Chapter 118

When Gu Junyao came out of the shower, Nian Tong was still in a daze.

"What's the matter?" He walked over, and the aroma of the bath liquid on his body entered Niantong's nostrils, making her unconsciously lean back and cuddle up against him.

"Don't think about it, go to bed early." Gu Junyao rubbed her hair, swirling her fingers down to the end of her hair.

Nian Tong nodded, but did not leave.

Gu Junyao shook his head, leaned over and picked her up.

"Uncle Gu." When he put himself on the bed, Nian Tong held his hand in time.


"I'm so nervous..." She was looking forward to tomorrow's wedding, but at the same time felt extremely nervous, afraid that something bad would happen during the wedding.

Gu Junyao raised his eyebrows: "You don't want to get married anymore?"

"I want to! Why don't I want to?" Nian Tong replied anxiously, biting his lips again, "I'm just a little worried..."

"Don't worry, I have everything. You just need to be your bride with peace of mind." Gu Junyao patted her hand, "Sleep, I'll contact Lian Rong to confirm the process of tomorrow's wedding."

He placed a kiss on her lips before leaving.

Nian Tong looked at his handsome back, put his hand on the lips he had kissed, and the corners of his mouth could not help but rise high.

**************************************split line********** *******************************
At six o'clock, Cen Huan rushed from Qin Ge's house to Gu Junyao's residence, and accompanied her to their new residence in Golden Bay to wait for their marriage.

Lian Rong was already waiting there.

"Is she your friend? It just so happens that one of the bridesmaids is missing, Xiaoya, change her dress and makeup." Lian Rong glanced at Cen Huan, and directly pulled Nian Tong to the master bedroom.

"Hey, hey, I made a mistake. I have to perform today, so I can't be a bridesmaid." Cen Huan chased after her.

"Being a bridesmaid doesn't conflict with acting."


Before Cen Huan could finish, Lian Rong had already closed the door in front of her.

"Master Lian, why is there a lack of a bridesmaid? Who are the best men?"

"Brother Yunyao, those young girls, you know the bridesmaids."

Nian Tong knew that the bridesmaids were Leng Siyu and Si Feixuan.

"Sister Siyu, why haven't they come here yet?"

"The dresses have been delivered to them respectively, and they go directly to the wedding venue to meet."

The wedding scene was fixed by Lian Rong in Chaoge's super-large studio. For this wedding, some layouts inside were remodeled, and the lighting effects were enhanced. It was too beautiful to describe in words.

As time passed, Nian Tong unconsciously became nervous again and kept drinking water.

"Drink less, so that you won't be in trouble for going to the bathroom all the time during the wedding." Cen Huan reminded her, but he grabbed snacks and ate non-stop.

"But I'm so nervous."

"It's all like this. This is the marriage syndrome of a girl to be married."

Nian Tong glanced at her, and suddenly smiled ambiguously, "Huanhuan, did you sleep at Qin Ge's house last night?"

Cen Huan trembled when he received the meaning conveyed by her smile, "Don't think wrongly, I went to sleep at his house to save money, not to share the same bed with him."

"Uncle Gu has already reserved a room for you in the hotel, and you don't need to pay for it."

"Won't all his money be yours in the future? I'm saving it for you."

Nian Tong smiled and looked at her dodging eyes, trying to say something, but someone walked in.

"Aunt." Seeing that it was Ye Lanshan who came, Nian Tong immediately got up, and Ye Lanshan hurriedly stopped her.

"The tail of the wedding dress is so long, don't move around, so as not to trip over."

"That's right, it would be heartbreaking if one of those diamonds on the wedding dress was accidentally dropped." Cen Huan agreed, looking at Ye Lanshan, "Hello, auntie, I'm Nian Tong's classmate, Huanhuan."

Ye Lanshan nodded with a smile, "I heard Tongtong said that you took good care of her, and I really appreciate it."

"Auntie, you are too polite. We take care of each other."

Ye Lanshan looked Niantong up and down, the smile on her face never stopped.

"Tongtong is really beautiful, even better than your mother when she was young."

When mentioning his mother, Nian Tong's expression darkened.

Ye Lanshan caught this point and was a little annoyed that she shouldn't bring up her deceased sister, so she immediately changed the subject, "Huanhuan's bridesmaid dresses are also so beautiful, they match your skin and temperament, and the makeup is natural and delicate. This makeup artist has a good eye .”

"Auntie, do you want him to put on makeup for you too? I promise to let a group of mature men fall for you at the wedding." Huanhuan teased her.

Ye Lanshan smiled, "I just need to make my husband fall in love with me forever, other men are just clouds."

"My aunt's love is really yearning." Cen Huan sighed.

The three chatted for more than half an hour, and Lian Rong came in.

"Brother Yunyao is here."

Just a few words pushed Nian Tong's nervousness to its climax.

Gu Junyao got out of the car in the yard and went straight into the master bedroom in the house.

The door was pushed open, and there was only a figure with his back facing him in the room, wearing a snow-white wedding dress with long tails. Because of his back-to-back posture, the design of the backless wedding dress almost made the entire beautiful back appear in his eyes. Under the golden sunlight pouring in from the glass windows, the quiet silhouette is breathtakingly beautiful.

"Tongtong." Gu Junyao approached her, as if afraid of scaring her, with an unbelievably soft voice.

The person whose back was facing trembled slightly, and slowly turned around, with a nervous and shy smile on her pretty face, like a budding snow lotus, extremely beautiful.

"Why are you alone?" Gu Junyao stood still in front of her, and stretched out his big hand towards her.

Nian Tong put her hand in his palm and stared at him without blinking.

"Uncle Gu, you are so young and handsome today."

Gu Junyao raised her eyebrows and snorted, "You mean I used to be very old and ugly?"

Nian Tong's face turned hot, and she gave him a charming look, "You know I don't mean that..."

"Okay, I'll carry you into the car, if you don't go to the wedding scene, you will miss the time."

Nian Tong nodded, wrapped her arms around his slender neck, felt his body stiffen slightly when Gu Junyao's hand crossed her back, and then put her down.

Nian Tong looked at him in surprise, seeing him take off his coat and put it on for her, she quickly refused, "I'm not cold."

"...The wife in the wedding dress is exposed."

Nian Tong opened her mouth and was speechless, but when Gu Junyao picked her up again, she raised her lips and smiled, and quickly stole a kiss on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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