Chapter 116

"Nianye, why did this happen? How did Tongtong get hurt?"

Zhan Laoxuan, who hurried to the hospital, ran up to Lian Nianye like a wind, asking questions repeatedly.

Lian Nianye was the first person to rush to the hospital. He glanced at Zhan Luoxuan who looked anxious, and sighed softly, "I don't know the specific situation. She was attacked on the way home. There were two people on the other side. With a knife and a gun in her hand, she fought with the opponent with bare hands, so she was injured."

"Who are those two bloody bastards? I'm going to kill them!"

"One was killed on the spot, and the other was bandaged for a serious leg injury. If you want him to die, you have to wait for the boss to come back."

"Eh? One dead and one injured? Or killed on the spot?" Zhan Luoxuan was slightly startled, he really didn't expect Nian Tong's fighting ability to be so strong.

"The seriously injured one was injured by Nian Tong, while the other one died in the hands of Huo Yudong. If he hadn't appeared in time, Nian Tong probably..."

"Huo Yudong?" Zhan Luoxuan looked around, "Where's the person?"

"Leave beforehand."

"How could he appear just when Tongtong was in danger? Could it be that the boss told him?"

"how could I know?"

"Didn't the boss always praise you for being smart?"

Lian Nianye was speechless.

No matter how smart a person is, he is still a human being, not an omnipotent god.

"I'm done. Once the boss finds out about Tongtong's injury, he will probably send me to another city to stay permanently. Then you won't even want to see me these years." Zhan Luoxuan said with a bitter face.

Lian Nian gave him a wild look and didn't bother to pay attention to him.

At this time, a doctor came out of the operating room, and he hurried to meet him.

"Doctor Wei, how is my friend?"

"The wound is not deep, but because it is a compound trauma, the wound area is relatively wide, and the blood flow is too much. The injured is currently in a coma, but it is not life-threatening."

"The wound is very wide? Will it leave a scar?" Zhan Luoxuan also came over and asked.

"After the wound has healed, you can do cosmetic treatment without worrying about leaving a scar."

Lian Nianye heaved a sigh of relief.

"Thank you, Doctor Wei."

The other party shrugged, "You're welcome, A Dong's friends are my friends." Then he looked around.

"Mr. Huo left beforehand, he asked me to tell you." Lian Nianye guessed that he was looking for Huo Yudong, and said hastily.

"That's it, then wait a little longer, it will come out in about 5 minutes." Then he left.

"Fortunately, it's not life-threatening. But it's still in a coma. Should we notify the boss now or wait until Tongtong wakes up?" Zhan Laoxuan asked Lian Nianye, looking at the surgical lamp that suddenly went out.

Lian Nianye pondered for a while, and said, "Let's fight now, who dares to hide this kind of thing?"

"But isn't the old lady over there also critically ill?"

"The old lady has always been healthy, why are there so many critical illnesses?"

"You mean...the boss was cheated?" Zhan Luoxuan was shocked, "But why did the old lady lie to the boss? And since you guessed that the old lady was cheating the boss, why didn't you tell him?"

"Do you think everyone is as human-faced and beast-like as you? How could the boss not think of things I can think of? Since he is going to plan, he must have other things to go back to Italy."

Zhan Luoxuan frowned: "...what is a human face and animal brain?" He only knows the human face and animal heart.

Lian Nianye gave him a sideways look, and couldn't help but chuckle, "You have a human face and a beast's brain, which means you have a human face but a pig's head."

Zhan Luoxuan 囧: "If you curse, you can curse. What idioms are you using indiscriminately? Pigs are poultry, right? Why are they beasts?"

"Beasts are beasts, poultry are also beasts."


*****************************************split line******* *******************************
When Gu Junyao received a call from Lian Nianye, it was already past one o'clock in the morning in Italy.

As soon as he came out of the bathroom, he heard the buzzing beep of the mobile phone on the table, and immediately strode over to pick it up. His black eyes glanced at the little man curled up on the big bed beside him, but there was no movement. Just went to the balcony.

"What's the matter?" He asked as soon as the phone was connected, his voice was extremely low.

Quietly listening to Lian Nianye talking about Nian Tong's injury in another country, his calm and calm face gradually darkened, and a cold breath naturally revealed.

"The corpse was sent to the funeral home for preservation, and the person who was not dead was also sent to the funeral home after being treated in the original way. I can't leave here for the time being. I will have time the day after tomorrow. Let Luoxuan stay in the hospital. I don't want to Go back and don't leave."

