Chapter 129

Milk, fried rice with eggs, fried hot dogs, toast, coffee that is too dark to see the bottom... which country's breakfast is this?

Xiaoxi scanned the food on the silver dining table, and the corners of her mouth twitched.

Nian Tong noticed his expression, smiled a little embarrassedly, handed the coffee to Gu Junyao, and made himself a cup of milk for Xiaoxi.

Xiaoxi thanked her based on basic politeness, took a sip of milk, stared at the shiny hot dogs and toast, not knowing what to do.

I have never tasted such a strange combination.

Gu Junyao glanced at his son, took the lead to pick up a piece of toast, spread butter on it, and ate it. After finishing one piece quickly, he filled another half bowl of fried rice with shrimps, ham and eggs.

Seeing his father eating with gusto, Xiaoxi swallowed his saliva, and with a sudden heart, he picked up a hot dog and dipped it in sauce, and took a bite, his eyes lit up—it tasted really good.

It seems that this woman is not useless.

He curled his lips, but smiled inexplicably, and his father also took a piece of toast and spread strawberry jam on it to eat.

Seeing this, Nian Tong heaved a sigh of relief, but suddenly frowned—the lower abdomen hurt again.

"Eat first, I'll leave for a while."

She leaned on the edge of the table and got up slowly. Gu Junyao glanced at her and nodded.

After Niantong left, Xiaoxi looked at her father with a hesitant expression, but finally couldn't hold back, "Dad, she looks so ugly, don't you care about it?"

Gu Junyao wiped the corners of his mouth with a tissue, got up and said, "Dad is going to work, I don't have time."

"But she doesn't seem well."

"If she is really uncomfortable, she will say it herself."

Xiaoxi looked at his silent father and was speechless for a while.

He thought how much his father doted on that woman, but it turned out to be nothing more than that.

In fact...that woman is quite pitiful. She had no father when she was a child, and was bullied by her stepmother and her stepmother's children. Now that she is married to her father, not only her grandparents and him are against her, but her father is too busy to care about her because she is not feeling well. .

He always thought his father was ignoring him, but it turned out to be 'equal treatment'.

"Dad has gone to work. If you are really worried, go and have a look on your behalf." Gu Junyao patted his son's head and walked out of the dining room.

The sound of closing the door came, but Xiaoxi was still in a daze.

It wasn't until more than ten minutes later that Nian Tong still didn't come out, that he got up uneasy and walked towards her and his father's bedroom.

As soon as Nian Tong came out of the bathroom, he received a call from Gu Junyao.

"Boss Gu, what are you doing? Are you still on the phone at home?"

Gu Junyao on the other end of the phone frowned upon hearing Nian Tong's weak voice, "I'm in the car, do you have a stomachache again?"

on the car? "Are you going to work?"


"Oh." Nian Tong was a little disappointed.

She thought he would at least say hello to her before going out.Anyway, he reminded him yesterday that he was going to give her a kiss when he went out, but he was so forgetful.

"Tong Tong."


"Thank you."

Nian Tong was stunned.

"I heard what you said to Xiaoxi this morning. Thank you for keeping my son behind."

Nian Tong was silent.

He said he heard everything, did that include her saying that he doesn't love any woman, including her not loving those words?But why didn't he explain?

Is it true that I haven't fallen in love with her yet, so don't you explain?
But when the host asked him on the day of the wedding, he clearly said love.

"Why don't you speak?"

"Oh, you also know that my stomach hurts, so I don't want to say it."

"Then you have a good rest, Xiaoxi, I've already talked to him. He asked me to care about you just now when he saw that you looked uncomfortable. He should not make things difficult for you anymore."




"you're not feeling OK?"

"...Stomach pain is of course a bad mood."

"Isn't it because I don't accompany you that you are in a bad mood?"

Nian Tong is silent.She knew that this man had a keen mind, and she would never be able to fool him with her skills.

"This period is an extraordinary period. After a while, I can spare some time to compensate you for a honeymoon trip. It's up to you to decide where to go, okay?"

"Really?" Niantong's voice brightened.

Feeling this, Gu Junyao raised his brows and said with a light smile, "Silly girl, why don't you just tell me if you have something on your mind? As long as I can promise, I will never reject you, you know?"

Nian Tong smiled lowly, her heart felt warm, as if she could still feel the familiar breath that reassured her in her breath.

"Okay, I'm going to work, you and Xiaoxi should be good at home."

"I hate it, I'm not a child." Nian Tong pouted, but her heart was extremely sweet. Even though her lower abdomen was still hurting, she couldn't restrain the upward curve of her mouth.

This man makes her happy and makes her worry, but he loves her even more deeply.

Gu Junyao imagined the shy gesture of the person on the other end of the phone pouting and coquettish, shook his head and smiled lightly, and hung up the phone.

In fact, just now he deliberately pretended in front of his son that he didn't care much about that girl, just to make his son feel psychologically balanced and feel that he didn't particularly love that girl and didn't care about him.

Only when the little guy has a balanced mentality will he look at things from a normal perspective.He is a good boy, with a stubborn temper, but he has a very good heart, and he can really compete with that girl.

If two people with similar personalities can get along peacefully together, their relationship will be very good.

He just wanted his son to sympathize with that girl and let them establish a special relationship, which would be good for everyone and also stop Du Kewei's idea of ​​using his son to sabotage.

Thinking of Du Kewei, he sneered.

Taking the mobile phone from the mobile phone holder above the glove box, he dialed a set of numbers, and when the phone was connected, he said: "The matter will proceed as I said yesterday, and Jinhaiwan will send someone over immediately."

(End of this chapter)

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