Chapter 123

Nian Tong and Gu Junyao looked at each other, and the latter tilted his lips and got out of bed.

Opening the door, Xiao Xi, who was wearing a black and white plaid pajamas, stood at the door with a pillow covering his face in his arms. Seeing the door open, his little face leaned out from the side of the pillow, looking up at his tall and straight father.

"Dad, can I sleep with you?"


"Every time I'm with you, I sleep together. You won't object, will you?"

Gu Junyao glanced at the time and it was almost early morning. His son's temper was stubborn and stubborn. If he didn't agree, he might not even be able to sleep tonight.

He closes the door.

Seeing his father agreeing, Xiaoxi's big eyes flashed, and a sly smile appeared on the corner of his mouth—huh!He would not let that woman occupy her father alone, as long as he was there, she would never want to be alone with her father.

He ran to the bed in three steps at a time, put the pillows in the middle, and separated the pillows of Nian Tong and Gu Junyao, looking proudly and provocatively.

Nian Tong smiled indifferently, "Xiao Xi, are you sure you want to sleep in the middle?"

"Of course." He just wanted to separate her father and her.

Nian Tong nodded, "That's fine, I can hug you to sleep while you sleep in the middle, just in time for us to cultivate our relationship."

As soon as Xiaoxi heard that she was going to hug her to sleep, she immediately jumped up from the bed like a cat whose hair was blown.

"Who wants to develop a relationship with you? I don't want you to hug me!"

After the words fell, he immediately pulled his pillow and put it beside him.

Nian Tong narrowed his eyes with a smile, looked at Gu Junyao who was dumbfounded at this scene, and stuck out his tongue.

"Dad, go to sleep, I don't want to lie on the same bed with her alone." Xiaoxi came over and grabbed Gu Junyao's hand, and waited for him to go to bed before climbing up and sleeping next to his father, but found that most of his father's body was numb. Overwhelmed by Nian Tong.

"Hey! I said you woman, are you an octopus? Why are your hands and feet sticking to my dad? How do you let him sleep like this?" He pointed at Nian Tong angrily.

Nian Tongwo smiled sweetly in Gu Junyao's arms: "I'm used to hugging your dad to sleep like this, and your dad has no objection, which shows that he enjoys my gentle hometown."

The corners of Gu Junyao's mouth twitched, and his black eyes looked at the smirking girl in his arms with a half-smile, but remained silent.

"Dad, look at her! How can a girl speak so unreservedly, she is shameless!"

"It's really weird, why is it shameless for me to sleep with my own husband?" Nian Tong pretended to be innocent and widened his eyes.


Xiaoxi was so angry that she snorted, and turned sideways to hold the other half of Gu Junyao's chest, pressing most of her body on it, deliberately against Nian Tong.

And in this way, two faces and two pairs of eyes, one big and one small, are close at hand.

"Little guy, how can he sleep if you press your father down like this?"

"Then what about you? My dad feels comfortable when you press him down?" Xiaoxi retorted.

"Heh, your father wants me to suppress him." Nian Tong blurted out, but his cheeks were burning hot when he finished speaking.

Xiaoxi was dumbfounded, her pretty face was full of shock—this woman...wasn't she speaking too directly?
Gu Junyao was dumbfounded by the childish dialogue between the first and the second.

"Can you be quiet? If you can't sleep, I suggest you go outside for a few laps."

Nian Tong smiled flatteringly, stepped back slightly, and stopped hugging so tightly.

"Dad, I really don't know how you would marry such a woman." Xiaoxi rolled her eyes, hugged Gu Junyao's arm and muttered.

"If you're too wordy, go back to your room and sleep." Gu Junyao didn't bother to say anything, and threw out a threatening word.

Xiaoxi shut up.

But still not reconciled, He Niantong stared at each other until both of them were extremely tired and gradually fell asleep.

Gu Junyao finally breathed a sigh of relief when the even breathing sound of the two reached his ears.

Gently pulled out the arms that were held by the two, got out of bed, picked up his son and went back to his room, put him to sleep well, and then returned to the bedroom.

The person on the bed slept very restlessly, and even in his dream he frowned, as if he was worrying about something.

He gently hugged her, kissed her on the forehead, and whispered: "Little thing, happy wedding."

The person who was sleeping soundly seemed to feel something, rubbed against his arms, and fell into a deep sleep again.

*****************************************split line******* *********************************
Xiaoxi woke up and found that she was sleeping in her own room, and immediately jumped out of bed and rushed to her father's bedroom like her butt was on fire.

"Dad! You liar!"

He didn't even knock on the door, pushed the door open and rushed to the bed, only to see that Nian Tong was alone on the bed, and his father had already woken up.

Nian Tong was woken up by him, slowly opened his eyes, and saw that he was stunned for a while, before he realized it, he smiled at him, "Morning."

"It's as early as you, my dad has already woken up, why are you still sleeping?"

"What does your dad's failure to wake up have to do with whether I'm still asleep?" Nian Tong wondered.

"Nonsense! Shouldn't a wife get up earlier than her husband to cook breakfast for him and serve him to work?" That's how my aunt served my uncle.

Nian Tong said oh, yawned, stretched and got up from the bed.

"The breakfast I made was terrible, so your dad has been cooking in our house."

"You mean you don't serve my dad, but you want him to serve you instead?" Xiaoxi couldn't believe it, but also felt very angry, "A woman like you can't do anything, so how can you be my dad's wife?"

It's abominable!Even he seldom eats meals cooked by his father himself. How is this woman so lucky to be able to eat them every day.

"Your father is looking for a wife, not a maid." Nian Tong took it for granted.Suddenly remembered something, "Didn't you sleep with us last night? Why—"

Before she could finish speaking, Xiao Xi had already snorted heavily, turned around and ran out of the bedroom.

Nian Tong blinked, shook his head and laughed.

It seems that her future life will be very exciting.

(End of this chapter)

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