Chapter 119

There were not many guests invited by Gu Junyao to the wedding, less than 100 people, but they were from various backgrounds. They were either high-ranking in the political and police circles or one of the best super-rich people. There were also some guests who Nian Tong couldn't name, but it seems People's dress is also either rich or expensive.

In contrast, on Mu Qifeng's side, only he and his son Mu Yu'an were present.

Nian Tonghao didn't care about this, anyway, she didn't want to see the mother and daughter.



In the brisk and romantic song edited by Nian Tong herself, she took Mu Qifeng's hand and walked towards Gu Junyao.

The surrounding neon lights were bright, and countless eyes were focused on her, but she didn't seem to notice it. She stared at Gu Junyao, who was carrying a huge screen on the other end without blinking, and whose outline flickered with the light and shadow. There is only one him in his heart and eyes.

Love is really amazing, it can make a complete stranger suddenly become her whole world.

"Tongtong, Dad handed you into his hands today. I hope you and him can be happy. Don't... don't make him angry and do things he doesn't like."

Mu Qifeng whispered suddenly.

Nian Tong was startled, curious that his father would suddenly say such a thing in this situation, but he just nodded slightly, his eyes still looking forward and did not move away.

Seeing this, Mu Qifeng sighed softly, and a trace of worry appeared on his brows, but it disappeared in a flash.

Now that this is the case, let it be, maybe things are not as bad as he thought.

Looking at each other, Wei Lan and Li Zhiting's "Love for You" is flowing in my ears, and the men and women are singing affectionately: "Love for you, I am sincere, please cherish this love."He has never confided his secrets to anyone, and for the first time in his life, he confided his heart.I hope you promise to prove to me that there is resonance in my heartstrings at this moment.Then, open your feelings to people, and use that golden ring as a witness.Say it to me and finally accept it, and use my last name in the future, tell me I`do! I`do...

When singing to this point, the host asked Nian Tong: "Miss Mu, do you love Mr. Gu?"

Nian Tong looked at Gu Junyao with a smile on his face.

"Love. Love it. Love it so much."

As soon as she finished speaking, there were bursts of friendly but narrow laughter from the audience.

Nian Tong's face burned, but she didn't dodge Gu Junyao's gaze.

"Then Mr. Gu, do you admire Miss?"

The smile on Nian Tong's face froze, his expression tense.

I'm so scared, so afraid that his answer will be two words.

Gu Junyao frowned slightly, and glanced at a certain direction under the stage - Lian Rong, who was wearing a formal suit for the first time, stood there, and the latter shrank his tall figure immediately after receiving his gaze.

"Mr. Gu—"


Nian Tong's heart trembled, and he looked at Gu Junyao in disbelief. The corner of the latter's mouth tilted slightly. When the host announced the exchange of rings, his fingertips felt cold, and the exquisite diamond ring dazzled on his ring finger.

The applause of the audience was thunderous.

Niantong's eyes were misty, and when Gu Junyao pressed her lips against hers, he said softly, "Thank you."

Thank him for being willing to accept her, spoil her, love her and pamper her...

Thank him for being willing to give her a home that belongs to her completely...

Thank him for being willing to say that he loves her, no matter whether this "love" is forced by the situation or what, she is grateful to him.

"Congratulations to the two of you for becoming a husband and wife. From now on, the husband and wife will love each other and grow old together."

"Congratulations on finally being promoted to Mrs. Gu." Cen Huan's teasing voice rose.

Nian Tong raised her eyes, smiled shyly, but wept with joy.

"Silly girl, you still cry when you are so happy, you should laugh heartily if you can marry the person you love." Leng Siyu also laughed.

"Speaking of others, didn't you cry like a mess?" Leng Xiyun, one of the best men, frowned slightly, took out a very soft handkerchief and handed it to Leng Siyu.

The latter bit his lower lip slightly and took it.

She cried because she was envious of Nian Tong's good luck, to be able to win Gu Junyao's sincere treatment.

She cried because she lamented that her love had sprouted but could not bloom or bear fruit, and would never end well.

She was crying because the person she loved was clearly close at hand, and she wanted to throw herself into his arms and tell him how much she missed him during the years of parting, but she still treated him indifferently, pretending not to care.

It's not terrible to fall in love with someone, the terrible thing is that you will never forget him.

"Congratulations, both of you." Si Feixuan, who was wearing a blue tube top dress, walked over with a sweet smile, holding Qi Xin's arm.

"Thank you." Nian Tong replied with a smile.Suddenly slightly startled, "Why didn't you see Brother Yueqing?"

"Yueqing personally checks the safety of the wedding venue, and will come to get together when the wedding is almost over." Qi Xin explained.

But didn't Lian Rong say that there were three best men?Besides Leng Xiyun and Qi Xin, who is the third one who is not Qiao Yueqing?
Seeing her confusion, Gu Junyao glanced at Cen Huan with black eyes, who froze suddenly and immediately looked away.

"The show that Qin Ge and I performed is about to start, I'll find out where the others are." After saying that, Cen Huan slipped away without a trace.

Gu Junyao chuckled playfully, met Nian Tong's curious and inquiring gaze, but only scratched her nose lightly, without saying anything.

***************************************split line********* *******************************
When performing on stage, Nian Tong had already changed into another small dress and sat in the first row of VIP seats with Gu Junyao.

Two pairs of groomsmen and bridesmaids sat on their left and right sides respectively.

Nian Tong noticed that just 2 minutes into the performance, a figure sat down beside Leng Xiyun. Due to the flickering light, she couldn't really see the person's appearance, but she felt familiar.

(End of this chapter)

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