Chapter 124

The atmosphere of the breakfast was unexpectedly harmonious.

Gu Junyao was sitting on the silver breakfast chair, while Xiao Xi and Nian Tong were sitting on his left and right sides.

Except that Xiaoxi would occasionally stare at Niantong, she didn't say anything.

Gu Junyao was very satisfied with this.

But he didn't think his son was so quiet because he had accepted the little girl, but because he was present and kept a straight face on purpose, so the little guy didn't dare to be so presumptuous.

"Tongtong, have you called Auntie?" He asked suddenly.

Nian Tong took a sip of milk before returning to him, "She should have already boarded the plane, I wanted to see her off, but she refused."

"Because your aunt hates you too." Xiaoxi replied maliciously.

"Your aunt hates you. My aunt loves me the most."

"Then when do you plan to go back to school?" Gu Junyao added a bowl of seafood porridge to her and asked again.

Before Nian Tong could answer, a childish sneer came before her and said, "So you're still studying, so let me just say, you look like a young girl."

Nian Tong leisurely ate the loving breakfast made by Gu Junyao, with a happy smile all over his face, "You care about me? As long as your dad likes it."

One sentence made Xiaoxi speechless.

This woman always said this, it's really hateful!

Xiaoxi was slandering in her heart, but her mind was spinning rapidly.

"That's rude, my dad just asked you something, why didn't you answer him?" He also wanted to know when this woman would leave his father, so that he could arrange time to implement the plan.

Seeing his eyeballs rolling back and forth, Nian Tong guessed that he must be thinking about something unfavorable to her, but his face remained calm, and he said, "Don't worry, I guarantee that my vacation will be long enough for you to return to Italy I can take you to the airport that day."

"Hmph! Does that mean you wait for a month when I ask for leave for a month?"

"The question is, can I get a month's leave? Will your dad allow it?"

"Today is Thursday. Xiaoxi will return to Italy immediately after finishing this weekend." Gu Junyao said in an uncompromising tone, then stood up and looked at Niantong, "I'm going to the company soon, and Xiaoxi will leave it to you."

"do not want!"

Xiaoxi immediately refuted.

"I don't want to be with her. I'd rather go to the company with Dad."

"Then follow your father like a tail that is hated by others. I just hate a brat like you. If you are not with me, I am happy to be free. I just happened to ask my friends out for a stroll."

"Hmph, you have a good idea! The more you want to be free, the more I will follow you." Xiaoxi immediately changed her words.

Nian Tong blinked at Gu Junyao, showing a smile of success.

Gu Junyao looked at her with burning black eyes, his eyes were as deep as a bottomless pool.

Nian Tong panicked when he saw him, her face became hot, and she gave him a coquettish look.

Gu Junyao was so provoked by her childish behavior that he almost burst into laughter, patted her face lightly and said softly: "Rest at home, if you go out for a stroll, don't take too long, you know?"

Nian Tong nodded obediently.

"Xiaoxi, be honest with me, or I will put you on the passenger plane back to Italy overnight."

Before leaving, Gu Junyao did not forget to tell his son.

Xiao Xi immediately yelled and protested, "Why do you only flirt with her and only threaten me? Find out that I am your son!"

Gu Junyao rubbed his son's hair funny, "You are my son, but she is also my wife, so you should live in peace, understand?"

Xiaoxi really wanted to say that she didn't understand, but if she really said it, she would probably be packed by her father and stuffed on the passenger plane back to Italy tonight.

Well, he will bear it for now.

"Dad, I get it, don't worry, I won't provoke her, okay?" In other words, if it was that woman who provoked him, it would be different.

How could Gu Junyao fail to hear the meaning behind his son's words?
It's just that he believes that the little girl will never take the initiative to provoke the little guy, so he can rest assured.

"Then I'm off to work."

"Goodbye, Dad."

"Wait!" Nian Tong suddenly stopped him, and then walked to the door.

"My dad is in a hurry, what are you going to do?" Xiaoxi stopped in front of his father.

Nian Tong didn't even look at him, she threw her arms around Gu Junyao's neck and kissed him hard on the mouth.

"Honey, this is a good morning kiss. I wish you a good mood and happy work when you go out."

Gu Junyao looked at that delicate smile, the corners of his mouth trembled, he nodded, opened the door and walked out.

"Disgusting, what are you doing for a good morning kiss, isn't it just eating the other person's saliva? What's the point? Or is my dad's saliva especially delicious?"

Xiaoxi stared at the back of Niantong's head and thought about it.

Nian Tong pretended to turn around, and licked her lips with reminiscence, "Well, your dad's saliva seems sweet."

Xiaoxi was stunned—really?
Seeing him staring blankly, Nian Tong gave a sneaky smile, and stretched out his hands to pinch his tender and extremely elastic face, "Of course I lied to you, little guy, I feel my mouth is sweet because I ate porridge with sugar in it, understand?"

Xiao Xi was cheated by her and pinched her face, grinning her teeth in anger, but Nian Tong let go and walked to the bedroom at this moment.

"Hey! My dad wants you to take care of me. What are you doing in the bedroom?"

"Sleep back to the cage." Nian Tong didn't turn his head.

"...You are a pig, you slept until nine o'clock and now you are sleeping again."

"Wrong, my zodiac sign is a sheep, a beautiful and well-behaved little sheep."

"Tch, I think it's a sheep in wolf's clothing." I knew how to play pitiful to win my father's sympathy, hum!Stinky woman!

**************************************split line********** ***********************************
Nian Tong didn't wake up until after two o'clock in the noon.

She didn't know why she suddenly became so sleepy recently. It was probably related to lying in bed for a long time in the hospital after the injury.

After entering the bathroom to freshen up, the brain wakes up before thinking of that little guy Xiaoxi.

When she walked out of the bedroom, she was too lazy to search for each room, so she shouted at the top of her voice.

It took a long time for Xiaoxi to come out of the study, and stared at her with her arms folded, her eyes raised above her head, "Shouting soul, keep shouting non-stop."

Nian Tong rolled her eyes and went to hold his hand, "Let's go out to eat."


(End of this chapter)

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