After the confession, I hung up the phone, staring at the hazy colorful neon in the distance with some absent-minded eyes, the beautiful face that was either angry, coquettish, or sweetly smiling appeared in my mind, imagining the petite her with bare hands and two tall, fierce and holding The scene of men with knives and guns fighting and being injured made the heart tighten, and the throat seemed to be choked for a moment of suffocation.

Keeping her by his side, pampering her and loving her, giving her everything she wanted except love, in addition to wanting her to retreat, to put it bluntly, he wanted to prove that his doting and pity for her had nothing to do with the relationship between a man and a woman.

But now, it seems that something has begun to change.

Or, in fact, it has already been changing, but he just doesn't want to face it.

Sighing lightly, he turned and walked back to the bedroom.

"Dad, who were you talking to on the phone so quietly just now, was it because you were afraid that I might overhear you?" The immature but sophisticated child's voice sounded.

Gu Junyao was slightly stunned, and raised his eyes to look at the little man who had already sat up on the bed - he was dressed in black and white square checked pajamas, with thick black hair, and his handsome features were very similar to him.

He rubbed his eyebrows and walked over.

"You pretended to be asleep just now." The tone of the inquiry was an affirmative sentence.

The little man stuck out his tongue, got up and pulled his father to sit down when he walked to the bed, and climbed onto his lap to sit on himself.

"Dad, I heard from my aunt that you were tricked by grandma when you came back this time? Why did grandma lie to you?"

"I heard?" Gu Junyao raised his eyebrows, looked at his son with big eyes, and hummed, "Is it eavesdropping?"

The little man curled his lips, "Eavesdropping is just hearing. Don't think that I don't understand the essence of my mother tongue when I stay in China."

"Then what else have you 'heard'?"

The little man suddenly smiled, and a sly trace of light flashed across his eyes.

"Dad, grandma said that you were fascinated by the vixen, and you even wanted to marry the vixen. Is there such a thing?"

"Are you sure grandma said vixen?"

The little man raised his eyebrows like his father and looked at him for a while, but finally lost.

"Okay, I admit that I added more oil and vinegar. In fact, grandma only said that you were fascinated by a little girl. But aren't all the women who can fascinate men's souls in the comic books all turned into vixen? I said Fox Jing was right."

"She's not a vixen." At best, she was a goblin who confused him.

"Dad, you actually explained it to her?" The little man seemed to have seen some strange news, his eyes widened.

"Tsk, could it be that you are really fascinated by her?"

Gu Junyao glanced at his son, carried him down and stuffed him into the quilt, "There's so much nonsense and tricky questions, no wonder your aunt can't serve you anymore."

"My aunt is old, and her physical strength is exhausted, so she is tired." The little man argued, and poked his head out of the bed again, "Dad, I know that you sometimes feel lonely, and you want to find a companion to stabilize yourself. But Let me tell you, it's good for women to play, don't be serious, even if you want to be serious, don't find a little girl, or when you want me to call a little girl mother, I can't do it."

Gu Junyao couldn't laugh or cry at his son's 'advice'.

The little guy is tricky and weird, I don't know what it will be like to get along with that girl?
Suddenly there is some expectation.

"Dad, did you hear what I just said?" Seeing that he was silent, the little man tugged at his sleeve in dissatisfaction.

"Sleep, or go back to your own room to sleep." Gu Junyao pretended to be serious.

"Tch, adults are like this. If you don't know how to answer a question, you will find an excuse to avoid it. I—" All the unfinished words were stopped when Gu Junyao made a gesture to lift the quilt to carry someone.

Well, a hero doesn't suffer from immediate losses.

After finally looking forward to his father coming back once and enjoying the bed with his father, he will bear it for the time being.

Seeing his son shut up obediently, Gu Junyao said goodnight in satisfaction, and then lay down beside his son.

After lying down for less than two seconds, the small body leaned over.

He spread his arms and let his son fall asleep on his chest.

Although the father and son spend very little time together, every time they are together, the son always clings to him and sleeps at night.

He was a little uncomfortable at first, but later he was relieved.

The son has never seen his mother. Although there are so many people who love him, there is always an irreparable shortcoming in his heart-maternal love.

The son who doesn't get mother's love expects to get warm father's love from him, even if it is short-lived, he thinks it is good to have it for a second.

Over the years, he has spent too little time by his son's side, and there is no way to give him normal fatherly love. What he can do is to give him a hug that makes him feel at ease and accompany him to sleep like this time.

But there is no doubt that he loves this son.

***************************************split line********* *******************************
Waking up drowsy, the hospital's unique smell of disinfectant mixed into his breath, and what greeted his eyes was the dazzling and familiar white.

