Chapter 115

The weather was not good, and when the group was about to go out, it began to rain cats and dogs without warning.

Looking at the menacing rain, guessing that it would not stop for a few hours, the group returned to Qiao Yueqing's ancestral house angrily.

Qiao's ancestral house has been taken care of by his uncle since the year Qiao Yueqing was born and Qiao Sen moved to City A due to job transfer, and the house is clean.

"Sitting is boring, why don't we touch a few laps? Last time, Qi Xin won the most, and I lost the worst. I want to get back the money. I must be lucky to win a big win today." Qiao Yueqing proposed loudly, the good mood did not come suddenly affected by the torrential rain.

He is the birthday star today, and everyone followed him when they saw his high spirits.

Qi Xin stared at him narrowly and made fun of him, "You can't afford to lose if you win, be careful that you won't be able to sleep at night if you lose all today."

Qiao Yueqing sneered, "Xiaoxuan is here today, I will save face and not fight with you."

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up if you want to call, do you want to check the location?" Leng Xiyun sat down at the mahjong table first, then took out a cigarette from his pocket, looked at Nian Tong who was beside Gu Junyao, "Do you mind?"

Niantong shook her head, watching him light the cigarette, wondering why he only asked her but not the girl named Xiaoxuan brought by Qi Xin, when she saw that Si Feixuan also had a slender piece between the index finger and middle finger of her right hand. white cigarette about to be lit.

Seeing her standard and sophisticated smoking posture, it is obvious that she has been smoking for a long time.

I really can't see it.

But it's nice to see her smoking.

"Can you play?"

The sudden voice in his ear brought back Nian Tong's mind.

She nodded and shook her head again, "Not very good at it. I played at my classmates' house a few times in high school, but I never touched it again."

"Little sister-in-law is really a good girl, it doesn't matter if it's okay, just touch it a few more times." Qiao Yueqing smiled maliciously.

"You kid is red-eyed, and you dare to take advantage of Lian Junyao." Leng Xiyun picked out four mahjong tiles and put them on the table, his phoenix eyes swept over everyone, "Who will touch first?"

"The birthday star is the biggest, of course I will come first." Qiao Yueqing touched one first, "Four tubes."

"I'm Ertong." Qi Xin lit up the mahjong tiles in his hand.

"One for each of us, you can touch it, the rest is mine." Leng Xiyun looked at Nian Tong.

Nian Tong shook his head quickly, "I don't know how to play, I'm afraid of spoiling your interest, let him come, I'll just take a look."

"It's okay, you play with them first, I'll call Nian Ye." Gu Junyao grabbed a card for her and put it in her hand before going out.

Seeing this, Nian Tong couldn't refuse anymore, and sat down at the table bravely.

Gu Junyao was holding a tube, Niantong was the head picker, she sat in her original position if she didn't want to move, Qi Xin sat on her right, opposite Leng Xiyun, and Qiao Yueqing sat on her left.

Since Niantong is not very familiar with mahjong, the other three all cooperated with her and played extremely slowly at the speed at which she drew and played cards.

Nian Tong felt embarrassed, and didn't want to casually beat Gu Junyao to lose money. He was in a mess and played the wrong card several times to make Qiao Yue go crazy.

"Haha, I just said that today I must be lucky and win a big win. My sister-in-law is embarrassed." Qiao Yueqing said that he was embarrassed, but he was absolutely unambiguous when playing cards, and fell faster than anyone else.

"Don't worry, what Yunyao has the most is money, so it's no big deal to lose a few hundred thousand." Seeing that Nian Tong sighed every time she lost, Qi Xin comforted her.

"How many, how many hundreds of thousands?!" Nian Tong's eyes widened, feeling as if his heartbeat had stopped. "Well, may I old are you playing?" Did she hear wrong just now?

"[-] a hand, one chip is equivalent to [-], self-touching open bars is doubled, hidden bars are doubled, spot bars are doubled three times, all seven pairs are doubled four times... and so on, these are their old cards. Rules." Si Feixuan, who was sitting between Nian Tong and Qi Xin, told her.

A chip of 45?Then she successively paid Qiao Yueqing six chips and Leng Xiyun three chips. Wouldn't the total of nine chips equal [-]?
God! !She lost 10 in less than 45 minutes!
Thinking of this, Nian Tong felt that his hands were stiff, and when he touched the last card on the card table, he grasped it tightly, even though Leng Xiyun on the opposite side played a bad card, he dared not play it.

A group of people laughed when they saw this.

"Let's play against the stinky, this hand should be stinky, anyway, I'm not stupid." Qi Xin smiled lightly.

Nian Tong bit her lip, closed her eyes and gently placed the cards in her hand in the middle of the table——

"Wait." Gu Junyao's voice suddenly came from behind him.

Nian Tong opened his eyes and looked behind him.

"Silly girl, do you have to play out all the cards you draw?" Gu Junyao pulled her outstretched hand back, took the nine pieces from her hand and inserted them into the game in front of her, and stretched her slender fingers from the left side of the card. Sweep all the way side to right, then push down.

"Everyone touches Hu Haihai and touches himself, forty turns a family."

The five pairs of eyes of the five people instantly stared like copper bells.

Touch Hu Haihai all by himself?Nian Tong was in a daze, but still couldn't figure out the situation.She only knew how many pairs of strips she had touched, and she had a pair of nine strips and a pair of seven strips in her hands. The last nine strips she touched were perfect, but she didn't know that matching them together was self-touching, and it was still a big beard.

No wonder you lose money.

Fortunately, Gu Junyao saw it with sharp eyes, otherwise this would be a loss.

"Uncle Gu, how much is forty turn?" She asked Gu Junyao, the embarrassment and embarrassment on her face was no longer there.

Gu Junyao pulled a chair and sat down beside her and said, "Forty to fifty thousand, how much do you say?"

200 million family?Those three are 600 million?

Nian Tong was stunned, and when he came back to his senses, he held Gu Junyao's face and kissed him hard, "Uncle Gu, you are amazing!"

Gu Junyao couldn't laugh or cry.

The other pairs of eyes stared at the two of them in an extremely ambiguous manner.

"I said Junyao, my sister-in-law put down half of the card and said, you can't do this." Qiao Yueqing finally won a lottery on his birthday, and suddenly he was about to become a loser again, feeling a little depressed.

Gu Junyao raised his eyebrows, "I would like to bet and admit defeat."

Qiao Yue pursed his lips, obediently counted forty chips and went out.

Nian Tong took it happily, thinking that this time he made a fortune.

(End of this chapter)

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