Chapter 135

"woke up?"

Gu Junyao lightly pecked her slightly parted lips.

The real warmth on the lips brought Nian Tong back to his senses, and his chaotic brain gradually became clear.

"You're back." She wrapped her arms around his slender neck, and her voice was soft and soft with a trace of sleepiness, mixed with a touch of warmth into Gu Junyao's ears, making the corners of his pursed mouth uneasy. Consciously hooked.

"Just came back. Why did you go to sleep on the sofa in the living room again? And you don't cover yourself with a quilt, and you're not afraid of catching a cold."

Nian Tong pouted because of his rebuke, "Who told you that you didn't come back so late and didn't give me a call, and turned off the phone, making it so mysterious. I couldn't find you and I was worried. I couldn't sleep because of tossing and turning, so I ran to the living room Wait, I didn't expect to fall asleep while waiting."

"The phone is out of battery. There are too many things in the company. I have been busy with the company's affairs, so I didn't pay attention to it." He found an excuse to perfunctory. "Don't wait for me if you encounter such a situation in the future, you can sleep in peace, and you will definitely see me when you wake up."

Nian Tong smiled.

"Did Xiaoxi go to bed early?" Gu Junyao pulled her hand and asked.

Niantong nodded, watching him loosen his tie with one hand and unbutton his shirt with five fingers in one hand, even the undressing movements are so beautiful.

"Sleep, I'll come after I take a shower."

Gu Junyao walked towards the bathroom while talking.

Nian Tong hugged Gu Junyao's pillow and looked sideways in the direction of the bathroom.

Because the door of the bathroom is designed with a concave-convex flower-shaped tempered glass with anti-fog function, Nian Tong can vaguely see what's going on inside——Gu Junyao is standing under the shower with warm and hot water flowing naked, and can vaguely distinguish The figure out of the outline of the body has the allure of looking at flowers in the mist, which makes people dream about it.

She thought of the touch of her little hand touching Gu Junyao's chest when the two were making out, and his perfect and exquisite body without a trace of excess naturally appeared in her mind, her cheeks were as red as fire, and even the roots of her ears were red as blood.

"What are you thinking, why are you blushing like that?" A pleasant voice entered my ears.

Nian Tong regained consciousness and saw that Gu Junyao came out of the bathroom with only a dry towel tied around his waist. The muscle texture lines displayed on the naked body were as perfect as Nian Tong remembered, and even more eye-catching.

"You, why... why did you come out without clothes?" Nian Tong buried her face in the pillow to hide her discomfort, but she had no resistance to the nosebleed scene in her heart.

Gu Junyao raised her eyebrows and scanned her whole body, shaking her head dumbfounded, went to the closet and took out a dark nightgown and put it on.

"Silly girl, what are you thinking about?" Going to bed and turning off the light, the room suddenly fell into boundless darkness.

It took several minutes for Niantong to get used to the dimness of the room, and felt an arm across her neck to wrap her in her arms.

She smiled and bent the corner of her mouth, and clasped the leg ring around his waist, making their embrace more intimate.

Gu Junyao laughed, "Tongtong, aren't you still on your period? Why are you so restless?"

Nian Tong's ears burned, and her face felt embarrassed.

Although she gets along with this man day and night, she has always felt insecure in her heart.

I always think that it is impossible for a man as outstanding as Gu Junyao to belong to her alone.

Especially when the phone is turned off like tonight and she can't even find anyone, she feels even more uneasy.

Fortunately, he just had too many things to do in the company and was so busy that he forgot the time.

She embraced him peacefully and fell asleep, and when the sleepiness gradually deepened, something suddenly remembered in her mind, her slightly closed eyes suddenly opened, and she raised her face slightly to look at the blurred face above her head in the dim light.

Gu Junyao hadn't fallen asleep yet, felt her staring at him, and guessed in her heart that she suddenly remembered the video.

"Tongtong, why are you staring at me when you're not sleeping?"

He took the initiative to ask, knowing that this girl would not be able to sleep if she didn't ask clearly.

Nian Tong thought for ten seconds before asking, "Uncle Gu, you are in the company today... have you heard any gossips from your employees in private?"

"Gossip? What are you referring to?" Gu Junyao pretended not to know.

he does not know?

Nian Tong was suspicious, but didn't know how to tell him about it.

"Why didn't you speak?"

Nian Tong frowned and said nothing, and shook his head after a while, "It's nothing, go to sleep first, you should be tired too."

Both sides will be unhappy if those things are said, she'd better talk about it tomorrow during the day.

Gu Junyao didn't expect her to give up the question so quickly, she was a little surprised, but didn't say much, leaned over and pressed a kiss on her forehead, and hugged her to sleep.

***********************************split line************* *********************************
The next day, Gu Junyao rarely woke up nearly an hour later than usual.

It wasn't that he stayed in bed to snooze, but that Nian Tong pretended to be asleep and hugged him and refused to let him get out of bed.

It wasn't until he said that there was an important meeting in the morning and he was going to be late that she reluctantly let go, and then stuffed herself under the quilt as if angry.

"I'll come back from get off work early at night." Seeing her childish behavior, Gu Junyao comforted her with a smile.

Nian Tong did not respond.

Hearing the sound of Gu Junyao entering the bathroom to freshen up, she got out of the quilt and sighed.

She originally wanted to hold him back and continue to ask about the matter that she didn't ask clearly last night, but it felt so good to sleep with him in her arms, and she kept procrastinating for time, but she still didn't ask about the matter clearly.

Just as she was thinking about how she was going to speak about that matter, there was a sudden movement outside the door.

The handsome little face flashed in her mind, she frowned, then got out of bed and walked out of the room.

The door of Xiaoxi's bedroom was open, but she was neither on the bed nor in the bathroom.

Nian Tong didn't find anyone, so he went straight to the study, and saw Xiao Xi sitting on the chair behind the computer desk, turning on the computer.

He wants to find Du Kewei online?

This thought startled Nian Tong, and immediately ran over and turned off the computer without saying a word.

(End of this chapter)

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