Chapter 131

"I said how mysterious Xiao Xi is. It turned out that Ms. Du asked him out." Nian Tong looked at Du Kewei seriously, mocking her for being sneaky.

Du Kewei heard the meaning behind her words, narrowed his eyes behind the lenses, and said with a sneer, "What's wrong with me wanting to see my own nephew? Don't you want to take care of this?"

"It's not that I want to take care of it, it's just that Xiaoxi's father will be unhappy if he finds out."

As soon as Niantong finished speaking, Xiaoxi looked up at her nervously, "You promised me that you wouldn't tell my dad."

Nian Tong nodded and smiled, "Don't worry, I promised you that I won't break my promise, but we can't stay outside for too long, we can go back after playing for a while, okay?"

"it is good."

Seeing Xiaoxi listen to Niantong's words like this, Du Kewei was so angry that his lungs would explode.

She tried her best to restrain the anger that filled her chest, exhaled slowly, took Xiaoxi's hand and pretended to smile happily: "Xiaoxi, Auntie is really happy to see you, you haven't had lunch yet, right? Let's go get something to eat first."

Xiaoxi nodded, and said, "Auntie, didn't you say to give me a photo album of my mother's life? Did you bring it?"

"Of course I brought it, I'll give it to you later."

The three of them sat down in a corner of McDonald's in the Children's Paradise.

Du Kewei was afraid of being recognized, so he kept it secret all the way, but now he took off his sunglasses generously.

Xiaoxi stared at her intently, full of surprise.

"Sure enough, she looks exactly like my mother. Auntie, please show me the photo album."

Hearing this, Du Kewei took out a photo album from his bag, and when he handed it to Xiao Xi, he suddenly looked at Nian Tong and said, "Why are you still sitting here? Go buy something to eat."

The tone of reproach made Nian Tong very unhappy, and it seemed that she was the only one who bought it now.

Just when she was about to get up, a thought flashed through her mind—whether Du Kewei would take Xiaoxi away while she was shopping for food.

She didn't know why she had this idea suddenly, she was startled, and sat without getting up.

Seeing that she still didn't go, Du Kewei was unhappy, and urged: "You—"

"I suddenly felt a little dizzy." Nian Tong interrupted her, leaning on the edge of the table with one hand on his forehead, with an uncomfortable expression on his face.

Xiaoxi knew that she was a little uncomfortable. Hearing what she said, she immediately said, "Little aunt, go buy it."

Du Kewei gritted his teeth secretly, squinting at Nian Tong as if he wanted to eat her.

Indeed, she just wanted to send Nian Tong away to go shopping, and then took the opportunity to take Xiao Xi away.

But I didn't expect that this girl seemed to see through her mind, and guarded her so tightly.

But if she thought that there was nothing she could do about it, she would be wrong.

************************************split line************ *******************************
Xiaoxi actually doesn't like playing games in the paradise, if it wasn't because Du Kewei said she could give him a photo of his mother's life before she was alive, he wouldn't risk being scolded by his father to come out.

Now that he has the photo album, he wants to go back without even playing the game.

"Xiaoxi, Auntie doesn't have much time to meet you, and I don't know if there will be another chance in the future, so you can spend more time with Auntie, or let's take some photos as souvenirs, shall we?"

Du Ke only pleaded.

Xiaoxi hesitated for a while and said, "Okay then, but I'm going back after taking pictures."

Du Kewei smiled, took out a camera from his bag and handed it to Nian Tong, "You are responsible for taking pictures for us."

Nian Tong looked at her and then at the camera, and then took it.

Almost every game attraction in the park left a group photo of the two of them, and it was already past four o'clock in the afternoon, so Du Kewei gave up.

When parting, Du Kewei looked at the backs of the two and let out a strange sneer.

"Gu Junyao, since you won't make me feel better, then I'll give you a big gift to make you feel better too!"

As soon as she got home, Xiaoxi went back to her room.

Gu Junyao didn't come back very late at night, Nian Tong wanted to call him to ask him, but he was afraid of disturbing his work, so he ordered takeaway.

When the takeaway was delivered, Niantong asked Xiaoxi to come out to eat. When he saw the empty dining room, he immediately asked, "Where's my dad? He hasn't come back yet?"

"Maybe I'm still busy, let's eat first." Nian Tong returned to him, glanced at his smiling face, and raised his eyebrows, "I'm in a good mood, I'm actually smiling all the time, like picking up gold."

Xiaoxi is in a good mood and doesn't mind her narrowness.

"You saw your little aunt for the first time, how did you feel about her?"

"That's it."

"Just like that? Does it feel like seeing your mother?"

Xiaoxi thought for a while, then shook his head.

"She looks exactly like my mother, but in reality she is not as kind as seen in the video..." In short, he couldn't feel that kind of maternal love from the little aunt.

Hearing what he said logically, Nian Tong smiled lightly, feeling a little at ease in her heart.

She was really worried that the little guy would be confused by that face the only time he met Du Ke, and would regard her as his mother's substitute.

While thinking, a bell rang in the living room.

She got up and walked to the sofa in the living room, and took out her mobile phone from her bag. The incoming call displayed on the screen surprised her slightly, and she connected it immediately.

"Brother Lu Heng, are you back?"

"Xiaoxi, where are you now?" Lu Heng's voice sounded a little anxious.

"At home, what's the matter?"

"Is Gu Junyao here?"

"He hasn't come back yet, he should be still busy." After a pause, "Are you looking for him?"



"Xiaoye, did you bring Gu Junyao's son to meet Du Kewei today?"

Nian Tong was astonished, his face changed suddenly: "Brother Lu Heng, how do you know?"

"... something happened, you go to Q first, I will send you a video."

problem occurs?
With these three words, Nian Tong was so panicked that he almost couldn't hold the phone, and a bad premonition swept through his heart.


(End of this chapter)

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