Chapter 136

"Miss?" Aunt Xue who came to open the door saw that Nian Tong was stunned, her surprised eyes fell on the little man standing beside her, and she was stunned again.

"Aunt Xue, is my father at home?"

Aunt Xue came back to her senses, and quickly said, "Oh, yes, yes, come in first, Miss, I will tell the master that you are back."

"Master?" Xiaoxi repeated the title playfully, and asked curiously, "You still have grandpa?"

Nian Tong laughed, thinking that although the little guy's grandfather taught him to speak Chinese, he didn't understand all Chinese so thoroughly.

"Master is what our servants call the elderly master."

"So the master she said refers to your father?"


"Then what shall I call him?"

This question stopped Nian Tong.

It stands to reason that her father, Xiaoxi, should be called Grandpa, but Xiaoxi doesn't recognize her as a stepmother, so she doesn't know what to call him for a while.

"Hey, I said who made Aunt Xue run to the study so nervously to find her father, so it was our little lady who came back." The mocking voice interrupted Nian Tong's thoughts.

She frowned and looked at Mu Yu who came down from upstairs, and because of Xiao Xi's presence, she decided not to argue with her.

"Who is this kid?" Mu Yu's scrutinizing eyes fell on Xiao Xi, and his eyes flashed, "You are young and full of luxury goods, where did you pick up such a treasure?"

"You just picked it up, and you'll pick it up in your next life." Xiaoxi guessed that the person who spoke mean words was the daughter of the stepmother that Nian Tong said was bullying her, and she said it immediately.

Mu Yu didn't expect the kid to be so eloquent, so he choked up and said angrily, "What the hell do you say?"

Xiao Xi snorted without showing any weakness, "How do you talk about dead woman?"

Mu Yu was so angry that her eyes turned white, and she walked over arrogantly and raised her hand to slap Xiaoxi, but Niantong looked over with her eyes, and she immediately retracted her hand and took a few steps back.

Xiaoxi noticed this and found it amusing, "She seems to be afraid of you."

Nian Tong smiled slightly, patted Xiao Xi on the forehead, and led him to the living room.

"Damn girl, you don't mean anything?" Mu Yu stopped her.

"What do you want me to say?" Nian Tong looked away, as if she didn't even want to look at her.

Mu Yu was angry.If it wasn't for the fact that she couldn't beat her and was afraid that her father would teach her a lesson if she saw her, she would have dealt with this girl long ago.

"What are you doing back?" She questioned Nian Tong in a bad tone, her tone was aggressive.

Nian Tong still ignored her.

"Do you want to come back and see how miserable we are now? Or do you want to come back to win sympathy in front of Dad and ask him to fix me?" Mu Yu snorted coldly, "If you want Dad to fix me, I'm sorry you came It's too late, Dad already beat me last night."

Hearing this, Nian Tong's heart trembled, and he looked back at Mu Yu in confusion and asked, "What do you mean? What do you mean by how miserable your life is now?"

"What are you pretending to be? In fact, you came back to ask my teacher for your crimes, right? Let me tell you! Even if I made a mistake and told Du Kewei the secret that you are father's illegitimate daughter, she would take advantage of it and kill her." Dad had someone sue the municipal party committee, but it's not your turn to teach me a lesson! And I won't apologize to you!"

Nian Tong narrowed his eyes, digested the meaning of Mu Yu's words, and then said, "You said you were the one who exposed my identity? You and Du Kewei teamed up to frame me?"

"Why did Auntie frame you?" Xiaoxi couldn't help asking after hearing several words of Du Kewei's name.

"Little aunt?" Mu Yu frowned, "Du Kewei? Is Du Kewei your little aunt?"

"That's right, she is my little aunt, what's wrong?" Xiao Xi asked Mu Yu without fear.

"That bitch used me to cause my dad to be sued and suspended for investigation. I was worried that I wouldn't be able to find her to take revenge. Since you are her nephew, of course I would use you to lure her out to see me."

"Mu Yu, shut up!"

A majestic roar came.

Nian Tong followed the prestige, and saw Mu Qifeng approaching with a livid face, with veins appearing on his face.


She called out, and caught a glimpse of her father's face that seemed to have aged a lot in just a few days, and her throat felt a little sore.

Mu Qifeng nodded slightly, and his ugly face gradually eased.

"Grandpa, I'm Gu Xici, you can call me Xiaoxi." Xiaoxi introduced himself politely.

Mu Qifeng was stunned, looking at the little boy whose facial features could vaguely distinguish the outline of the other handsome face, it took him a long time to come back to his senses, and he pulled the corner of his mouth to reveal a kind smile. "It turned out to be Yunyao's little baby, come, come here and let grandpa hug her."

Xiaoxi was embarrassed when she heard it, and turned to Nian Tong for help, but the latter turned his eyes away as if he didn't see it.

Impatient, he went over to let Mu Qifeng hug him, and then sat down beside him.

"Dad, do you think this brat is Gu Junyao's son?" Unknowingly, Mu Yu stared wide-eyed in shock, looking back and forth at Xiao Xi and Nian Tong like a monster, and then burst out laughing.

"I said, how could Gu Junyao agree to marry you? It turns out that he has such a big son. Didn't you become a mother as soon as you married? And you are also a stepmother?"

Mu Yu couldn't help laughing at the thought.

"What's wrong with being my stepmother? It depends on what kind of person is qualified to be a stepmother." Xiaoxi was dissatisfied with Mu Yu's bitterness, and returned her coldly.

Mu Qifeng couldn't bear it anymore and glared at his daughter who refused to change after repeated admonition, with a look of disappointment on his face.

"Go back to your room, don't be ashamed here."

"Dad, why do you always favor her? That little brat is not her own. What kind of grandfather, he calls him so affectionately. You admit this kind of ready-made grandfather, and you really think you are his grandfather."

"Bastard! You go away or not!"

Mu Yu was slapped by his father last night, and now his face is still swollen and painful. Hearing what his father said, although he felt unhappy, he didn't dare to say anything more. Besides, his mother happened to be away. If she was really taught by her father There was no one to help her at all.

Thinking of this, she glared at Nian Tong, and reluctantly turned and went upstairs with heavy steps.

(End of this chapter)

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