Chapter 132

"...Welcome everyone to watch the latest entertainment information of our station. According to the latest exclusive news provided by our entertainment reporter, the private life behind the scenes of the famous movie star Du Kewei is revealed. It turns out that the real age of the big star Du is 29 years old. The age difference is five years, and what is even more shocking is that she gave birth to an illegitimate child before her debut, and is now nine years old. According to reliable sources, the biological father of the illegitimate child turned out to be a newlywed of Gu's Group in A City, XX Province Gu Junyao, the president who was less than three days old. There are photos to prove it..."

Nian Tong stared dumbfounded at the video window on the computer screen. Familiar pictures flashed before her eyes. Most of them were the commemorative photos she took for Xiaoxi and Du Kewei in the children's playground in the afternoon, and there were some that she didn't see. A group photo of Xiaoxi and Gu Junyao's father and son, with famous buildings in Italy in the background.

How could this be?
She glanced at the click-through rate of the video, but it was only uploaded for a few hours, and the click-through rate has exceeded [-] million.

And she actually found out about this happening through someone else.

This incident happened by such a coincidence that it was not difficult for Nian Tong to guess who directed the play behind the scenes.

Apart from Du Kewei, he is not the second choice.

But why would she do this?
Deliberately distorting the facts to make everyone think that Xiao Xi is her and Gu Junyao's son. Is she trying to improve her reputation and make herself more popular, or is she trying to promote the movie she is currently shooting?

No matter what she wants to do, has she ever thought about what Xiaoxi will think after seeing this video?
How else would others look at Gu Junyao?

She opened Baidu and searched for Du Kewei's latest news, and eye-catching headlines popped up one after another.

——The unknown illegitimate son and girlfriend of Gu Junyao, the president of the Gu Group.

——The famous movie star Du Kewei's private life was exposed.

——"Old Dreams Revisited": The former mysterious lover of the famous movie star Du Kewei.


What shocked her even more was that her own name actually appeared in Du Kewei's news column—the real identity of the bride who was just married by the CEO of the Gu Group was not actually the adopted daughter of the mayor of City A in XX Province, but His biological illegitimate daughter is currently studying at the Department of Medicine, University H, B City, XX Province...


Was this news also spread by Du Kewei?
But how did she know that she was Mu Qifeng's illegitimate daughter?

Nian Tong flipped through each item, her heart getting colder and colder.

The date and time of all news releases are at the same time as the video, which is enough to prove that all of this is done by the same person.

I don't know if Gu Junyao saw this?
Anxiously, she took the phone and wanted to call Gu Junyao, but Lu Heng called again.

"Xiaoye, are you okay now?" Lu Heng's voice could not conceal his concern.

Nian Tong sighed, thousands of words stuck in her throat, she didn't know where to start.

"I think you should know who spread the news."

"Why did she do that?"

The other end of the phone was silent for a while, when Nian Tong thought the phone had been hung up, Lu Heng said: ""Revisiting Old Dreams" has already entered the filming stage, but in the morning I received a notice from the crew that some merchants who had agreed to sponsor the filming had canceled one after another. Sponsored because they asked for a lead actress replacement."

"Need to change the heroine?" Nian Tong was quite surprised by the news, but—"What does their changing the heroine have to do with Du Kewei's creation of this series of rumors?"

"Of course, because they all have business contacts with Gu Junyao."

Although Lu Heng didn't make it clear, Nian Tong could still hear the meaning in his words: "Do you think they were all instigated by him to do this?"

Lu Heng was silent.

"Brother Lu Heng, even if he instigated it, he would not do it for no reason. Du Kewei must have pissed him off."

"I know, but what he does will hurt me..." Lu Heng didn't continue, sighed and continued: "It's nothing, don't worry, Gu Junyao will come forward to settle everything, I am attending a meeting in Hong Kong now Activities, I can't go back for a while, you take good care of yourself."

Hang up the phone.

Nian Tong was still thinking about the meaning of his unfinished sentence just now, but he didn't expect him to hang up the phone so quickly, and when he called again, it was already turned off.

Is it because she is afraid that she will ask him what the last sentence means?

Waiting anxiously until after ten o'clock, Gu Junyao hadn't come back yet, Xiao Xi was so crazy playing tricks in the children's paradise during the day, when Nian Tong walked out of the study room, he was already lying on the sofa and fell asleep.

Bending over and carefully carrying him back to the room and putting him on the bed, looking at the well-behaved little guy in his sleep, Nian Tong had mixed feelings in his heart.

If the little guy really thought that Du Kewei was his mother after watching the video, what would his reaction be?
And once the identity of her illegitimate daughter is exposed, it will definitely have a great impact on Mu Qifeng, and may even endanger his post as mayor.

She couldn't sit still at the thought of it.

**************************************split line********** *******************************
The night outside the window is sultry, but the Mu family is cloudy.

"Qi Feng, what are you doing in such a hurry to ask Zhuan to find Xiaoyu? Seeing that you are frowning, what happened?"

In the living room, Wen Meihua looked at her husband with a gloomy face, and asked cautiously.

Mu Qifeng remained silent, but his face became more and more gloomy.

Wen Meihua had a premonition that the matter was serious, but she didn't dare to keep asking.

In the silence, a familiar whistle came from far to near outside the door.

"It's Zhuan's car, they're back." Wen Meihua said happily.

Mu Qifeng's expression turned cold, but he remained silent.

Outside the door, Mu Yu got out of Mu Yu'an's car, looked at the living room where the lights were still on, frowned and asked, "Brother, why did Dad ask you to come back to me? I finally got better with my hand injury and went out to talk with you." What a disappointment to gather with friends!"

Mu Yuan gave her a cold look, and walked straight to the door.

"Hey! What's your attitude!"

Mu Yu was dissatisfied with his elder brother's indifference, so he stamped his heels up.


(End of this chapter)

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