In the dream, I dreamed of endless fights and entanglements with a group of things that I don't know whether they are humans or ghosts. I finally broke through many obstacles and broke out. I didn't expect to wake up and find myself lying on a hospital bed.

It turned out to be really hurt.

She closed her eyes again, and let the pain in her waist stimulate the memory closed in her mind to revive little by little, and finally all of them returned to the cage, and replayed them again in her mind like a magic lantern, only to figure out the reason why she was lying in the hospital.

It's just that she remembered that she passed out at the time, who brought her to the hospital?

That indifferent man who was dressed exactly like Gu Junyao?
Who is he?Why save her?

While thinking, I heard the sound of the door opening, followed by footsteps.

She opened her eyes suddenly, hoping to see the face that she missed so much after being separated for several days, but she was disappointed.

The one who came in was Zhanluoxuan.

When the latter saw her with her eyes open, she froze for a moment before recovering, and walked over with a face full of surprise.

"Great! You're finally awake! Are you thirsty? Hungry? Do you want some water? Or do you want something to eat?"

Nian Tong was overwhelmed by his series of crackling questions, frowning and shaking her head.

"Who sent me to the hospital?" She asked, only to realize that her voice was unbelievably hoarse and her throat hurt badly.

"The one who saved you." Zhan Luoxuan took it for granted, poured a cup of slightly scalding boiling water and put it on the bedside cabinet.

"Who saved me then?"

"Huo Yudong, he is the boss' friend."

A sentence suddenly popped up in my mind-Lao Qi, don't talk nonsense with her, this is Huo Yudong's territory, and with his friendship with Gu Junyao, we will die ugly if we are caught if we delay for too long.

It turned out that he was Huo Yudong.

She really deserves to be Gu Junyao's friend, even her clothes are so similar.

I heard Arong say that city B is the territory of Huo Yudong, does that mean that Huo Yudong is a gangster?
"Who is he?" Nian Tong asked Zhan Luoxuan in order to confirm what he was thinking.

"He," Zhan Luoxuan looked away, paused before saying, "He is the boss of Huoshi."

Huo Shi is no stranger to Nian Tong who has stayed in City B for more than three years.

After all, the natural medicine research and development laboratory of H University is fully sponsored by Huo Shi.

It's just that although Huoshi is very famous in University H and in City B, but the boss of Huoshi has rarely seen his true face in Lushan.

In private, Niantong once heard some seniors talking about the boss of Huoshi, saying that the boss must be an old, ugly, short, and pot-bellied man, so he didn't dare to show Lushan's true colors to others.

But he didn't expect that the real president of the Huo family turned out to be so graceful and proud.

"You've been in a coma for seventeen hours, and you're going to drive me crazy. If it wasn't for the medical doctor who said that your life was not in danger, and he is an authoritative doctor in this hospital, I probably thought they had misdiagnosed you."

Zhan Luoxuan's voice brought back Nian Tong's fugue thoughts.

"Seventeen hours in a coma?" Nian Tong was stunned.

No wonder the entanglement with those people or ghosts in the dream is endless. It turns out that I have been in a coma for so long.

"What time is it now?"

"It's past nine o'clock in the morning the next day."

"Where's my bag?"

"Your bag is full of blood. I threw it away. I've cleared out the contents for you. They're all here." Zhan Luoxuan said while bending over to open the drawer under the bedside cabinet, and took out a sealed paper bag .

"Give me my phone."

"You can't turn on your phone right now. It's what Doctor Wei said. There are too many medical instruments inside, and I'm afraid the signal will be interfered. You can use your phone after you wake up now and wait for him to remove these things."

Hearing what he said, Nian Tong's eyes darkened.

After finally passing by the god of death and saving her life, she really wanted to see if Gu Junyao had sent a text message or called her.

I really want to hear his voice, to hear him calling her Tongtong with a little pettiness.

"Do you want to know about the boss?" Zhan Luoxuan couldn't help asking when he saw her go dark, with a teary expression on his face.

Nian Tong was silent.

"Yesterday, Nian Ye told the boss about your injury. It's just that the boss still can't get away, and he won't have time to come back until tomorrow."

"Then he heard that I was injured, did he... say anything?" Nian Tong's eyes were full of expectation.

Zhan Luoxuan scratched his head, his beautiful peach blossom eyes flickered slightly, "It's Nian Ye who called, I don't know very well."

That is no more.

If he said something, it was impossible for Lian Nianye not to tell Zhan Luoxuan, and with his personality, he couldn't resist not saying it.

Thinking of this, I suddenly feel uncomfortable in my heart, and my nose and eye sockets are sore and unbearable.

