Chapter 134

"Damn thing?" Mu Qifeng sneered, staring at his daughter fiercely with bloodshot eyes, gnashing his teeth: "You scolded well, that damn thing is standing next to you!"

Wen Meihua was dumbfounded, she couldn't believe it, and looked at her precious daughter with shock on her face.

"Xiao Yu, what's going on? What have you done?" She shook her daughter's body vigorously, desperately wanting to know the truth.

"Mom, I didn't... I didn't do it..." Mu Yu shook his mother's hand in fear, and looked at Mu Yu'an with a begging look, "Brother, tell Mom quickly, the report letter has nothing to do with me, it's not me How could I do that kind of thing by reporting on my father..."

Mu Yu'an looked indifferently at his younger sister whose facial features were twisted by his mother's shaking, without the slightest bit of pity in his eyes.

"It was you who provided the source of information. It was you who told others about the father-daughter relationship between my sister and dad. It was you who let others take advantage of it. Now the whole world knows that my sister is an illegitimate daughter. Everyone thinks that my dad keeps a mistress." You have a bad style of work, what you have done is more hateful than the person who reported on Dad!"

"It's really you?!" Wen Meihua stared at her daughter with rounded eyes, feeling her mind was blank and unable to remember anything.

"No! Mom, it's not me..."

"There are photos to prove it, and you still refuse to admit it?" Mu Qifeng was completely desperate for this daughter.

"The photo...can't explain's just me and my friend chatting..."

"Friend? Why didn't I know that you and Du Kewei were still friends?"

Mu Yu raised her eyes in astonishment, she couldn't believe that her father knew that the disguised woman in sunglasses in the photo was Du Kewei.

"How long do you want to keep it from me? What are you packing in your head? Why did you help outsiders to frame your father!" Mu Qifeng roared angrily, and the sound of each word fell to the ground, causing the eardrums of others to ache.

Wen Meihua has always loved her daughter very much, but she knew very well that this incident today was no small matter. Seeing that her daughter was speechless at this time, it was tantamount to acquiescing that the matter had something to do with her. This realization broke her heart.

"Why are you so confused! Why are you doing this? Are you still our daughter?" She said disappointedly, trembling with anger.

"Mom, I..." Mu Yu bit her lips and tears fell like rain, her extreme panic finally collapsed under her father's angry stare.

"I'm sorry, Dad..." She walked up to Mu Qifeng and knelt down, choked up and cried, "I didn't know that things would become so serious... It was Du Kewei who came to me and said that she hated my little sister to death. I teamed up with her to deal with my little sister, making her unable to hold her head up in front of others... Du Kewei promised at the time that she was only an illegitimate daughter, but she would never expose your identity. I didn't expect her to break her promise... ...I really didn't mean to harm you, I just wanted to teach my little sister—ah—”

A heavy slap was slapped on the face, Mu Yu only felt a sweetness in his mouth, and warm liquid slipped out of the corner of his mouth.

"Bastard! What evil did I do in my previous life, how could I give birth to a creature like you!" Mu Qifeng slapped him and still couldn't let go of his hatred. The roiling anger in his heart made him want to kill someone.

"Mom..." Mu Yu, who fell on the ground, covered his rapidly swollen face, licked the blood from the corner of his mouth, and pitifully asked his mother for help. Wen Meihua couldn't bear it after all, and wanted to help her, but was stopped by Mu Qifeng.

"You have beaten her like this, how can she be our daughter? Are you really going to beat her to death?" She looked at her daughter and sighed distressedly, and then said: "Since the matter has already happened, then Hurry up and find a way to remedy it, and see if there is any way—”

"Mom, after the Municipal Party Committee received the letter of complaint and report, the relevant authorities immediately began to investigate. Although Dad is still the mayor of City A, at least tomorrow, the higher-ups will issue a document of suspension and investigation. How can there be time to think about remedies?"

What her son said made Wen Meihua feel as if she had fallen into an ice cellar, and the blood in her body seemed to freeze instantly.

"How could it be so serious?" She looked at her husband absent-mindedly, and her mind was full of how she would face the strange eyes of the world if Mu Qifeng resigned in this manner.

"Seriously?" Mu Qifeng smiled wryly, "If you really want to start an investigation, being dismissed is still the lightest."

Wen Meihua's heart was shocked—even dismissal is the lightest thing, so if it was more serious, wouldn't she be sent to jail?
"Qi Feng, even if it is found out that the girl is indeed your illegitimate daughter, at most it's a matter of style, so it won't be...wouldn't be going to jail, right?"

"Didn't you hear Ji'an say that the letter of accusation and report was mainly to accuse me of violating laws and discipline?"

"Suspected of breaking the law and discipline?" Wen Meihua was puzzled, "You have never offered bribes or received gifts, and you have never abused your power. What can we find out about you?"

"I didn't take bribes or gifts, and I didn't abuse my power." That's because he has been favored by a person for the past six years, and that person has paid him so much cash over the years that he is not responsible for those under six figures. The bribes don't catch the eye at all.

"Since there's no such thing, what's there to worry about?"

Mu Qifeng was silent for a while, and then pointed to an emerald necklace on Mu Yu's neck and said: "This is a luxury brand she bought in the United States on her birthday. The price is about seven figures. Just a necklace costs so much Money, do you think that the salary and benefits of a mere mayor in my district can afford the extravagance of this prodigal girl?"

"How much has she spent on me abroad these years? Food and clothing, which one is not the best? And you, every time you compare with those rich ladies, any outfit is five figures, do you think All that money fell from the sky? Why do you think I should not worry!"

Wen Meihua was dumbfounded.

"Thanks to your mother and daughter, such a good day is over."

Hearing this, Wen Meihua's face was ashamed.

"I warned you not to pamper her blindly, but you just didn't listen. Are you satisfied with what you see now?" Mu Qifeng glanced coldly at his limp wife, turned and walked towards the study.

Mu Yu settled down and followed.

Wen Meihua suddenly grabbed him, "Jian, is there really nothing to do?"

Mu Yu'an shook his head, took his mother's hand, and walked away expressionlessly.


(End of this chapter)

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