Chapter 130

Xiaoxi hesitated for a long time at the door of her father's bedroom before mustering up the courage to knock on the door.

Just as Nian Tong hung up Gu Junyao's phone call, she couldn't hide her surprise when she saw Xiao Xi standing outside the door.

"My dad asked me to ask you if there is something wrong with you?"

Niantong raised her eyebrows and smiled, "I'm fine, thank you Xiaoxi for your concern."

Xiaoxi's face turned hot, and he explained nervously: "Don't get me wrong, it's not that I want to care about you, it's my father's intention."

Nian Tong looked at the little guy who was blushing obviously because of embarrassment, and smiled ambiguously: "I know, but thank you anyway."

Xiaoxi was speechless.Seeing that she was still smiling, it must be nothing serious, so she turned around and left.

Nian Tong wanted to call him, but the cell phone in the room rang again.

After scanning the strange incoming call displayed on the screen, he hesitated for a while before answering the call.


"Mu Niantong, since you're married, don't occupy a room in my house. If you don't come back to get those rags, I'll throw them all away!" Mu Yu's sharp voice came over.

Nian Tong subconsciously took the phone away, suppressed his anger and said, "Don't touch the things in my room, I will find time to get them back."

"What are you, dare to speak to me in a commanding tone? Don't think that you are so arrogant after marrying a rich man. No matter how rich you are, you have no power or fart. I'm not afraid of you!"

Nian Tong didn't want to argue with her about these boring things to affect his mood, so he hung up the phone directly.

Mu Yu didn't expect that she would hang up his phone, and immediately called. Nian Tong simply turned off the phone because he couldn't see or hear.

Lying on the bed tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep, she looked at the time and it was almost noon, thinking that the little guy must be hungry, so she simply got up.

When he walked out of the bedroom, Xiao Xi happened to come out of the study, with a very good expression on his face, and he couldn't hide his joy on his handsome face.

"What's so fun?" She asked curiously.

Xiaoxi looked up at her, hesitated for a few seconds before saying, "I want to go out for a while, can you not tell my dad?"

Nian Tong thought about taking him out for lunch anyway, so she nodded.

But the little guy's mysterious appearance made her feel strange, "Xiaoxi, can you tell me why you can't tell your dad?"

"Because he would be unhappy if he found out."


"Don't tell you."


**************************************split line********** *******************************
After leaving the Golden Bay community, Nian Tong felt as if someone was staring at her while waiting for the bus.

But looking around, she didn't see anyone acting suspiciously. She thought that she had become a little nervous after the accident last time.Like a frightened bird, whenever there is a turmoil, it feels like an enemy.

After getting in the car, Xiaoxi told the taxi driver to go to the Children's Paradise, Nian Tong was stunned, and became more and more curious about why Xiaoxi was so mysterious.

More than half an hour later, the taxi stopped at the entrance of the Children's Paradise, and Xiao Xi asked Nian Tong for a phone number as soon as she got out of the car.

"Did you make an appointment with someone to meet here again?" Nian Tong took out his phone and asked while turning it on.

Xiaoxi looked at her without saying a word, but her eyes were a little dodgy.

Nian Tong was confused to see him answer the phone, then took out a small note from his pocket, and made a call according to the set of numbers on it.

Soon the call was connected, and she saw that the joy on Xiaoxi's face turned into surprise.

"I just arrived, right at the entrance of the Children's Paradise...I'm wearing a red and white plaid shirt, a blue denim jacket, and khaki bloomers...Ah, I saw you!"

Xiaoxi screamed in surprise, and ran wildly in a certain direction with Niantong's cell phone.

Nian Tong was startled, but she still didn't understand what was going on, she could only hear Xiao Xi shouting in her ears: "Little aunt, I'm here!"

little aunt?
Nian Tong was shocked at first, then smiled wryly.

No wonder the little guy was so mysterious and told her not to tell his father.It turned out to be an appointment with Du Kewei.

Holding the phone in his hand, Du Kewei looked for the small figure running towards him, narrowed his eyes and pushed the sunglasses on the bridge of his nose, and curled up the corners of his mouth.

But the smile on the corner of his mouth froze when he saw that familiar figure in the next moment, and a ruthless light burst out from his eyes behind the brown lenses.

"Little aunt, although you... are wearing sunglasses, I can still... tell it's you at a glance."

Xiaoxi ran up to Du Kewei and looked up at her, panting.

Du Kewei reluctantly pulled the corner of his mouth, glanced at Nian Tong who was walking towards this side, and said slightly displeased: "Xiaoxi, didn't you say that you can come out alone, why is she here too?"

Xiaoxi looked back at Niantong, and said helplessly: "She was resting when I made an appointment with you. I thought I could sneak out while she was resting, but I didn't expect her to wake up so timely. I'm afraid she will tell my dad, I had to bring her with me."

"But even if you bring her here, she will still tell your father that you met me when you go back."

"No, she promised me not to tell."

"You trust her that much?"

Xiao Xiyu was suffocated and didn't know how to answer for a moment.

"Xiaoxi, little aunt told you that this woman is very scheming, otherwise she wouldn't have confused your father. So you must not believe her words."

"What now?"

"Let's find a way to get rid of her first."

"Get rid of her?" Xiao Xi couldn't help but look back at Nian Tong who was approaching, her little face was full of struggles.

"Little aunt, I think she won't lie to me when she promised me. And if we dump her, if she can't find me, she will definitely call my dad for help. It won't be more troublesome then. "

Besides, that woman was not feeling well. If he made his health worse because he was worried about her, how could he explain to his father?
Du Kewei originally wanted to trick Xiaoxi into being alone with him so that he could carry out the plan, but he didn't expect that this kid was so flexible that he wouldn't be fooled by her at all.

I wanted to say something, but Nian Tong had already walked in front of me.


(End of this chapter)

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