She went to Italy the day before yesterday, and it was understandable that he didn't text and call her yesterday before he knew about it.

But why didn't even Nian Ye bring her a word of comfort after knowing it?

"Tongtong, the boss probably has something really difficult to get rid of. Since he said he will come back, he will definitely come back."

"...The matter is very difficult, does it mean that his mother's illness is not optimistic?"

"The old lady's illness... is much better, and her life is not in danger."

Hearing this, Nian Tong breathed a sigh of relief.

But then he remembered - since his mother's life was not in danger, why didn't he even say a word?According to him, he wasn't in such a bad mood that he didn't even want to call her.

Unless, unless he was tired of her these days.

Thinking about it, the mist in his eyes turned into water droplets, spinning in circles in his eye sockets.

"Don't cry." Zhan Luoxuan has never seen him cry like the little girl who lives in Nian Tong, and it's okay to cry.

"I am fine."

Nian Tong closed her eyes, but a crystal clear liquid slipped from the corner of her eyes.

Zhan Luoxuan sighed softly, took out a few tissues and put them in her palm.

He knew why she was crying, but he wanted to comfort her, but he didn't know what to say.

He hasn't experienced true love yet, and he doesn't know what men and women in love think in their hearts, so he naturally has no way to comfort them.

Fortunately, Nian Tong soon fell asleep again.

And he looked at her pale sleeping face, got up suddenly and walked out of the ward.

************************************split line************ *********************************
When he woke up again, he heard Cen Huan's voice before he opened his eyes and ears.

"I cut it for Niantong to eat, how did you eat it?"

"She's still sleeping, it's not too late for you to shave her when she wakes up." Qin Ge raised his voice in a sloppy voice.

"If you want to get something for nothing, just say so, don't make excuses." Cen Huan snorted and took another apple.

Nian Tong sighed quietly, opened his eyes and looked at the two of them, "This is a hospital, and I am a patient, please keep your voice down."

Seeing her wake up, Cen Huan was overjoyed, put down the apple and fruit knife in his hand, pulled a chair and sat down beside the bed, just holding Nian Tong's hand, before he could speak, his eyes were already red.

"I blamed me for not going to eat hot pot yesterday, otherwise I wouldn't be separated from you, and this kind of thing wouldn't have happened."

"Am I okay?"

"You said you were okay after being stabbed?" Cen Huan sniffed, and then said, "You are really unlucky, why did you meet a lunatic and get stabbed for nothing?"

"Huh?" Nian Tong wondered, "Crazy?"

"That's right, you didn't go to class today and the phone didn't work. I found Zhan Luoxuan's phone number and called him. He said that you were stabbed by a lunatic and hospitalized. Otherwise, I don't know why you suddenly stopped going to class. "

Stabbed by a madman?

Zhan Luoxuan couldn't think of such a lame excuse.

And only people like Cen Huan would believe it.

However, Zhan Luoxuan didn't want Cen Huan to know the truth of the matter, probably because he was afraid that the explanation would not be clear for a while.

"By the way, who is the person who brought you to the hospital? I also want to thank him for saving your life." Cen Huan wiped away his tears.

Nian Tong pondered for a while, thinking that if she told Cen Huan who saved her, wouldn't she really have to thank her for doing nothing?

"I was in a coma at the time, and I don't know who saved me, so you can ask Zhan Luoxuan." Anyway, it was an excuse he made up, so just leave this troublesome matter to him.

"Qin Ge, why didn't you say a word when you came here?" Nian Tong looked at Qin Ge who was sitting lazily on a single sofa chair, and asked.

"She's been chattering non-stop. I think you're tired of dealing with her alone, so I don't want to burden you."

The corners of Nian Tong's mouth trembled slightly, but Cen Huan turned his head and glared at Qin Ge, "I peeled an apple for Nian Tong after you ate it, and now I will punish you to peel one for her."

Qin Ge shrugged, took the fruit knife and Cen Huan peeled a third of the apple and continued to peel it.

"Why are you bickering everywhere?" Nian Tong really convinced them.

"Don't talk about us, talk about yourself, does your boss Gu know about your injury?"

When Gu Junyao was mentioned, Nian Tong's expression changed slightly.

Cen Huan noticed this, and raised his pretty eyebrows, "Don't tell me you are in a cold war with Boss Gu."

Nian Tong smiled bitterly: "He is in Italy, why should I have a cold war with him?"

"Then why do you change your face when you mention him?"

"You are dazzled." Nian Tong defended himself.

"Then does he know?"

Nian Tong nodded.

"Understood? Did he buy a plane ticket and rush back immediately?"

