she suddenly finds out how handsome he is, but just looking at him makes people want to go further and find out more about him. all.

What a dangerous man.

"My sister-in-law seems to be very interested in Qi Xin. I don't know if someone has a sense of crisis." Qiao Yueqing is one year younger than the other three, and he has a casual personality. Face.

Qi Xin glanced at him lazily, "You're talking nonsense, be careful that Yunyao is secretly giving you a hard time."

Gu Junyao slightly pulled the corner of his mouth, but looked at Leng Xiyun: "Why don't you see Siyu?"

I don't know if it was Nian Tong's illusion, but she felt that Leng Xiyun's face froze after Gu Junyao asked this question.

"Before Xiyun came, she said she was going to the bathroom, but after going there for more than an hour, she still hasn't come, probably..." Qiao Yue shrugged.

"Whether she likes to come or not, it's as if someone is begging her. No one wants to see her, and if they have the ability, they will never come back." Leng Xiyun said suddenly, his face completely changed.

"Xi Yun, don't talk so much, we don't have to see her, I'm afraid—"

"What are you afraid of?" Leng Xiyun glared at Qi Xin, his gaze was even sharper than his, "It's a big deal for me, Leng Xiyun, not to have this sister!"

Uh?younger sister?

Nian Tong was stunned - she thought it was his lover who could make Leng Xiyun lose his composure, but it turned out to be his sister?

Just as she was thinking, the door of the box was pushed open from the outside, and a slender figure walked in slowly.

"Leng Xiyun, you don't want to recognize me as a sister and I don't want to recognize you as a brother. Since you don't have to see me, why bother to ask Yun Yao to persuade me to go home?"

Nian Tong looked at the woman who walked in, her body froze and she was dumbfounded.

The world can be incredibly small sometimes.

Nian Tong never thought that the woman in the classic lake green cheongsam in front of her would be the strange woman who was holding Gu Junyao's arms intimately.

"I'm sorry, Yunyao, you guys kindly helped me clean up the dust, but it made everyone unhappy." Leng Siyu looked at Gu Junyao apologetically, his eyes fell on Nian Tong, and a faint smile appeared on his beautiful face.

"You're Tongtong? I heard Yun Yao mention it more than two hours ago. Hello, I'm Leng Siyu."

Nian Tong was slow to react and reached out to shake her back. He was glad that he didn't go crazy and ask Gu Junyao about his relationship with a strange woman when he was in the hospital, otherwise he would be embarrassing.

"Okay, everyone is here, let's serve food quickly, I didn't even eat lunch, I was so hungry that I could swallow a cow." Qiao Yueqing exaggeratedly opened his throat and yelled, then stood up and waved to Leng Siyu, "Si Sister Yu, come and sit next to my brother, my brother said something wrong just now and thought you left without saying a word, so I punish myself with three cups first."

Leng Siyu hummed lightly, ignored Qiao Yueqing's gestures, and sat down between Nian Tong and Qi Xin.

Qiao Yueqing wasn't annoyed either, he laughed and said that after the dishes were served one after another, he really punished himself with three cups.

"Today is a good day, no one is allowed to put on a sullen face, so as not to scare the little girl of Yun Yao's family." Qi Xin said.

"Yes, yes, come on, let's have a toast first." Qiao Yueqing immediately agreed.

Seeing everyone raising their glasses, Nian Tong also raised the wine glass in front of him, but a big hand stretched out, "Drink the juice."

Nian Tong watched helplessly as Gu Junyao took a glass of juice to replace the wine glass in her hand, and at the same time several ambiguous eyes looked at her, her pretty face burned, and she drank the juice to hide her embarrassment.

After a group of people drinking for three rounds, the topic of conversation became wider and wider, whether it was about their childhood or business cooperation, Nian Tong didn't have a word to get in the way.

Besides, even if she could get in the conversation, she would not have time to answer, because she has been busy solving the pile of dishes in the bowl.

Every time Gu Junyao ate, he was afraid that he would starve her, so he would fill her up with every dish he served.

Although he is very happy that he is so considerate to her, but if things go on like this, she will probably be fed by him to become a strong little pig.

While eating, he secretly looked at the woman beside him, with a little envy in his eyes.

Obviously wearing a cheongsam that is elegant and refined, it should be the appearance of a lady of the family, but watching her heroically raise her glass frequently does not appear obtrusive at all, adding a touch of charm instead.

It doesn't look much older than her, but if I stand with her, the latter must be more attractive than her, right?
He was absorbed in watching, and naturally he didn't miss every look in the other party's eyes.

When she found that Leng Siyu was always leaning towards Leng Xiyun who was facing him unconsciously, she suddenly had a feeling in her mind that they were lovers rather than brother and sister.

But how is it possible?Even the surnames are the same, and the facial features are somewhat similar. They should be brothers and sisters. How could they be lovers?
Laughing at her unconstrained imagination, she looked back and continued to eat hard.

"Siyu, I know you drink well, but girls, don't drink so much, it's not good for your health." When Leng Siyu raised his glass again, Gu Yunyao persuaded.

"Don't worry, I've been flying all over the world these years, and I haven't drunk any spirits? These are trivial things." Leng Siyu smiled generously, not inferior to any man present.

It's just that Leng Xiyun's expression darkens every time he sees her emptying the wine glass.

"Dear sister, since you like to drink, I, as an older brother, will naturally accompany you to the end, and I will not return tonight if I am not drunk." Leng Xiyun got up, forced Qi Xin to sit beside Leng Siyu, his eyes were dark and dangerous.

Leng Siyu sneered, "You think I'm afraid of you?"

Picking up the wine glass with a slender hand, the hand holding the wine glass crossed over to the cold tin cloud, "Xi Yun, let's have a drink at the bar."

Nian Tong's throat tightened, and she choked gorgeously.

(End of this chapter)

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