Chapter 128

"Smelly woman, don't be too arrogant! I won't let you get what you want!"

A childish voice sounded from behind.

Nian Tong closed his eyes and let out a long sigh of relief, and turned his head slowly, "Why don't you let me get what I want? You're going back to Italy, so what can you do? Or are you not leaving?"

Xiao Xiyu was stunned, but he said unconvinced: "This is not your house, do you care if I leave or stay?"

Nian Tong laughed, but said nothing.

"Don't think that I stay here because I'm afraid my dad will be sad, I don't want you to be too proud." Xiaoxi carried her schoolbag and walked to the living room, not forgetting to explain to Nian Tong.

"Yes, I know."

Nian Tong walked over and saw him sitting on the sofa, then picked up the wireless phone on the coffee table, as if he was about to make a call.

After watching him for a while, she went to the kitchen to prepare a simple breakfast.

Gu Junyao stood at the door of the bedroom with a serious expression on his handsome face.

In fact, he was awakened when his son went into their bedroom and opened and closed the door, and naturally he heard the conversation between the elder and the younger.

He didn't expect his son to leave impulsively after a night of contemplation.

After all, he is still a child, and when he gets angry, he wants to escape and seek comfort.

It's just that he wanted to go to Du Kewei to help him return to Italy, but he would never allow it.

The aroma of food mixed in his breath, he was stunned for a moment, guessing that the girl was preparing breakfast, the corners of his mouth unconsciously twitched, and after returning to the bedroom, he deliberately dawdled for half an hour before entering the bathroom to freshen up.

When walking towards the living room, the little guy held the phone in his arms and frowned, thinking: "Where did you go? Why haven't you answered the phone for so long?"

"Why did you get up so early today?"

The voice above the head fell, and the little figure curled up on the sofa froze and didn't make a sound.

Gu Junyao glanced at the camouflage bag next to his son, sat down next to his son calmly, looked at the little face full of grievances with gentle eyes, and lowered his voice: "Who are you calling?"

Xiaoxi still ignored his father, put the phone back on the coffee table, got up to grab the camouflage bag and went back to the bedroom.

"Xiao Xi." Gu Junyao grabbed him and pulled him back to his side, sighing softly: "Dad said something too harsh last night, don't be angry. Sit down, if you have any dissatisfaction, you can calmly talk to Dad, and Dad can explain."

"I don't want to talk to you." Xiaoxi said angrily.

"Well, then Dad won't be able to communicate with you. I originally wanted to tell you something, but since you don't want to hear it, then forget it." Gu Junyao said and got up.

"What do you want to tell me?" Xiaoxi asked subconsciously.

Gu Junyao raised his eyebrows, "You don't want to talk to me?"

Xiaoxi curled her lips, "It's fine if you don't want to say it, I don't care to listen to it, anyway, I can guess that there is nothing good to say."

The son's unusually precocious tone made Gu Junyao a little dizzy.

"Xiaoxi, Dad asks you, is it because you are so opposed to Dad's marriage because you really think about Dad, or are you afraid that Dad will treat you less well after getting married?"

"You didn't treat me very well before." Xiaoxi accused his father, "The time we see each other is pitifully small every year. For several years, you forgot when my birthday was."

"Don't change the subject, just answer the question I asked you just now."

Xiaoxi bit her lip and stared at her father angrily, "I said I would never interfere in your affairs, what else do you want to ask me?"

"Doesn't meddle mean you're going to be mad at Dad all the time?"

Xiaoxi remained silent.

"Son, don't you wonder why Dad never told you that your mother has a twin sister?"


"Do you know what Du Kewei does?"

Xiaoxi snorted, "Of course I know, Auntie is a very famous star. Although I haven't seen her on Italian TV, she is very famous in China and has made many movies and TV series."

"Then do you know what makes movies and TV shows depend on?"

"Acting skills."

Gu Junyao nodded, "Your little aunt relies on her acting skills to make a living. The side she shows to you is not the real her. You can't have a crush on her just because she is related to you, or she will take advantage of her." do not know."

"What is she using me for?" Xiaoxi was puzzled.

"Instigate the relationship between our father and son, and destroy the marriage between Dad and Tongtong."

Xiaoxi was stunned.

"Think about it, if she really wants to raise you and treat you well, why hasn't she contacted you all these years, why did she only contact you when Dad got married?"

"But... what's the benefit of her using me like this?" Xiao Xi suddenly understood the words, "Little aunt likes you, but you don't like her, and you are married to a woman other than her, so she wants me to destroy your marriage. Is it good to sneak in?"

"Your grandfather taught you Chinese well, and you can use so many idioms." Gu Junyao patted his son's forehead with a smile.

Being praised by his father, Xiaoxi's face was rarely warm, and he lowered his eyes and remained silent.

"You are daddy's son, maybe he cares too little about you, how could daddy not care about you?" He hugged his son, turned his gaze to the kitchen, and softened his eyes: "No matter who dad marries, dad loves you the same. You don't have to worry about this at all, and don't make things difficult for Tongtong anymore."

"But even if I don't embarrass her, grandparents will not accept her. Especially grandma, she has decided that my little aunt will be my stepmother."

"Grandpa and grandpa have their own way. As long as you can get along with Tongtong peacefully, dad will be very satisfied. Can you do it?"

Xiao Xi hesitated.

He just argued with that woman just now that he would not admit that she is his father's wife. If he agrees to his father now, wouldn't it be the same as surrendering to that woman?

Gu Junyao didn't wait for his son's answer, but heard Nian Tong's voice coming from the direction of the kitchen: "Breakfast is ready, you father and son, come and have breakfast."

"You can think about it first, Dad is waiting for your answer. Let's go, eat first."

Xiaoxi nodded, and let his father walk to the dining room holding hands.

(End of this chapter)

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