Chapter 133

As soon as he entered the living room, Mu Yu felt a heavy low air pressure.

Her father's dignified and deep face made her flinch, her previous arrogance was gone, and she shrank and hid beside her mother, not even daring to breathe.

"Qi Feng, Xiaoyu is back, just tell her what you need, it's getting late, everyone should rest after talking." Wen Meihua patted her daughter's hand to comfort her, and said to her husband in a soft voice.

Mu Qifeng let out a long sigh, and leaned his head back on the back of the sofa chair, his face seemed to have suddenly aged a lot.

"Yuan, go to my car and bring me my briefcase."

Mu Yu'an nodded and walked out of the living room.

"Where did you go tonight?" Mu Qifeng didn't look at his daughter, but asked her.

Mu Yu swallowed awkwardly, grabbed his mother's arm with his good hand and said, "I got together with my friends and chatted for a while, but I didn't go anywhere else."

"Didn't go anywhere?" Mu Qifeng snorted coldly, "When did you go out?"

"I... after ten o'clock in the morning..."

"Playing since ten o'clock in the morning, you just chatted for a while? You chatted for a long time this day." Mu Qifeng sneered.

"Oh, Xiaoyu has been quite good during this time. She was injured in her hand and stayed in the hospital for more than half a month. After she was discharged from the hospital, she stayed at home all the time. She finally went out to play once. What does it matter if it takes longer?"

"Shut up!" Mu Qifeng glared at her and sternly shouted, "A loving mother loses more than one child! I have already said that the Mu family will be defeated by your mother and daughter sooner or later!"

Wen Meihua was stunned, her face changed suddenly.

"Qi Feng, you... what do you mean? Xiaoyu and I... how did we lose the Mu family?"

"This is to ask your precious daughter what did you do today!" Mu Qifeng stood up, and walked towards Mu Yu with a livid face. The latter stepped back in panic, but also annoyed, "Dad, what did I do?" Let you wrong me like this?"

"I wronged you? Do you dare to say that you really went to get together with your friends today, instead of doing something wrong with your heart?"

Mu Yu's expression changed, he looked at his father in shock, with disbelief written all over his face.

"Why, you're wondering how I would know what you did today?"

Mu Yu turned his eyes away, and shook his head in panic, "I didn't do anything, I don't understand what you are saying."

"You are still sophistrying now! You even gave up the last chance I gave you to let you confess?" Mu Qifeng looked at his daughter with heartache, his eyes were full of almost desperate disappointment.

"Qi Feng, what is it that made you so angry? Xiao Yu said she didn't do anything, why do you force her to admit it?"

Although Wen Meihua knew that her husband was very angry, she felt sorry for her daughter who was so frightened by such harsh questioning that she dared not even breathe.

Mu Qifeng gave his wife a hard look, and at this moment Mu Zhuan walked in.

"Dad, your briefcase."

Mu Qifeng took it with a livid face, and violently took out an unsealed large envelope from the briefcase and threw it fiercely at Mu Yu's face—"Useless stuff! You are a liar, full of lies, Give you a chance to confess and you still quibble, let's see what good deeds you have done!"

Mu Yu was not flexible with one hand, and watched helplessly as something flew towards his face, but he couldn't dodge it in time, and was hit by the hard envelope, causing his face to hurt.

"Oh, you're crazy!" Wen Meihua screamed and went to pull her daughter, the envelope fell to the ground, and the contents inside fell out from the opening of the opened envelope, which turned out to be a large stack of photos.

"What is this?" She picked up the photo in surprise, and saw that the picture in the photo was a scene of two women chatting in a coffee shop by the sea, and her daughter was actually one of the protagonists in the photo, and the other Because the woman wearing sunglasses turned her face sideways, she couldn't remember who it was for a while, but she felt very familiar.

And the other photos are also outside of the daughter with the familiar woman, but the location is changed.

Wen Meihua took the photo and looked left and right, but she couldn't see anything strange, she couldn't help but frowned and looked at her husband: "Qi Feng, this is just a very ordinary photo, how did you get so angry?"

"Normal?" Mu Qifeng gritted his teeth, "You can tell if it's normal if you ask her."

Wen Meihua looked at her daughter in confusion, but saw that her face was as pale as paper, and her eyes were full of fear.

She was shocked, and a bad premonition flashed in her heart.

She grabbed her daughter's hand, and found that her palm was cold, and the bad premonition in her heart became stronger, which made her extremely uneasy.

"Xiao Yu? Tell Mom, did something happen?"

Mu Yu bit her lip and said nothing, but tears welled up in her eyes.

"Xiao Yu, what are you talking about? What did you do to make your father so angry? Tell me!" Seeing her daughter's silence, Wen Meihua was burning with anxiety.

"Xuan, do you know what happened? You tell mom." She turned to her silent son.

Mu Yu'an glanced at his father with blue veins on his forehead, moved his lips, and said in a heavy tone: "The municipal committee received an anonymous letter in the afternoon accusing my father of being suspected of violating laws and disciplines. Give birth to a daughter, accuse father of corrupt life style."

"Take care of a mistress?" Wen Meihua was shocked by these words.

She glared at her husband angrily, "Mu Qifeng, you have the face to come back and teach your daughter a lesson after being exposed for playing with women outside? Tell me honestly, why do you keep those bitches outside? Know?"

"Mom, where are you thinking?" Without waiting for Mu Qifeng to answer, Mu Yunan had already explained, "That person refers to the matter of father and sister's mother. The illegitimate daughter mentioned in the report letter also refers to the younger sister. "

Wen Meihua was stunned.For a long time I didn't figure out what was going on.

"It's been so long since your father was with that woman. He was still a small civil servant. Afterwards, the two hadn't contacted each other for a long time. Even when they brought her home, they brought her back as an adopted daughter. , your father and her real father-daughter relationship is not known at all, which goddamn thing deliberately wanted to pull your father off the horse, so he racked his brains to find out?"


(End of this chapter)

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