Chapter 114

Qiao Yueqing's hometown is in a small town in City A.Nian Tong had never been there before. Hearing from Gu Junyao that the scenery was beautiful there, and that he could go down the river to touch screws while fishing, he found it fresh and forgot about the unhappiness of taking wedding photos.

It's just that she thought that Leng Siyu would definitely be there for Qiao Yueqing's birthday, but she couldn't find Leng Siyu at the destination.

"Brother Xiyun, have you seen Sister Siyu?"

While Gu Junyao was chatting with others, Nian Tong walked up to Leng Xiyun and asked him.

The latter's face froze, he shook his head and smiled, "Probably he didn't want to see me, so he didn't come."

The corner of Niantong's mouth twitched, thinking that she was really out of her mind, why did she ask Leng Xiyun instead of asking?

"Stop being sentimental here. It's not because of you that Siyu didn't come." Qiao Yueqing walked over, holding the fishing equipment in his hand, and looked at the cold face with black eyes jokingly. tin cloud.

"Brother Yueqing, do you know why sister Siyu didn't come?" Nian Tong asked.

"Her friend is getting married today, and she is a bridesmaid, so she can't leave."

Leng Xiyun frowned when he heard this: "Is she going to be a bridesmaid again?"

"Uh, what do you mean being a bridesmaid again?" Nian Tong was full of curiosity.

"Siyu has a lot of sisters who are good at playing. They were often dragged to be bridesmaids in the past. I know that and this time, there are probably 5 times." Qiao Yueqing said while looking at Leng Xiyun meaningfully, smiling very much Ambiguous, "Xiyun is worried that Siyu will be a bridesmaid too many times and won't be able to get married in the future."

As soon as he finished speaking, Leng Xiyun immediately gave him two big eyes.

Qiao Yueqing laughed loudly, "Forget it, I won't provoke you on my birthday today." After finishing speaking, he looked at Nian Tong with a sly look in his eyes, "Sister-in-law, not only can I go down the river to touch screws in my hometown, The mushrooms are also plentiful and fresh, do you want Jun Yao to accompany you up the mountain to pick them?"

"Picking mushrooms?" Nian Tong's beautiful eyes lit up, and she glanced at Gu Junyao, who was greeting Qiao Yueqing's father. The latter also looked over as if sensing her gaze, and saw her staring at him with bright eyes and raised eyebrows. He picked it up and waved at her.

"Tsk, I'm really in a good relationship. I'm going to call him after we're separated for a while." Qiao Yueqing hummed half jokingly and half enviously.

Nian Tong's face became hot, she nodded at the two and walked towards Gu Junyao.

"Tongtong, this is Uncle Qiao." Gu Junyao introduced Niantong by wrapping his arms around Niantong's shoulders.

Nian Tong looked at the majestic man with very similar eyebrows and features to Qiao Yueqing, and it was hard to believe that the man in front of him who seemed to be only about fifty turned out to be the father of 31-year-old Qiao Yueqing.

"Hello, Uncle Qiao." Surprised, Nian Tong still remembered the basic politeness.

Qiao Sen twitched the corners of his mouth, showing a kind smile, "Yun Yao has really good eyesight, no wonder she didn't even have any news before and now she is going to get married suddenly, it's really unsafe if such a cute little girl doesn't hurry and marry her home .”

Nian Tong lowered her eyes in embarrassment, holding Gu Junyao's hand with her small hand, writing and drawing in his palm.

Gu Junyao glanced at her, looked at Qiao Sen and said with a faint smile, "Uncle Qiao was joking."

"Uncle Qiao really envies your parents for having such a promising son like you. If Yueqing can be half as good as you sometime, I will be satisfied."

"Uncle Qiao is serious. I don't know how many people are envious of Yueqing's current achievements. I am just a businessman, so I can't talk about any future."

Qiao Sen's sharp eyes flashed, he smiled, and changed the topic: "Okay, you young people, go and play, take the little girls around, and I'll play chess with those old guys."

"Is Uncle Qiao in the same system as Brother Yueqing?" Nian Tong asked as soon as Qiao Sen left.

"He has just retired from the top position of the Municipal Public Security Bureau to the second line."

Nian Tong nodded.

No wonder she felt a stern breath from Qiao Sen.

"What did you talk to Yueqing just now, why did you suddenly look at me with bright eyes?"

"Where are your eyes shining?" Nian Tong gave him a look, "He said there are many fresh mushrooms on the mountain, and he asked you to take me there."

Gu Junyao narrowed his eyes dangerously, "He said he wanted me to take you to the mountain to pick mushrooms?"

"what happened?"

Gu Junyao's eyes flickered, and he shook his head, "It's nothing, there are many insects and snakes on the mountain."

"It's because you don't want to accompany me?" If there were really many worms and snakes, it was impossible for Qiao Yueqing to suggest that Gu Junyao take her there.

Gu Junyao frowned and wanted to say something, but a voice came in: "You don't know that Junyao is afraid of going up the mountain?"

Nian Tong looked towards Qi Xin who was walking towards the two of them. He was followed by a young woman who could only be regarded as pretty, but very attractive.

"Brother Qi Xin."

"Mr. Gu."

When Nian Tong greeted Qi Xin, he heard the woman next to him call Gu Junyao like this.

"She is Tongtong, Junyao's fiancée." Qi Xin introduced to the woman beside her, and said, "Tongtong, she is Xiaoxuan."

"Hello." Si Feixuan nodded towards Niantong, with a faint smile, her facial features seemed to be endowed with a touch of expression, which made people's eyes shine.

Nian Tong was amazed - this pair is really a perfect match.The facial features don't look very outstanding, but they are unique.

"I thought you were here alone this time." Gu Junyao teased Qi Xin.

Qi Xin glanced at Si Feixuan, smiled and said nothing.

"Brother Qi Xin, what did you mean when you said he was afraid of going up the mountain?" Nian Tong still remembered what Qi Xin said just now.

"This," Qi Xin glanced at Gu Junyao and saw that he didn't stop him, so he said, "You don't know that there are many wild dogs on this mountain. We came to Yueqing for the first time when we were twelve or thirteen years old. Playing in my hometown, I went up the mountain to dig out bird eggs, but Junyao got separated from us. When we found him, he was staring at a wild dog on a tree and under a tree. It turned out that Junyao was afraid of dogs. Down the tree, and the wild dog probably wondered why someone kept staring at it, so it didn't leave. After we came to Yueqing's house again, Junyao never went up the mountain again."

"Are you afraid of dogs?" Nian Tong squinted at Gu Junyao with a suppressed smile in his eyes.

Gu Junyao was expressionless, "I was bitten by a dog when I was a child, don't you know where I have scars on my body?"

Nian Tong was taken aback, then remembered that she had a shallow scar on Gu Junyao's buttocks when she was in love last night, and asked him how he got here, he kept avoiding it, so it was bitten by a dog?

Nian Tong bit her lip, and the image of Gu Junyao being bitten by a dog as a child appeared in her mind, and she couldn't help laughing out loud.

(End of this chapter)

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