Chapter 137

Mu Qifeng rubbed his aching temple with a headache, closed his eyes and suppressed the churning emotions in his chest, and then looked at his little daughter and said, "Why didn't Junyao go back home with you?"

"Back to the door?" Nian Tong had no idea about this word.

"Miss, there is a folk custom that the new son-in-law will accompany the bride back to her mother's house on the third day after marriage. This is called returning to the door. Why doesn't Miss know?" Aunt Xue who came to serve tea to Nian Tong was surprised. road.

Nian Tong smiled awkwardly and shook her head.

Her parents did not approve of her marriage with Gu Junyao, and Wen Meihua here would not tell her these things, so how could she know.

Mu Qifeng guessed what his daughter was thinking, and a trace of guilt crossed his face.

"It's okay, we don't have to follow the trend of this custom. Junyao is usually so busy, how can he remember these little things, it's the same for Xiaoxi to come back with you."

Nian Tong looked at his father, feeling very sad.

After Aunt Xue left, Nian Tong looked at his father and asked, "Dad, why didn't you tell me about such a big thing?"

"Nothing major happened, everything is fine, don't listen to that crazy girl talking nonsense."

"Dad, don't hide it from me. I know it all. I called you and brother immediately after I found out last night, but you all turned off your phones. I had a premonition that the situation was serious. Something must have happened, so I was worried. Come back."

Mu Qifeng opened his mouth, but didn't say anything.

Nian Tong opened his lips and wanted to say something, but glanced at Xiaoxi who was sitting quietly at the side, thinking that some words were not suitable for him to listen to, so he said, "Xiaoxi, there are many interesting toys in my room, as well as a complete set of game equipment

, you go to play a game first, and I will chat with grandpa about homework, okay? "

Xiaoxi nodded, "Where is your room?"

"The second room upstairs, let's go, I'll take you there."


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Nian Tong came down from upstairs, saw that his father was not in the living room, and was about to ask Aunt Xue, but Wen Meihua who had gone out came back.

Seeing Nian Tong, the expression on her face couldn't hide her astonishment.

"Madam is back? The young lady just entered the door not long ago." Aunt Xue came over to take the things in Wen Meihua's hand and said.

Nian Tong thought that Wen Meihua would stab her as usual, but she just nodded and walked away without saying a word.

"Miss, the master is in the study." Aunt Xue knew that Nian Tong was looking for her father.

Nian Tong nodded in thanks, then glanced at Wen Meihua who was walking towards the living room, frowned, and walked towards the study.

When Mu Qifeng heard the knock on the door, he knew that the youngest daughter was outside, so he came in.

Nian Tong opened the door and saw her father sitting behind a rectangular desk. Seeing her come in, she motioned for her to sit down on the chair opposite.

"Tongtong, Dad knows that you are a filial daughter, but there are some things you'd better not know, because it won't do you any good."

"But you are the closest blood relationship to me in this world. How could I be indifferent even though I know you have difficulties?"

"It's okay, don't worry, no matter how difficult or difficult it is to solve, there will always be a solution in the end. Don't meddle in it. Dad doesn't want you to be hurt again." He has already owed this daughter too much, causing her to bear the illegitimate daughter all her life. This heavy mountain can no longer allow her to suffer any harm because of herself.

"Dad, why do you say that. I know that maybe I can't help you, but I really want to know what's going on. Why did my sister join forces with Du Kewei to deal with me? Doesn't she know that this will give you Have a serious impact?"

"That useless thing has a head, and it's full of rubbish!"

When Mu Qifeng mentioned Mu Yu, he was so angry that his chest ached, and his whole body was filled with blood.

"She helped that woman surnamed Du to deal with you, and told that woman everything she knew. Immediately yesterday afternoon, someone wrote an anonymous report letter to the municipal party committee to accuse me of violating the law and discipline, saying that I was outsourcing to raise mistresses. I have an illegitimate daughter, and I was accused of corrupt behavior. So early this morning, I received a punishment from my superiors who suspended me for investigation."

Although Nian Tong thought that the exposure of his identity would affect his father's career, he didn't expect the situation to be so serious.

"I'm not afraid of any punishment. It's just that you won't be able to raise your head in front of people in the future. Dad feels guilty."

"Dad, don't say that." Niantong's mind was in a mess, but he still didn't forget to comfort his father, "Although I don't know what happened, the information related to this incident that circulated on the Internet has disappeared out of thin air. .”

"Disappeared?" Mu Qifeng was shocked.

"Yes, I can't find this information on the Internet. Some URLs I searched yesterday and reopened show that the accessed content does not exist."

He must have been tampered with, right?
Mu Qifeng slandered in his heart, but he couldn't figure out what was going on in that man's heart.

If he was afraid of Tongtong's injury, he made people know the information thoroughly, but wouldn't it be too late?

After all, the impact has already been caused, and now few people don't know that Tongtong is his illegitimate daughter.

What the hell is he trying to do?Or what purpose do you want to achieve through this matter?
"Dad, although I can't help you much, Gu Junyao's power in City A is not small, and some of his friends are high-level politicians and police officers. I will call him now and ask him to help you think about it." Method."

As Niantong said, he took out the phone from his jeans pocket, and Mu Qifeng stopped him immediately when he saw this, "Tongtong, no need, Dad will handle this matter by himself, please don't call him."

"Why?" Nian Tong was puzzled by his father's almost terrified expression, "Dad, he is your son-in-law, what's wrong with asking him to help you?"

"It's not wrong, it's because Dad is afraid that things will get bigger and bigger, and the impact will be worse, which will make things more difficult." Mu Qifeng casually found an excuse to perfuse his daughter, "Okay, Xiaoxi came to our house on the first day As a guest, don't just care about Dad and ignore him, go upstairs to see him, I will deal with some things first."


"Okay, you go out first." Mu Qifeng interrupted her with a wave of his hand, took some documents on the desk and began to read them.

Seeing this, Nian Tong had no choice but to leave the study.

(End of this chapter)

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