"...He has something to do with him, and he probably won't be back until tomorrow."

"No way? Is there anything more important than you? As your husband, he should return to you immediately to take care of you when he knows you are injured." Cen Huan said excitedly.

What Nian Tong wanted to say, but was overtaken by Qin Ge's voice: "Cen Huan, have you watched too many idol dramas and your brain is flooded? Do you think you're filming TV and come back right away?"

"My wife was injured, shouldn't a husband do this?" Cen Huan asked him back.

"That depends on the situation. It doesn't mean that he didn't come back immediately, but he thinks that Nian Tong is not important to him."

"Cut! You're not Gu Junyao. You seem to know him a lot. How do you know what he's thinking?"

"Then you're not Gu Junyao, how do you know what he thinks?" Qin Ge didn't want to be outdone, "As for me, at least he and I are both men, and we know more than you."

"I said, are you two arguing like this in private at home?" Nian Tong interrupted their quarrel.

"It's not noisy, it's our way of communicating." Cen Huan explained.

Nian Tong was speechless.

"What time is it now, Qin Ge, do you have no class in the afternoon?"

"There is a section, I will leave after a while."

"Huanhuan, you—"

"I asked for leave in the afternoon and stayed in the hospital to take care of you." Cen Huan cut off her words.

Niantong's current situation really needs someone to take care of her.Although there are Zhan Lao Xuan and special guards, one is inconvenient for men, and the other is too embarrassing to be taken care of by strangers.

****************************************split line******** *********************************
Time goes by very slowly when you are in bed when you are not feeling well.

Cen Huan half-forced and half-threats fed him some food, and then fell asleep half-awake for more than an hour. When he woke up in a daze, it was already dark.

"Cen Huan left, and the boy who lived with her said that he didn't know where to get the key, so she asked her to take the key." Zhan Luoxuan said.

Nian Tong nodded, but did not explain that Cen Huan and Qin Ge were just schoolmates and friends.

"Your mobile phone is here. I have turned it on for you, but the ringtone of the incoming call has been adjusted to vibrate. After all, it is in the hospital. Those devices that will be interfered have been taken out, and you can make calls and send text messages." After a pause, "I'm going outside to smoke a cigarette."

After speaking, he walked out.

Nian Tong looked at the mobile phone in his palm, closed his eyes and tried to turn it off again, but the thin body suddenly vibrated.

Her hand trembled, and the phone almost slipped from her palm.

Raising her hand to her eyes, her beautiful eyes scanned the caller ID on the screen, her eyes flickered slightly, she closed her eyes angrily and stuffed the vibrating mobile phone under the quilt.

After about half a minute, the vibrating sound stopped, but the beeping sound repeated after a few seconds.

Niantong struggled in every possible way, wondering whether to answer or not.

And just when she couldn't beat the longing for that person and decided to pick it up, the vibration stopped again!
Gritting her teeth angrily, she firmly grasped the body of the mobile phone, which was getting hot from her grasp, and resigned herself to calling back, but the voice came from being told that the other party had turned off the phone.

This guy!

On the Italian side, there was still some time before dawn, but Gu Junyao was standing on the balcony, blowing the slightly cold night wind, making it difficult to fall asleep.

He received a call from Zhan Luoxuan saying that the girl was angry that he didn't call her, so he called her at such a late hour, just to reassure her.

But that girl insisted on not answering.And now that the phone is out of battery, she must have called back, and she would be angry if she couldn't get through.

In fact, the reason for not calling her is very simple, because she is afraid that she will ask about things in Italy.

He didn't want to lie to her, but he didn't want to tell her those things on the phone either.

In fact, his mother tricked him to come here because he was critically ill, because his parents knew that he was going to marry the little girl.

At the beginning, my sister promised him to keep it a secret, but she didn't think about it, but she still didn't keep her mouth shut. As you can imagine, the old lady called him over immediately after she knew about it. There was only one purpose - to get married, but the partner must be the person she chose .

Her choice?
Gu Junyao hummed lightly with a half-smile.

Mother never cared about the emotional life of their siblings, and there must be a reason for this abnormality this time.

But he knew that his mother's critical illness was a trap, but he still jumped into it, just to find out what made his mother change her temper and want to interfere in his love life.

The result was not what he expected.

It seems that he was too tolerant of her, which made her a little ignorant. If it didn't work out on his side, he started to think of the old lady.

It would be naive for her to think that she could get what she wanted.

He, Gu Junyao, has always been in charge of manipulating other people's fate, how can he let others at his mercy?
Since she wanted to kill herself, he granted her wish.

(End of this chapter)

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