Chapter 121

Since her mother was called a vixen by Wen Meihua, Nian Tong hated these three words very much.

At this time, she herself was compared to a vixen by a child, but she was angry and funny in her heart.

How could she be given such a nickname?Back then, she tried every means to seduce Gu Junyao, but was rejected time and time again. If she was really a vixen, she would have used her tricks of seduction a long time ago, so why would she miss so many times?
"Let's talk inside the house."

Gu Junyao took the key from her hand and opened the door, Xiao Xi squinted at Nian Tong, snorted coldly and walked in behind his father.

Nian Tong curled her lips and entered the house. While she was changing shoes at the entrance, she heard the kid shout loudly, "Dad, I haven't eaten dinner yet, I'm about to starve to death."

Gu Junyao's back paused, without saying anything, he went straight to the bedroom.

The little ghost looked back at Nian Tong and smiled complacently. He untied the camouflage backpack on his body and walked towards the living room. Then he threw the camouflage backpack on the sofa and looked back at Nian Tong domineeringly.

"You are the little wife my dad just married?" With a cold tone and a sophisticated expression, Nian Tong thought that this little ghost must belong to the kind of abnormally precocious over-age children reported on TV.

She walked over, threw the bag on the sofa as well, and then said with a slight smile: "Little Gu, didn't your teacher teach you to use honorific words when talking to elders, especially not to yell at beautiful ladies? "

Xiaoxi smiled contemptuously: "I communicate with my grandparents, aunts, and even my father with this tone and attitude... Also, don't call me little friend Gu!"

"What's that called?"

"Nothing is allowed! I hate you!" Xiao Xifeng stared at her, speaking directly.

Nian Tong tilted her head slightly, with a troubled expression on her face, "What should I do then? You hate me, but your dad likes me very much."

"Stop fooling me by treating me like a child, my dad won't like you." Xiaoxi retorted her.

Nian Tong raised her eyebrows, leaned closer to him, and smiled brightly, "Little guy, if your father doesn't like me, why would you marry me?"

In fact, she just said that to tease the little guy, to put an end to his arrogance, but the little guy actually took it seriously, his face flushed with anger.

"Anyway, I won't admit that you little girl is my stepmother!"

"Why?" Nian Tong was puzzled? "Where did I annoy you?"

"Hmph, I might as well tell you that my dad was tricked by my grandma when he went back to Italy the last time because he was critically ill, because we all objected to my dad marrying you." When it came to this, Xiaoxi was angry.

When his father left that morning, he had promised him that he would think about it, but in the end it was just perfunctory.

Hearing what Xiao Xi said, Nian Tong changed slightly, her beautiful eyes caught the pride in the little guy's eyes, and she immediately laughed.

"So many people objected to your father's insistence on marrying me. You can imagine how important I am to him. I'm so happy." Hmph, she didn't want to make her angry by saying those words.

"That's not true! You are such a thick-skinned woman. You and my dad are quite different in age. Why did you rely on him?" Xiaoxi was angry.

Nian Tong shrugged indifferently, "If you don't have a thick skin, you won't be able to catch up with your dad. I like him and want to be with him so I rely on him. Is it strange?"

"Hmph! You don't even understand women's reserve, so my dad wouldn't like a bratty girl like you." Xiaoxi gave her a disdainful look, her phoenix eyes swept across the slender Niantong, and suddenly smiled badly, " You want to be my stepmother, unless you can beat me."

At the end of the sentence, he clenched his fists with both hands and swung them out at the same time, but before they touched Nian Tong's body, Nian Tong held them back. The next second, his body flew into the air, and fell onto the sofa with a beautiful over-the-shoulder.

Although the sofa is very soft, after such a fall, Xiaoxi still feels the blood in his body churning.

Nian Tong stood beside the sofa and looked down at him from above, raised her eyebrows and smiled refreshedly.

"Three-legged cat Kung Fu wants to be my son, wait until you can beat me."

Xiao Xi didn't expect that Nian Tong would be able to kung fu, she was stunned for a moment, and after a while she suddenly got up from the sofa and threw herself at Nian Tong fiercely.

Nian Tong didn't expect him to come back with this move. If she avoided it, she would be afraid that he would fall to the ground and get hurt, and she couldn't really fight him. She could only hug him when he rushed towards him, but the eight or nine-year-old boy's body was She was very heavy, she was hit by the force, and her whole body fell back, and the two of them fell on a set of sofas behind them at the same time.

When he fell down, his waist just hit the edge of the sofa, and Nian Tong hurt so much that his facial features shrank into a ball.

Xiaoxi thought she was deliberately trying to hurt herself and fell, and struggled to get up from her and was about to hit her again, her low voice suddenly rose.

"What are you doing?" Gu Junyao took a shower and changed into home clothes, and was about to go to the kitchen to cook noodles for his son, but unexpectedly saw the scene in front of him.

He came over and saw Nian Tong lying on the sofa, her face turned pale and her expression changed slightly, "Tong Tong, what's wrong with you?"

Nian Tong was in so much pain that he couldn't speak for a while, so he just pointed at his waist.

Gu Junyao picked her up and strode towards the bedroom.

"Dad, she pretended on purpose! She just fell on the sofa and it didn't hurt at all, but she pretended so exaggeratedly, she was obviously lying to you!"

Seeing that his father was so kind to Niantong, Xiaoxi felt sour and annoyed.

Gu Junyao seemed to have never heard of it.

After entering the bedroom, he put Nian Tong on the bed, and lifted the hem of her clothes with his big hands, only to see that the freshly healed wound was bumped red.

Gu Junyao frowned, "What did you do?"

Nian Tong held his hand pitifully, "I accidentally fell down while playing with Xiao Xi."

Gu Junyao looked at her with deep black eyes.

"I don't know why Xiaoxi suddenly ran back from Italy."

Nian Tong smiled, "I believe in you."

Gu Junyao nodded, "You rest first, I'll go see the little guy." He leaned over and kissed her on the forehead.

Nian Tong watched him go out, frowned and moved his body, thinking that the little guy was really difficult to deal with.

It turns out that the members of the Gu family don't like her as much as the mother and daughter of the Mu family.

It doesn't matter whether other people like her or not, but that little guy is different.It can be seen that his weight in Gu Junyao's mind is not low, so she must conquer this little guy and let him stand on the same front as herself, otherwise it will affect her relationship with Gu Junyao.

(End of this chapter)

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