Chapter 112

After eating at a Thai restaurant with Leng Siyu at noon, Nian Tong proposed to accompany her to review Taekwondo in the afternoon.

After leaving the restaurant, Leng Siyu received a call from his old friend, and the two went their separate ways.

Although he had greeted Lian Rong and told him to prepare for the wedding photo shoot tomorrow, Nian Tong was still worried and was about to hail a taxi to pass him, but he did not expect to receive a call from Wen Meihua.

When she heard her voice on the other end of the phone, Niantong regretted it, annoyed that she shouldn't have answered a strange call.

"Aunt Hua, what can I do for you?" Her voice was still lukewarm.

"I'm in the hospital. Xiaoyu is seriously injured and needs to be taken care of. I can't get away. I have something to ask you. Can you come over and lie down?"

Wen Meihua's voice sounded very gentle on the phone, and Nian Tong couldn't hear her hostility and resentment towards herself at all just by listening to her voice.

But that hideous appearance was deeply imprinted in her mind, so no matter how gentle Wen Meihua's voice was, Nian Tong would not think that she had suddenly changed her sex and changed her attitude towards herself.

"Just tell me on the phone if you have anything to do. I'm going back to school tomorrow, and the wedding is coming up. I have to be busy with many things." She subconsciously refused, and she didn't want to see the mother and daughter at all.

"I know you're busy, but I can't make out a few words on the phone. You'd better come over and lie down. Xiaoyu is going to change her medicine, so I won't say much."

He hung up the phone without waiting for Niantong to agree.


Nian Tong stared at the phone that was hung up and cursed, she really wanted to insist on going about her own business without dumping her, and pretended that Wen Meihua had never called her.

But thinking about the feelings of Mu Yu'an and Mu Qifeng, she stopped a taxi and went straight to the hospital impatiently.

**************************************split line********** *********************************

"Mom, do you think that girl will come?"

Mu Yu sat halfway on the hospital bed and asked Wen Meihua who was combing her hair.

Wen Meihua sneered, "Unless she not only doesn't want to go back to that home, but also wants to sever the father-daughter relationship with your father, she will definitely come."

"Then how do you ask her? Even if she did it, she might not admit it."

"People who have done bad things will always have a guilty conscience. Even if she doesn't admit it, I can tell if she did it." After combing her daughter's hair, Wen Meihua took the mirror and handed it to her.

"I'm afraid that if you ask me to call her to the hospital, if your father finds out, he will definitely lose his temper again."

"What's there to be afraid of?" Mu Yu became angry when he mentioned this, "Why is it his daughter, but he treats me so poorly?"

"If you are obedient and don't bother your dad by causing so much trouble, he will also look at you with admiration."

"Mom, how do I hear you mean that I'm not as good as that girl?" Mu Yu rolled his eyes at his mother.

"Mom is telling the truth. Which parent doesn't want to see their children being filial, well-behaved and sensible?" Wen Meihua sighed softly, "Your father and your brother both said that I spoiled you so much that I spoiled you so much that you became what you are now. look-"

"What do I look like?" Mu Yu interrupted her, angrily said: "At first, my father and elder brother don't love me, if even you don't love me, then what's the point of my life? I might as well die!"

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Wen Meihua glared at her daughter reproachfully.

"Okay, let's not talk about this, lest the girl come and hear the joke later."

Just as he was talking, there was a knock on the door.

The mother and daughter looked at each other, and Mu Yu signaled her mother to open the door with her eyes.

Nian Tong stood outside Mu Yu's advanced ward, and when she raised her hand to knock on the door, the voice seemed to fall on the apex of her heart, touching it one after another, giving her an ominous premonition.

It would never be a good thing for Wen Meihua to call her here, so when she arrived at the hospital, she sent a text message to Mu Yu'an.

When the door opened, Wen Meihua's expression was not ugly.

He glanced at the flowers and fruits in Niantong's hands, but didn't intend to pick them up.

Nian Tong didn't take it seriously, went in and put the things on the table, and noticed two fire-breathing eyes staring at her, looked over, and saw Mu Yu who was half-sitting on the hospital bed staring at her with resentment.

"I know you don't want to see me, that's why I didn't come to the hospital to see you." She explained why she came here immediately after hearing the news of Mu Yu's injury.

Mu Yu sneered, "It's not bad if you are unhappy, why would I dare to expect you to come to see me?"

Nian Tong expected that she had something bad to say, so he stopped talking to her, and turned to Wen Meihua: "Aunt Hua, what do you want to ask me? Jun Yao and I made an appointment to have dinner together earlier in the evening."

"Stop showing off your happiness there! Disgusting!" Mu Yu snorted coldly.

Nian Tong frowned, Nian didn't call her back because she was hurt and in a bad mood.

Wen Meihua looked at it for a while before she spoke, "Tongtong, although Xiao Yu is two or three years older than you, you lived in a different environment since childhood. She was cared by her family and had a normal living environment since she was a child, so she has a pure heart and no heart. I can't help but say something that is not pleasing to the eye, I like what I like, and I don't like what I don't like, and I don't pretend to get sympathy from others. Sometimes this kind of character is a bit harsh to speak, but after all, it doesn't Malicious, don't you think?"

Nian Tong recalled the meaning of Wen Meihua's words, and wanted to applaud her thick skin.

What does it mean to have a different living environment, to have the care of family members since childhood, and to have a normal living environment?She is also pure-minded, careless, and doesn't know how to put on airs. She said so much is nothing more than cursing her for being deep in the city and putting on airs to win sympathy from others.

no malice?
Nian Tong sneered.

If Mu Yu was innocent of embarrassing her, then there would be no so-called villains in this world.

"Aunt Hua, just say what you want to say, everyone knows if you have any malicious intentions, and you don't need to waste your tongue and talk to me so much, as long as you said you have something to ask me I never thought anything good would happen, so I'm mentally prepared, you can just say it."

(End of this chapter)

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