Chapter 122

Gu Junyao dug out the ingredients from the refrigerator and made some pasta for his son.

Xiao Xi seemed much more obedient to his father who had an ugly face. He didn't open his mouth when his father didn't speak, but his mind was spinning rapidly, thinking about how he would answer if his father asked him why he suddenly ran back from Italy.

After waiting for Xiaoxi to finish eating and clean up the dishes on his own initiative, Gu Junyao said, "Come over to the study."

When Xiaoxi heard these four words, her body couldn't help shaking - her father was about to start lecturing.

In the study room, Gu Junyao was sitting on a set of black sofas, Xiao Xi walked up to his father and stood still with a bitter face, as if admitting his mistake.

"Do you want me to ask or you confess yourself?"

Gu Junyao looked at his son with a gentle tone, but every word revealed a breath of stormy weather.

Xiaoxi scratched her hair and sighed: "Dad, are you being lenient when you confess?"

Gu Junyao sullenly remained silent.

Xiaoxi shrugged: "Okay, I confess."

"I went back to China with my grandparents and aunt on my back, but I called them as soon as I got off the plane."

"Who brought you back?"

"My little aunt asked her friend to pick me up from school and bring me back."

"Little aunt?" Gu Junyao narrowed his eyes dangerously, "Where did you come from, little aunt?"

"Speaking of this..." Xiao Xixue's father narrowed his eyes and snorted, "Dad, how can you let your grandparents and aunt hide from me about my little aunt?"

Du Kewei...

Gu Junyao stared, his expression suddenly became gloomy.

"Little aunt's classmate showed me her picture, and she looks exactly like my mother. No wonder grandma opposes you marrying this woman. She must also want you to be with little aunt. This way, after all, the fat will not flow to outsiders. Tian, ​​you can also kiss me."

"Xiaoxi," Gu Junyao looked at his son with a serious expression on his face.

"I'm married to her, she's my father's wife now, you have to be more polite to her in the future, don't yell at her, don't be disrespectful to her, and don't fight like you did just now—"

"Damn! Dad, you are too partial, right? Why didn't you teach her a lesson when she threw me on the sofa, but you only taught me a lesson? Is it because I won't pretend to be pitiful to win your sympathy?"

"No swearing!"

Xiaoxi pouted, "I just said shit, and didn't scold anyone. And she was pretending—"

"She was injured and had surgery and the wound has just healed, and the wound was red when you hit her just now."

Xiaoxi was stunned.

"Don't go to see her with preconceived prejudices. After you get in touch with her for a while, you will find that she is a very kind-hearted girl who is easy to get along with."

"I don't want it! In short, the best stepmother candidate in my mind is my little aunt."

"Then I advise you to die."

"Why?" Xiaoxi's eyes widened in disbelief, "You also liked my mother and gave birth to me with her, right? Then why can't you accept the little aunt who looks exactly like my mother and treat her as—"

"Enough, if you continue to make trouble for no reason, I will send you back to Italy early tomorrow morning." Gu Junyao stopped his son, rubbed his forehead and stood up.

Xiaoxi pursed her mouth in aggrieved manner, and hummed, "Even if you admit that she is your wife, I will never admit it!"

Gu Junyao glanced at his son and sighed, "Go take a bath and rest first, we'll talk about it tomorrow."

"Dad, you actually don't like me at all, do you?"

Xiaoxi looked at his father who was walking to the door, and asked suddenly.

"All the memories I can recall when I was a child were with my grandparents and aunts. There are very few things about you and me. So I guess you don't want to be with me because you don't like me, so you entrust me to Aunt raised her, right?"

"Who taught you to say this?" Gu Junyao turned around and stared.

"No one taught me, I feel it myself."

"Feeling? How old are you?" Gu Junyao sneered, looked at his son's childish face and shook his head, "Xiaoxi, no matter how precocious you are, you are still a child, so you don't have to interfere with the relationship between adults."

"But you are my father, and the woman who has spent your whole life with you will not be with me for a short time in the future. How can I tolerate a woman I hate dangling in front of me for decades?"

Gu Junyao sneered, "When you get in touch with your so-called little aunt, you will find out what is really annoying."

******************************************split line****** *********************************
When Gu Junyao tidied up his son's guest room and returned to his bedroom, Nian Tong had already taken a shower and changed into pajamas and was lying on the bed, but his eyes were wide open.

"Why aren't you sleeping?" Gu Junyao turned off the dazzling chandelier, and turned on a floor lamp next to the floor-to-ceiling window. The space that was as bright as day suddenly darkened, making it hazy.

He lifted a corner of the quilt slightly and got in, Nian Tong immediately leaned over, lay on his chest, wrapped his arms around his waist with one hand and hugged his arm with the other.

"Too excited to sleep."

"Too excited?"

"Well, even though I know I'm really married to you, it still feels unreal like I'm dreaming."

Really echoed that sentence, the more beautiful things are, the less realistic they are.

Gu Junyao tightened his arms around her body, pressed his chin against her hair, closed his eyes and said nothing.

"Uncle Gu."


"Am I... am I a vixen?"

Gu Junyao opened his eyes, and saw Nian Tong looking up at him slightly with his eyes down. Under the dim light, the light and shadow of his bright water eyes floated, like a touch of flowing black glass, which was extremely attractive.

He chuckled, and patted her forehead helplessly.

"Silly girl, do you still mind what Xiaoxi said?"

Nian Tong twisted her body and rubbed against his chest, "What do you mean, am I a vixen?"

"Don't move, lest you get another wound." Gu Yunyao held her down, "Actually, it doesn't matter what anyone says, as long as I think you are fine."

Nian Tong raised her eyebrows, and was about to ask him if this was some kind of promise, when there was a knock on the door.

(End of this chapter)

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