Chapter 113

Wen Meihua knew that Nian Tong had always disliked her, and she didn't like this girl either. The two of them had quarreled countless times in private over the years, but they had never been so shocked by what Nian Tong said this time.

This girl is really so eloquent that people hate her.

She looks soft and weak on the outside, but deep down she refuses to take any losses.

"Mom, how arrogant do you think she is? Since she said so, let's not save face, I want to see what she will explain." Mu Yu saw her mother staring at Nian Tong without saying a word, so she said .

"What do I want to explain?" Nian Tong looked at Mu Yu with an expression neither humble nor overbearing.

"Don't you know what you have done that is outrageous?" Mu Yu sneered, "Don't give you shame, you'd better confess it honestly, so as not to be embarrassing."

"I don't care about the face you Miss Mu gave me, and I really have nothing to confess. As for any outrageous deeds, you usually do such things." Nian Tong replied unceremoniously.

Mu Yu was so angry that his blood rushed to the top of his head.

"Surnamed Ye, you dare to say that I am not in this state because of you!"

"What do you think I hurt you?" Nian Tong was puzzled.

"Stop pretending there! Didn't you just get revenge for me hitting your hand with a vase that day, so you asked someone to break my hand? You damn girl, you are too vicious! You want me to be crippled Lest I go to snatch your man, right?"

What is this all about?

Nian Tong was angrily scolded by Mu Yu, and couldn't laugh or cry.

"Muyu, can your mind be normal? No matter how much I hate you, I won't do that kind of thing. And no matter whether you are disabled or not, I'm not worried at all that you can snatch him away from me, because he doesn't even I won't even look at you."

"Dare to act or dare not to be sophistry, who do you think you can fool by those disgusting things you did?" Mu Yu sneered, "Even Dad believes that this matter has something to do with you, why do you have any sophistry? ?”

"What did you say?" Nian Tong narrowed her eyes, her face full of confusion.

"Tongtong, tell the truth, did you ask someone to do Xiaoyu's injury that night?" Wen Meihua asked her seriously.

"I can't understand what you're talking about at all." That's ridiculous.What does it matter to Mu Yu that she was stopped and robbed by bandits when she came home late?

"Are you really unwilling to tell the truth?" Wen Meihua's face turned cold instantly.

"I didn't do anything, what should I say?" Nian Tong felt that the mother and daughter were making trouble for no reason.

"I haven't even pursued the fact that she hurt me, but you all insisted that I hurt her. I really don't know how you could come up with such an outrageous thing."

"It's because Xiaoyu hurt you that you held a grudge and asked someone to beat her. In addition to your father's speculation, Xiaoyu's injury was caused by you!" Wen Meihua raised her voice, "Tongtong, don't forget that you don't know what is good or bad. It's not that I am tolerant and willing to give in, how could you enter Mu's house! I can allow the daughter of a woman who seduced my husband to enter this house, which is the greatest tolerance for you. You are still against me without gratitude, your mother Didn't I teach you the basics of being a human being when you were alive?"

"What an ungrateful person who doesn't know what to do, Aunt Hua, didn't I learn this from you? You met my dad through your classmate and snatched him away. You can feel at ease why I can't? Besides, my mother doesn't like me. You also took the initiative to seduce my dad, if you want to say that she is wrong, her only fault is that she shouldn't have raised me alone for 15 years!"

"As for what my mother taught me, I just remember it too well so I don't care about it with you. My mother said that if you are bitten by a mad dog, you can only consider yourself unlucky and avoid it in the future. Don't bite back with the same knowledge as a mad dog."

"You!" Wen Meihua stared angrily, gritted her teeth and said, "What a heartless white-eyed wolf! You don't admit it, do you? Then do you dare to confront your father?"

"What am I not afraid of?" Nian Tong showed no fear.

"Mom, a person like her has done a lot of bad things, so I said it's impossible for her to admit it."

"I hate you, an idiot looking for trouble." Nian Tong gave Mu Yu a disgusted look, "I really sympathize with Big Brother and Dad now. It's really sad that they have sisters and daughters like you!"

"Shut up! It's not your turn to teach my daughter a lesson!" Wen Meihua snapped, and suddenly sneered, "What do you think you are? If it wasn't for your father who entrusted you to Gu Junyao to take care of you, and Gu Junyao If it wasn't for the fact that your father is the mayor, do you think you can know a man of Gu Yunyao's level? If your father is not the mayor, Gu Junyao would have no profit in marrying you, do you think Will he still marry you!"

These words poked Nian Tong's pain.

She remembered that Gu Junyao had also told her personally that he agreed to marry her because she was the mayor's daughter and marriage was beneficial to him.

Although she also denied the authenticity of what Gu Junyao said, she thought that the reason why he said that was just to want her to give up.

But after all, he was not 100% sure whether he meant it in his heart, so it still hurt to hear Wen Meihua say that.

And her injured expression gave Mu Yu and her daughter a sense of victory to win back the defeat.

"You said that you are not afraid that I will snatch him away from you. That's because I just said it and haven't really done it. Think about it, I am the mayor's daughter known to everyone in City A. Compared to marrying you , Gu Junyao can get more things by marrying me, so why not do it?" Mu Yu said proudly looking at her pale face.

Nian Tong clenched her clenched hands tightly and let out a long breath.

"I've already said what I should say. Whatever you think or misunderstand, I won't explain anything, and I have nothing to say to you."

After Nian Tong finished speaking, she turned and walked towards the door.

"Don't think it's the end of the matter. I, Mu Yu, are not so easy to bully. I will repay you twice as much as you treat me. Just wait and see!" Mu Yu's cold warning sounded from behind.

Nian Tong smiled coldly and walked out of the ward without looking back.

(End of this chapter)

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